The house of KARL LAGERFELD shares the iconic vision and design aesthetic of its founder, Karl Lagerfeld, fused with a contemporary, forward-looking spirit.

The arrival of legendary fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld at the opening of the London Regent Street store is met by a crowd of eagerly awaiting photographers.​

Karl Lagerfeld at London Regent St. Store Opening, © KARL LAGERFELD

The signature KARL LAGERFELD aesthetic combines Parisian classics with a rock-chic attitude and tailored silhouettes. Its portfolio of accessible, aspirational collections includes ready-to-wear for women, men and kids, plus bags and small leathergoods. Additional collections include watches, eyewear, footwear, perfumes, candles and fashion jewelry.

Driven by consumer engagement, KARL LAGERFELD’s immersive retail experience includes more than 200 monobrand stores worldwide, with key locations in Paris, London, Munich, Moscow, New York, Dubai and Shanghai. The brand further connects with consumers through a premium wholesale distribution network in Europe, the Middle East and Asia.

Karl Lagerfeld pictured wearing his iconic high-collared white shirt, sleek leather gloves and signature sunglasses.​



Fashion icon Karl Lagerfeld was renowned worldwide for his aspirational, relevant and cutting-edge approach to style. He was a force of nature, coupled with an enigmatic persona and an original perspective on fashion and pop culture.

In addition to being the creative director of his signature brand, Lagerfeld oversaw the creative direction of the Chanel and Fendi fashion houses. His visionary talent further expanded beyond fashion to include illustration, photography, styling and publishing. 


For nearly a decade, Pier Paolo Righi has been leading KARL LAGERFELD as its CEO, and he worked in tandem with Karl Lagerfeld. “We feel honor and responsibility to be the only fashion House in the world that carries Karl Lagerfeld’s name on its doorbell,” Righi says. “We are the sole custodians of his legacy. We have built this brand around the very unique attributes of Karl himself and his spirit of creative curiosity.”

Under Righi’s leadership, the business has expanded globally and has experienced 30% compounded annual growth for the last five years. With a focus on innovation and sustainability, Righi drives the company in Karl’s spirit and according to his mantra: “Embrace the present and invent the future.”

“Karl has given us all the ingredients to be and to continue to be the desirable designer brand that we are,” Righi says. “As a true Karl family, we are driven and inspired, and in a unique place to build the world’s leading accessible designer brand. Karl continues to be present in the way that our organization is set up; it’s about curiosity, change, moving forward and large amounts of creativity. His spirit is in what we do every day.”

Righi is half-Italian and half-German, and has over 25 years of experience in the international fashion, sports and lifestyle industries. 


Pier Paolo Righi est le PDG de KARL LAGERFELD depuis près de dix ans et a travaillé de pair avec Karl Lagerfeld. « C'est à la fois un honneur et une responsabilité d'être la seule maison de couture au monde à porter le nom de Karl Lagerfeld sur notre porte », déclare Pier Paolo Righi. « Nous sommes les seuls gardiens de son héritage. Nous avons établi cette marque autour des talents uniques de Karl, de sa curiosité et de sa créativité. »

Sous la direction de Pier Paolo Righi, l'activité s'est développée dans le monde entier avec une croissance annuelle de 30 % au cours des cinq dernières années. Particulièrement axé sur l'innovation et la durabilité, Pier Paolo Righi dirige la société en restant fidèle à l'esprit de Karl Lagerfeld et à son mantra : « Embrasser le présent et inventer l'avenir ».

« Karl nous a donné tous les ingrédients pour être une marque de créateur séduisante et pour continuer à l'être », explique Pier Paolo Righi. « Nous formons un véritable noyau familial, motivé et inspiré, avec une position idéale pour établir cette marque de créateur abordable comme numéro une au niveau mondial. Karl continue d'être présent dans nos principes de fonctionnnement : la curiosité, le changement, le désir d'aller de l'avant et une créativité débordante. Son esprit est dans toutes nos activités au quotidien. »

De double descendance italienne et allemande, Pier Paolo Righi apporte son expérience de plus de 25 ans dans les secteurs de la mode, du sport et de l'art de vivre au niveau international. 

