Computer Science ›› 2017, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (9): 261-265.doi: 10.11896/j.issn.1002-137X.2017.09.049

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Data Consolidation Based on Structure Granulation and Matrix Computation

YAN Lin, GAO Wei and YAN Shuo   

  • Online:2018-11-13 Published:2018-11-13

Abstract: In order to study the problem of data consolidation,and make the consolidation data keep the associated information before consolidation,a structure composed of a data set together with a weighted relation was constructed,which refers to a weighted association structure.It demonstrates a structured representation of various data information.Then by using a granulation set,the weighted association structure is transformed into the weighted granulation structure.This makes the data in a granule to be consolidated according to the granulation information.At the same time,the consolidation data maintain or gather the associated information before consolidation,which leads to a structural granulation method of data consolidation.On this basis,two matrices were introduced,called the weighted association matrix and weighted granulation matrix which are matrix representations of the weighted association structure and weighted granulation structure respectively.Moreover,by matrix computations of elementary transformation and target transformation,the weighted association matrix is transformed into the weighted granulation matrix.This forms an equiva-lent way of data consolidation,and can be taken as the basis of programming algorithm.

Key words: Data consolidation,Granulation set,Weighted association structure,Weighted granulation structure,Weighted association matrix,Weighted granulation matrix

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