This summer, we collaborated with Bloomberg's Corporate Philanthropy and Engineering Recruiting teams to help pilot the Best Of Bloomberg (BOB) Hacks volunteer program 💻 During this 7-week program, 21 Bloomberg college interns and 8 mentors from Bloomberg's Engineering department applied design-thinking to develop technology solutions for nonprofits. This included gathering stakeholder requirements, prototyping solutions in a 12-hour hackathon, and pitching their proposals to our nonprofit partners. Together with them, Develop for Good will be exploring the further development of the tech projects proposed by Bloomberg interns. Many thanks to our friends at Bloomberg - Kristie Ramdeo, Morgan Quercia, Lumilla Laporte, Vanessa Luna, Malia Simonds, and Darlene Escobar - for the opportunity to support bringing this initiative to life. Big shoutout to CHANGE Arts' Executive Director Matt Freeman and South Bronx United's Executive Director Andrew So for their collaboration as our key nonprofit partners. #ImpactInAction