Karl Lagerfeld pictured with Pier Paolo Righi, CEO of the Maison KARL LAGERFELD, who continues the legendary designer’s iconic vision.​


Two of Karl Lagerfeld’s closest collaborators — Hun Kim and Carine Roitfeld — have been entrusted to lead the creative direction of his namesake brand. They are inspired by the vigor and enthusiasm that Karl demonstrated to them, while at the same time driving the brand forward with fresh energy, passion and creativity. Together they translate his pioneering genius and celebrate his own viewpoint: “Embrace the present and invent the future.” 

Design Director Hun Kim is responsible for driving the Maison KARL LAGERFELD’s Parisian rock-chic aesthetic.



Hun Kim says it was a mutual love of illustration that first kindled his connection with Karl Lagerfeld back in 2015. “Throughout my career I’ve worked with many designers, but most of them didn’t know how to sketch, which is one of the reasons why Karl and I become close,” Kim recalls. “Karl said, ‘I don’t understand people who design without first sketching their ideas.’ It was very inspiring for me, and we had an immediate click.”

As Creative Director of the Maison KARL LAGERFELD, Kim worked in close collaboration with Lagerfeld to drive the future of the brand’s creative identity. “Karl always guided what he liked, and what he wanted changed; he had an eagle eye,” Hun recalls. “It was amazing to work with and learn from the greatest fashion icon of our time.”

Today, Kim continues to establish a compelling new narrative for the brand, in dialogue with Style Advisor Carine Roitfeld. Collections fuse eclectic influences and inspirations, ranging from Kim’s international travels to history, pop culture and a heavy emphasis of the future. The result combines the brand’s Parisian codes with a contemporary, rock-chic spirit, for a look that is equal parts powerful, romantic and edgy.

Born in South Korea, Kim studied fashion design in both his hometown, Seoul, and New York. He has previously held roles for powerhouse brands including Tommy Hilfiger, Elie Tahari and Ralph Lauren. 


Stylist, storyteller and image inventor Carine Roitfeld is the Style Advisor of the Maison KARL LAGERFELD. Over the span of 25 years, she and Karl Lagerfeld forged a unique bond and profound personal connection; they were trusted companions and confidantes who also collaborated on numerous professional projects. Today, she works with his namesake brand to help translate his original perspective with a fresh, contemporary view and forward-looking spirit.

“It’s not so much about my vision, but the vision of Karl,” explains Roitfeld. “I’m not a designer myself, but I knew Karl very well. I help the brand to always have a little bit of Karl in its collections. He did so many things throughout his long career, and I want to keep those memories alive.”

A fashion visionary, Roitfeld has transcended the boundaries of culture and style over the past three decades. She is the former Editor-in-Chief of Vogue Paris, the founder and Director of her namesake CR Fashion Book and CR Men, the founder of CR Studio, and the Global Fashion Director for Harper’s Bazaar. In 2011, after 10 seminal years at Vogue, Roitfeld redirected her energy to personal projects, including the celebrated launches of her own perfume collection, biannual style bibles, and a production house. 


La styliste, écrivaine et conceptrice d'images Carine Roitfeld est la conseillère en style de la Maison KARL LAGERFELD. Pendant 25 ans, elle et Karl Lagerfeld ont forgé un lien unique et une relation personnelle profonde. Compagnons de route et complices, ils ont également collaboré sur de nombreux projets professionnels. Aujourd'hui, elle travaille au côté de la marque éponyme de Karl Lagerfeld pour traduire son approche originale avec fraîcheur, contemporanéité et avec un esprit tourné vers l'avenir.

« Ce n'est pas tant ma vision que celle de Karl », explique Carine Roitfeld. « Je ne suis pas créatrice de mode mais je connaissais très bien Karl. J'aide la marque à saupoudrer l'esprit de Karl dans ses collections. Il a fait tant de choses au cours de sa longue carrière : je veux faire vivre ces souvenirs. »

Visionnaire de la mode, Carine Roitfeld a transcendé les limites de la culture et du style au cours des trente dernières années. Elle est l'ancienne rédactrice en chef de Vogue Paris, la fondatrice et directrice des magazines CR Fashion Book et CR Men, la fondatrice de CR Studio et la directrice mode du Harper's Bazaar. En 2011, après 10 ans phare chez Vogue, Carine Roitfeld a réorienté son énergie vers des projets personnels, avec le lancement plébiscité de sa propre collection de parfums, la rédaction de « bibles » du style et d'une maison de production.

Style Advisor Carine Roitfeld brings her fresh, contemporary and forward-looking spirit to the Maison KARL LAGERFELD. ​


The brand’s global teams work between two main offices — in Amsterdam and Paris — which support innovation, creativity and collaboration. 

