Water plays a very important role in this world. One can survive without food for even a month but certainly, cannot live without water even for a few days. Three-fourths of the world is covered with water and the human body comprises about 75 percent of water. 97 percent of the water on earth is
In India, one of the first questions every new homeowner wants to be answered is the quality and abundance of water in his new home. Your home could have access to water from two sources – water piped in by the municipal board, or water is drawn up from the ground, either from conventional wells
Xmas Eve is just around the corner, and so are all the yummy Xmas goodies. However, we wish we could just gorge on those Christmas delicacies and yet knock those extra calories. However, staying fit takes some discipline and hard work. To get over the guilt of gorging on plum cakes, brownies, and chocolates; most
Water purifiers have become a very serious need for the people. It is literally difficult for one to survive without water purifiers in such a polluted world of today. Water purifiers help in maintaining a healthy life by protecting people from several water-borne diseases. There are different types of water purifiers and one among them