The Fair Play Policy Institute

The Fair Play Policy Institute

Research Services

Los Angeles, California 2,172 followers

Valuing unpaid time, fostering more fairness & inspiring individual fulfillment.

About us

Fair Play Life is guided by the principle that all time is created equal and every individual has the right to time choice. Through innovative and solution-based content, partnerships and programs, Fair Play Life strives to reframe the value of unpaid time in the home organization, fostering more fairness and healthier partnerships and inspiring individual fulfillment and creative self-expression. More broadly, Fair Play Life aims to spark a social movement that elevates the value of care and gender equity in the workplace and influences sustainable and lasting change on a policy level.

Research Services
Company size
2-10 employees
Los Angeles, California


Employees at The Fair Play Policy Institute


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    View profile for Lena Hoppe, graphic

    Executive Coach (ACC) / Fair Play Method Facilitator / Positive Intelligence / ex AUDI AG: C-Level Communications Expert / #WOL

    Gleich zwei Vorträge über die Fair Play Methode habe ich im Juni gehalten! 🤗 ⚖   Immer wieder kam die Sprache dabei auf die Männer. Auf all die Väter, die es ja schon jetzt in so vielen Fällen unheimlich gut machen und ehrlich an einer gleichberechtigten Partnerschaft interessiert sind. Und die dabei ganz schön kämpfen müssen: gegen die Erwartungen, die historisch an Männer gestellt wurden. Und gegen die strengen geschlechtsspezifischen Beschränkungen, die wir Jungen und Männern als Gesellschaft ebenso wie als Individuen immer noch auferlegen. ➡ 👨 Das Stereotyp verlangt von einem Mann unter anderem, selbstständig zu sein, sich hart zu verhalten, auf eine spezifische Weise körperlich attraktiv zu sein und vielleicht auch Aggression zur Lösung von Konflikten einzusetzen. Unsere Männer stecken also in einer Box fest. Und in der ist es ganz schön eng und unbequem...   In 2017 haben Equimundo: Center for Masculinities and Social Justice und Axe / Unilever mit der „Man Box“ Studie dieses rigide Konstrukt kultureller Ideen über männliche Identität aufgedeckt – 2019 folgte eine weitere Studie über die wirtschaftlichen Kosten der „Man Box“, die allein für US, UK und Mexiko mit 20,9 Mrd. USD beziffert wird! Die Studien verlinke ich in den Kommentaren.   Derlei Überzeugungen und Erwartungen einer Gesellschaft ändern sich nur langsam. Selbst in der egalitärsten Beziehung ist es für Paare und Familien daher leicht, „aus Versehen“ immer wieder in die alten Geschlechterrollen zu schlüpfen.   Was, denkt Ihr, können wir tun, um Jungen und Männer darin zu unterstützen aus der „Man Box“ auszusteigen?   #FairPlay #Life #Gleichberechtigung #GenderEquality #PowerOfCoaching #LenaHoppeCoaching   PS: Fair Play ist eine geniale, spielerische Lösung für unser Vereinbarkeitsproblem zwischen Beruf und Familie – Fair Play ist ein Win-Win für beide Partner. Der New York Times Bestseller von Eve Rodsky basiert auf immens viel substanziellem Research – und dazu gibt es auch ein Kartenset aus 100 Spielkarten: eine für jede nur erdenkliche Aufgabe zu Hause. Bei uns hat übrigens mein Mann das Fair Play System nach Hause gebracht – und heute bin ich die erste Certified Fair Play Method Facilitatorin Deutschlands. The Fair Play Policy Institute PPS: 👋 Ich bin Lena: Als Business und Life Coach habe ich mir zum Ziel gesetzt, ambitionierten Eltern zu einer gesunden Work-Life-Balance und zu einer gleichberechtigten Partnerschaft zu verhelfen. Ich unterstütze meine Klient_innen auf dem Weg zu mehr Autonomie und befähige sie, Klarheit über ihre Prioritäten und somit eine größere Lebenszufriedenheit zu erlangen. 🔔 Dir gefällt dieser Post? Du möchtest mehr davon sehen? Dann folge mir und klicke auf die kleine Glocke oben rechts in meinem Profil.

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  • In our society, men’s time is finite like diamonds, and women’s time is infinite like sand, so repetitive daily grind tasks and especially the conception and planning of those tasks fall on women - thank you, Emma Haslett, for helping us change the narrative!