The opulent interior of the KARL LAGERFELD headquarters in the heart of Amsterdam, with full-height windows, gilded ceilings, ornate wall panelings, and soft plush furnishings.   ​



In the heart of Amsterdam’s iconic canals, KARL LAGERFELD’s headquarters are housed in a historic “rijksmonument” heritage monument that’s been transformed into a modern office space. Inspired by the brand’s classic-meets-contemporary DNA, the interior balances historic charm with a sleek aesthetic. Original design features — including an ornate ballroom and lavish marble staircase — combine with art installations, airy atriums, statement furniture and bespoke paintings by the artist Endless. At the top of the building is “Karl’s,” a community living and co-working space with panoramic views of the city. 


Located at 21 Rue Saint-Guillaume, KARL LAGERFELD’s Parisian maison is considered the heart and soul of the brand. It’s in the center of Saint-Germain-des-Pres, which was Karl’s favorite arrondissement, and is also home to the KARL LAGERFELD Boulevard Saint-Germain flagship store. The historic office building carries deep significance, as it housed Karl Lagerfeld’s office and studio where he created countless collections throughout his career. It is further defined by an ornate façade — which is indicative of French 19th century architecture — and overlooks a leafy courtyard that is particularly spectacular in summertime. 


Situé au 21 rue Saint-Guillaume, la maison parisienne de KARL LAGERFELD est considérée comme l’âme et le cœur battant de la marque. ll se trouve au cœur de Saint-Germain-des-Prés, qui était l'arrondissement préféré de Karl Lagerfeld, et abrite également le flagship KARL LAGERFELD Boulevard Saint-Germain. Cet immeuble de bureaux historique porte un profond héritage car il abritait le bureau et le studio de Karl Lagerfeld, dans lequels il a créé d'innombrables collections tout au long de sa carrière. Il se reconnaît à sa façade ornée, caractéristique en France au XIXe siècle, et donne sur une cour verdoyante, particulièrement spectaculaire en été.

The ornate 19th Century building of the Parisian Maison KARL LAGERFELD with traditional cream-colored stone, intricately adorned full-height windows, and steps leading up to the entrance doorway framed by a decorative archway. ​
The historic façade of the Parisian Maison KARL LAGERFELD, overlaid with the text of its iconic address: La Maison 21 Rue St-Guillaume. ​



Since his arrival in Paris in the early 1950s, Karl Lagerfeld shared a connection with Saint-Germain-des-Prés, a connection which lives on today. The spirit of the neighborhood resonated with him — with its artistic and literary fervor, book stores, antique dealers and cafés, it was a hub for passionate creatives. Over the years, he had lived all over Saint-Germain and, ever curious, had come to learn a great deal about the neighborhood’s architecture, with its rich Art Nouveau and Art Deco heritage.

It was no surprise then, that he chose to establish his namesake Maison in a hôtel particulier at 21 Rue Saint-Guillaume, in the heart of Saint-Germain-des-Prés. Erected in 1887, the building was designed by architect Albert Tournade (1847-1891), known for his award-winning design for the protestant Temple Neuf in Strasbourg and his prize-winning submission to the competition for the Sacré-Cœur Basilica in Paris.

The neoclassical architectural style of the street — with its grandeur of scale, simplicity of geometric forms, blank walls and Roman detail — was the new taste for antique simplicity. It proved to be the perfect backdrop for one of Karl Lagerfeld’s longstanding inspirations: Art Deco. The visual arts and architecture movement, originating in France in the 1920s, combined streamlined, modern and geometric styles with fine craftsmanship and rich materials.

Karl’s love of Art Deco had led him to amass a well-edited collection of furniture, lamps decorative arts and ceramics which he had been collecting since the 1960s. The collection represented what he called the “‘the roots of modernity,’ an Art Deco style which is restricted to the sparest of forms, expressing both originality and elegance.” A style which he embraced not only in the decoration of his homes, but in that of the maison in addition to his own designs.

Art Deco represents sleek and anti-traditional elegance that looks to the future, a concept which pairs well with the creative vision of his brand: one that interprets timeless Parisian style, with a touch of modern rock chic. To this day, the movement is intertwined with the brand’s DNA, appearing throughout the KARL LAGERFELD collections with perfect forms, sharp angles and polished silhouettes that look to the future. 

karl logo man


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