If you believe you are unable to resolve your complaint in supervisory channels and you reasonably believe inappropriate conduct has occurred or a violation of law, policy, procedure, or regulation has been commit-ted, contact your servicing IG. Be prepared to briefly outline the facts and relevant background information related to the issue or complaint in chronological order.

Your complaint should answer:

  • What violation was committed?
  • What law, regulation, procedure, or policy was violated?
  • When did the violation occur?
  • Who committed the violation?

502nd Air Base Wing/IGQ
2080 Wilson Way, building 247, room 124
JBSA-Fort Sam Houston, TX
Hotline: 210-808-1000; DSN 420
Fax: 210-808-6014
Email: [email protected]

HQ Air Education & Training Command/IGQ
Hotline: 210-652-4460; DSN 487
Fax: 210-652-5250
Email: [email protected]

Department of the Air Force/IGQ
Hotline: 800-538-8429
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.afinspectorgeneral.af.mil

Department of Defense IG
Hotline: 800-424-9098
Fax: 703-604-8567; DSN 664
Website: www.dodig.mil/hotline


All personnel have a duty to promptly re-port FWA or gross mismanagement through command/supervisory channels, IG, AF Audit Agency, AFOSI, Security Forces, or Complaint Hotlines.

Hotlines provide military, defense contractors, and civilians with a confidential means of reporting suspicious activity concerning FWA and employee or management misconduct.

Identity of individual making a FWA disclosure is protected and you may remain anonymous.

  • File an IG complaint at any level without going through their supervisory channel
  • File a complaint with an IG without fear of reprisal
  • File a complaint anonymously through an IG Hotline, the Defense Hotline, or directly with an IG