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    Business journalist, author and podcast host

    Good morning. #FOOD FACTS: 🍳 In 2022, women cooked 4.7 more meals a week than men 🥗 But in Italy, men cooked 0.4 *more* meals than women 🍕 In professional kitchens, just 18.5% of chefs are women 🌮 Studies have shown the drudgery of catering for their families contributes to burnout among women What would the fallout would be if women in heterosexual relationships just… stopped cooking? Eve Rodsky has suggested that, because of the way boys are raised, men are protective of their free time (and hobbies)—and women can (unwittingly) be “complicit in our own oppression”. Years ago, I stopped cooking. I stopped shopping, meal planning, and thinking about food. I stepped away from the kitchen, and my husband stepped in. I've written about it—and why it's a #feminist statement—for The Persistent 🍲 🍗 🥞 🍔 🍝

    The Day I Walked Out of The Kitchen

    The Day I Walked Out of The Kitchen

  • The Fair Play Policy Institute reposted this

    View profile for Rachel Wolfe, graphic

    Econ Reporter @ The Wall Street Journal | 🏳️🌈

    My first story as an economics reporter at The Wall Street Journal is out today on the cover of the Saturday Exchange section! If you have a second this weekend to give it a read, I promise it'll be worth your while. It's about why 2024 is the summer of women doing it all—and paying the price. When my new colleague Justin Lahart discovered that women's labor force participation rates had not only come back from a steep Covid decline, but actually reached new heights, we knew we wanted to write about it. But as I started chatting with working moms—who comprise a large chunk of those entering or returning to the labor market—I realized the story is more nuanced. While this milestone is great for the economy and for women's household incomes, it's more complicated for their lives. The same work-from-home opportunities that have enabled women to enter or rejoin the workforce in record numbers are also shackling them with record responsibilities. Many say they are effectively working two full-time jobs: managing their households and their careers.  As a ~working woman~ I'm particularly proud to get this one published and to hopefully help further this important conversation! Read the story (without a paywall) and let me know what you think and if you can relate!

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  • It is so exciting to see the amazing work our Certified Fair Play Method Facilitators are doing around the WORLD. Thank you, Lena Hoppe, for helping to spread the word about Fair Play!

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    Ich arbeite für Hamburg

    ⏰️ ALLE ZEIT IST GLEICHWERTIG ⏰️ ... ist doch klar, oder etwa nicht? Fair wäre es zumindest ... Genau hier setzte Fair Play an. Ein spielerischer Ansatz die unsichtbare (Care)Arbeit sichtbar zu machen, besser zu strukturieren und gerechter zu verteilen. Es gibt 4 Grundregeln: ✅️ 1: Die Zeit jedes Partners ist gleich viel wert ✅️ 2: Sie haben ein Recht darauf, interessant zu sein ✅️ 3: Beginnen Sie jetzt und heute ✅️ 4: Legen Sie gemeinsam Regeln und Standards fest Und dann werden die Karten (Aufgaben) neu gemischt. Wichtig ist hierbei, dass eine Person die Aufgabe vollständig übernimmt, um echte Entlastung zu schaffen. Jede Aufgabe umfasst dabei stets die folgenden Punkte: 👀 Erfassen (Conception) 📋 Planung (Planning) 💪 Ausführung (Execution) 🤝 Minimal Konsens der Ausführung (Minimum Standard of Care) Ich durfte heute einen besonderen Abend mit Lena Hoppe erleben, an dem Sie für uns die Fair Play Methode von Eve Rodsky mit Leben gefüllt hat. Nun heißt es zu Hause Karten auf den Tisch! ➡️ 🦄 Und was das Ganze mit Einhörner zu tun hat, dass muss Lena Euch selbst verraten... #Fairplay #Carearbeit #Mentalload #lifeworkbalance #Geschlechtergerechtigkeit #Partnerschaft #Eltern #Coaching

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  • The Fair Play Policy Institute reposted this

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    One of the things we value most at Moms First is our community, and boy, do we have one hell of an extraordinary community. 💚 Last month, on the heels of our inaugural #MomsFirstSummit, we launched a petition urging CNN to ask about the child care crisis during the first presidential debate. And in just 25 days, nearly 15,000 of you raised your voices and elevated child care all the way to the presidential debate stage. A massive shout out to our amazing partners — Blue Star Families, Bobbie,, Count on Mothers, Equimundo: Center for Masculinities and Social Justice, The Fair Play Policy Institute, Happiest Baby (the maker of SNOO), LIFT, Inc., The National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC), National Parents Union, Red Wine and Blue, ROE v BROS, The Mom Project, Share Our Strength, and Vivvi — for getting loud about this issue with us. This campaign was driven by the stories we hear from moms every day. And last week's debate only reinforced what we already knew: when moms unite and advocate for ourselves, we can make a powerful impact.

