Camus Energy has shared a strong case study proving the multi-million dollar cost effectiveness for utilities of smart management of residential EV charging. #gridresiliency #smartgridtechnology #electricitygridintegration
Our work with The AES Corporation discovered the tipping point (just 5%) for AES Indiana when smart management of residential EV charging provides grid-wide benefits and savings (up to $75 million annually) that outweigh costs. Now, we’re sharing the 5-step blueprint to repeat that analysis for any utility service territory. Step 1: Use AMI and GIS data to identify EV locations Step 2: Model future EV adoption Step 3: Establish EV charging coincidence assumptions Step 4: Assess grid impacts of intervention approaches Step 5: Quantify costs and benefits Replicate this approach and unlock millions in capital flexibility for your utility. Contact us for a 1:1 discussion or try out our interactive demo: