MedTech Militia

MedTech Militia

Social Networking Platforms

The #1 networking channel for sales, marketing, and clinical professionals in the MedTech industry.

About us

Leveraging over 30 years of industry experience, the team at MedTech Militia is laser-focused on building a community rooted in collaborative problem-solving. Backed by some of the largest names in the MedTech space, each of our members receive: - Exclusive content and newsletters - Access to a Slack community with moderated discussion channels - Robust member directory - Weekly career workshops - Job board - Curated networking events - Open office hours - 1v1 virtual coffee chats every 2 weeks - Vendor discounts Want to learn more? Schedule a chat with our Co-Founders!

Social Networking Platforms
Company size
2-10 employees
Colorado Springs
medical device, MedTech, HealthTech, professional development, media production, sales training, networking, and community


Employees at MedTech Militia


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    View profile for Adam Newquist, graphic

    Husband / Father / Technology Enthusiast / Competitive Seller / ALL - IN

    Beau and I met 15 years ago and the impact he has had on my life has been nothing short of divine intervention. He constantly thinks about others, sacrifices for others, lives his life for others. When you get to meet him you will say the same thing. On Friday, August 23rd, Beau was diagnosed with an extrememly rare and aggeresive type of Bone cancer and now after a lifetime of helping other people, without ever asking anything in return, he needs our help. He's a husband, father of two young children, and just the best dude on the planet. Please help our best friend if you can.

    Donate to Support Beau's Fight Against Rare Bone Cancer, organized by Adam Newquist

    Donate to Support Beau's Fight Against Rare Bone Cancer, organized by Adam Newquist

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    View profile for AJ Henty, graphic

    Medical Device CEO | Lead Training Consultant | Social Media Strategist | Content Creator | Product Launch Resource | Batteries Included Asset

    Make sure you remember this wherever you go today: Not everyone has the luxury of having the day off. Nurses are in hospitals Physicians are in surgery EMTs are onsite saving lives Police are patrolling the streets Firefighters are racing to the scene & medical device reps are covering cases. These people are important, but so are the: Cashiers at the grocery store Baristas making your iced coffee Servers at the restaurant you’re at Uber drivers getting you home safely Flight attendants saying take your seat & retail associates restocking Labor Day sales. They all would rather be enjoying their day. Perspective is a powerful thing. Show some grace. ✌️ P.S. These donuts lived up to their Top Fair Dessert hype. #personaldevelopment #salescoaching

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    View profile for Beau Barron, MBA, graphic

    VP of Sales and Strategy - ViewFi Health

    Last Friday, I was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer—Osteosarcoma of the mandible, which occurs in just 0.06% of cases. Five months ago, I noticed a swollen area on the outside of my gum. Unsure of what it was, I went to my dentist, who then referred me to a periodontist. For months, I was shuffled between providers, but no one could pinpoint the issue. Finally, I found an oral surgeon in Atlanta who was committed to finding a diagnosis. After undergoing countless procedures, we were still no closer to an answer. This led my oral surgeon to recommend a tissue biopsy. My wife and I attended that appointment together, and before the procedure, we reviewed the CT scans. It was clear that the bone on the right side of my jaw was significantly thicker than the left. My surgeon suggested it was likely due to teeth grinding or favoring one side while eating. After five months of pain, I disagreed and pushed for a bone biopsy as well. Although the surgeon initially deemed it unnecessary, I insisted, and he agreed to “see how it looks” during the procedure. I’ll never forget when he held up the petri dish and said, “I got that bone you asked for…” Two weeks later, that piece of bone came back positive for Osteosarcoma. The takeaway? ALWAYS ADVOCATE FOR YOURSELF! Moving forward, I’ll begin my first round of inpatient chemotherapy at Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University on September 9th, followed by surgery to remove and reconstruct part of my jaw. Thanks to Dan Burks & Brittany Howard I’ll be meeting with the Head & Neck team at Mayo Clinic in Arizona on 9/4. Their team is a Center of Excellence for treating my rare form of cancer. Dan, a longtime friend, happened to be sitting with Brittany when I called to share my diagnosis. Amazingly, Brittany is part of the team that specializes in exactly the type of cancer I have, which again makes up just 0.06% of cases. She proceeded to stay on the phone with me and explain every detail of my diagnosis to help me understand exactly what battle I have ahead of me. This single conversation gave me so much hope and the fact that she was there when I called Dan is God showing up when I needed him most. Thanks to Kelly Anne O'Neill’s recommendation, I will also be working with Kristin Oja, DNP, FNP-C, IFMCP & STAT Wellness in Atlanta to optimize my health throughout this journey. Turns out, Kristin is also my brother in law’s nextdoor neighbor…Another great example of God placing specific people in my life to help me receive the care I need. I’m deeply thankful for the support from family, friends, and colleagues—your kindness means everything to me. As I face this challenge, I ask for your continued prayers, trusting that, no matter the outcome, God will work through this and bring about something good. Time to get to work!💪