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    View profile for Frederick Van Riper, R-PLC, graphic

    Relationship coach for busy dads | Host of the Dads Interrupted podcast | Certified RETAIN Parental Leave Coach | Invisible Labor Coach | Husband & Father

    My wife and I split up and our relationship has never been better! No, we didn’t get divorced. We split up the mental, emotional and physical load in our home using Fair Play… And it ignited a shift in me… in my appreciation for the work my wife had been doing largely without me for so many years… and in the way I appreciated my job… of Dad. Here’s the thing about being a mom or a dad… It’s work. It is unpaid work. And if that work is imbalanced, it is resentment… And bickering, defensiveness, insecurity, shame, blame, fighting, conflict, yelling, crying…. And quite possibly a more painful kind of split. What Eve Rodsky helped me see, I can’t unsee. Everything that it takes to run a home is so much more than the tangible… And so much more IMPORTANT. When we don’t begin fatherhood journeys with parental leave, it perpetuates the idea that dads don’t matter and moms should handle it all. But dads are not only capable caregivers. Dads are needed. Our kids need us. Our partners need us. We need us. What I realized after becoming a Certified Fair Play Method Facilitator and a Center for Parental Leave Leadership Certified RETAIN Parental Leave Coach… The systems are poorly designed… They are set up so that we get in line and follow the rules… But the “rules” of engagement keep us disengaged. For dads, it keeps our worth tied to being ONLY a financial provider. I don’t know about you, but I won’t miss that work meeting when I’m gone, but I sure as hell will miss my kids and my wife. I’m a dad and I am a provider… I provide mental emotional and physical labor split equitably between my wife and I. I provide hugs and kisses for my kids. I provide meals that I prepare for my family. I provide time and attention and energy when we laugh together, cry together, play board games, read books, do homework, tell stories, watch movies, go on hikes... I provide care - diaper changing, bottle feedings, cleaning, taking the kids to the dentist or doctor, talking about hard things … And I will be there for the even harder stuff, like heartaches, sickness, grief and loss… Oh yeah, I provide money too, almost forgot about that …. maybe providing means more… My wife and I would’ve split up if Fair Play didn’t open my eyes that splitting up the load is a much better split than splitting up our family - a way to diminish resentment and repair fractures. Be well. Be kind. Do good. ❤️ Inward. - - - 👋 I’m Frederick and I help driven men unlock a life well-lived, not just well-worked.

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  • The Fair Play Policy Institute reposted this

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    Transforming Parental Support and Life Integration for Parents, Managers, and Employers | Community Leader | Coach & Educator | Founder, The Parents Table

    💫Big Win Today!💫 I, along with my two amazing colleagues, Nikki Goldwater, Teresa Urbina, rocked the workshop on Strategies to Manage Household Responsibilities in the First Year hosted by Center for Parental Leave Leadership! We spoke about: 🌟 Unpacking how unconscious bias and unspoken expectations shape how tasks get 'assigned', and how to begin intentionally changing them in your home. 🌟 Exploring what the scope of infant care may look like for your family, highlighting the #invisiblelabor and #mentalload that keeps things moving. 🌟 How to develop a practice of self-reflection and shared language to discuss the labor of parenthood. 🌟 Identify strategies to have constructive conversations with your partner before or after baby arrives to help #sharetheload. 🌟 Practical tools, techniques and systems, such as The Fair Play Method by The Fair Play Policy Institute and Persist designed to streamline household management and foster collaboration between partners. We would love to do this workshop for companies and groups as well. If you would be interested in having this workshop at your company or your organization, please DM me!

  • "...even as an individual Solitaire, where you realize how wide the range of activities associated with the management of family life is, it has its value and is worth the time and small money. I recommend buying it with the book.” Thank you, Petr Pouchlý, for sharing your experience!