    Don’t Waste Your Cancer

    Don’t Waste Your Cancer

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    View profile for AJ Henty, graphic

    Medical Device CEO | Lead Training Consultant | Social Media Strategist | Content Creator | Product Launch Resource | Batteries Included Asset

    If this isn’t how your audience is reacting to your content You need to spend more time listening to them. It starts with asking the right questions: Who is the target? What are their goals? Where are their pain points? Now that you have your data, the real work starts. It’s great to know your audience, But all that knowledge means nothing Unless you put that information into action. You don’t need an MBA to understand that. Creating content, & marketing in general, doesn’t work unless something happens. It’s a simple formula when you break it down: —> Poll your audience —> Listen to their feedback —> Put a strategic plan in place. It’s not rocket science. It’s marketing. ✌️ P.S. 10/10 audience approval rating for this project. #medicaldevicesales #salestraining #medicaleducation

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    View profile for AJ Henty, graphic

    Medical Device CEO | Lead Training Consultant | Social Media Strategist | Content Creator | Product Launch Resource | Batteries Included Asset

    I wish they told me 15 years ago when I started in medical device sales. Nobody will remember: -Your RepTrax score -How many trays you carried (uphill) -How often you said the x-ray “looks good” People will remember: -If you contaminated the C-arm drape in surgery. Seriously, the entire operating room will remember. Watch where you’re walking. ✌️ P.S. Photo of a beard less, bun less AJ in training. #medicaldevicesales #salestraining #medicaleducation

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    View profile for AJ Henty, graphic

    Medical Device CEO | Lead Training Consultant | Social Media Strategist | Content Creator | Product Launch Resource | Batteries Included Asset

    I wasted too much on other social platforms. How I was using LinkedIn 13 years ago: —> Glorified resume —> Posted once a year —> Scrolled my feed quarterly —> Never sent out connection requests Here’s how I use LinkedIn today: —> Building my personal brand —> Posting multiple times per week —> Scrolling my feed on a daily basis —> Sending targeted connection requests & a sprinkle of Taylor Swift from time to time. But the best part about being active on LinkedIn: —> Copywriting tips & templates —> Endless networking opportunities —> Medical device industry trends & insights —> Different ways to access hospitals & physicians It’s the information for me 🙋♂️ Everyday I learn skills I actively implement in my life. So this is your friendly PSA: If you’re still using LinkedIn like it’s 2011, Tomorrows not the day to change Today is! ✌️ CTA: What’s one way you use LI today? #medicaldevicesales #salestraining #linkedin

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    View profile for AJ Henty, graphic

    Medical Device CEO | Lead Training Consultant | Social Media Strategist | Content Creator | Product Launch Resource | Batteries Included Asset

    1st day back to work > Last day of vacation Unpopular opinion but think about that final day: Packing to go home Feeling drained & moody Anxious for the upcoming to do list Yet that 1st day back to work has a different energy: Excitement for the upcoming to do list Feeling recharged & refocused Catching up on prior week With only 19 weeks left of the year —> it’s GO time. No more snoozing the alarm. Let’s rock, Monday! ✌️ P.S. Morning chat with Seth Turnoff & Sol was a bonus way to start the day. #MedDeviceMonday #medicaldevicesales #salestraining

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    View profile for Preston Alexander, graphic

    The Taylor Swift of LinkedIn healthcare writing

    I've got the best news ever We're short over 200,000 physicians Wait, shoot, that's actually terrible news So maybe not best news, but silver lining news The scariest part of starting something new A clinic A startup A practice An herbal tea line Is the question, what happens if I fail? Go get a job You're still a doctor That safety net isn't going anywhere What are you waiting for? ..... No, for real What? That wasn't a rhetorical question Tell me in the comments P.S. If you want some practical business what have you, tune into The Healthcare Breakdown, where we breakdown the business of healthcare so you can get in there and do your thing Check it out here: See you out there!

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    View profile for Greg VanDyne, graphic

    Former Green Beret Medic Turned Mental Health Fanatic | Community Builder | Podcast Host | Expat | Husband and Father

    Join a startup they said. It’ll be fun they said. Sound familiar? Me too. Teddy Mitrosilis seems to always hit the mark—and this take is no different. Startups absolutely get romanticized. But behind the curtains, it’s a lot of unglamorous work. Some people thrive in this environment. That’s great. Others don’t and that’s equally as great. Different strokes for different folks. Be true to you.

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