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    🃏Business Game Navigator @ Court of Moravia

    Práce v zaměstnání je vnímaná jako hodnotnější, nežli práce doma. Péče o domácnost a potomky není považována za práci. Neviditelná práce je neviditelná*. Jak bychom mohli vést klidnější diskuzi o distribuci práce v domácnosti? Co vlastně všechno leží na bedrech běžných dospělých rodičů? Kde začít, kdybychom chtěli začít pracovat na změně? Rozpad situace do karet s elegantním návodem a scénáři řešení, zabalený do hávu hry. To je Fair Play. Skvělý nástroj pro vedení důležitých rozhovorů v každé domácnosti z pera Eve Rodsky | The Fair Play Policy Institute. Máme v Court of Moravia vášeň pro podobná řešení a někdy mám pocit, že máme karty snad úplně na všechno ;). Takže o to více cením tento kousek. Koncept hry je úplná klasika. Narozdíl od mnohých podobných designů je však dotažený nejen obsahově, ale i metodicky. Samozřejmě zásadní problém je ve skutečnosti, že i s kartami je to velmi bolestivá diskuze, která odhaluje situaci velmi transparentně. Autorka na to myslí a pro vyrovnané dospělé jedince je to v pohodě. Pro páry, kde je jedna strana hodně zabedněná, to bohužel bude bez mediátora nehratelné. Na druhou stranu i jako individuální pasiáns, kde si uvědomíte, jak široký je rozsah činností spojených s managementem rodinného života, má svou hodnotu a stojí za ten čas a drobný peníz. Doporučuji koupit i s knihou**. #gildo #bgd #businessgamedesign #feminism #seriousgame #invisiblework * No shit, Sherlock! ** Ta na ilustrační fotografii není. Naopak zvířátka nejsou součástí původního balení.

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  • The Fair Play Policy Institute reposted this

    View profile for Frederick Van Riper, R-PLC, graphic

    Relationship coach for busy dads | Host of the Dads Interrupted podcast | Certified RETAIN Parental Leave Coach | Invisible Labor Coach | Husband & Father

    My wife and I split up and our relationship has never been better! No, we didn’t get divorced. We split up the mental, emotional and physical load in our home using Fair Play… And it ignited a shift in me… in my appreciation for the work my wife had been doing largely without me for so many years… and in the way I appreciated my job… of Dad. Here’s the thing about being a mom or a dad… It’s work. It is unpaid work. And if that work is imbalanced, it is resentment… And bickering, defensiveness, insecurity, shame, blame, fighting, conflict, yelling, crying…. And quite possibly a more painful kind of split. What Eve Rodsky helped me see, I can’t unsee. Everything that it takes to run a home is so much more than the tangible… And so much more IMPORTANT. When we don’t begin fatherhood journeys with parental leave, it perpetuates the idea that dads don’t matter and moms should handle it all. But dads are not only capable caregivers. Dads are needed. Our kids need us. Our partners need us. We need us. What I realized after becoming a Certified Fair Play Method Facilitator and a Center for Parental Leave Leadership Certified RETAIN Parental Leave Coach… The systems are poorly designed… They are set up so that we get in line and follow the rules… But the “rules” of engagement keep us disengaged. For dads, it keeps our worth tied to being ONLY a financial provider. I don’t know about you, but I won’t miss that work meeting when I’m gone, but I sure as hell will miss my kids and my wife. I’m a dad and I am a provider… I provide mental emotional and physical labor split equitably between my wife and I. I provide hugs and kisses for my kids. I provide meals that I prepare for my family. I provide time and attention and energy when we laugh together, cry together, play board games, read books, do homework, tell stories, watch movies, go on hikes... I provide care - diaper changing, bottle feedings, cleaning, taking the kids to the dentist or doctor, talking about hard things … And I will be there for the even harder stuff, like heartaches, sickness, grief and loss… Oh yeah, I provide money too, almost forgot about that …. maybe providing means more… My wife and I would’ve split up if Fair Play didn’t open my eyes that splitting up the load is a much better split than splitting up our family - a way to diminish resentment and repair fractures. Be well. Be kind. Do good. ❤️ Inward. - - - 👋 I’m Frederick and I help driven men unlock a life well-lived, not just well-worked.

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