\ Japan's largest* IT show /

Japan IT Week will be renewed!


October 2024,
Makuhari Messe


January 2025,
Intex Osaka


April 2025,
Tokyo Big Sight


May 2025,
Port Messe Nagoya

The exhibition will be changed to 4 specialized shows to accelerate business between exhibitors and visitors.

Formerly, 12 shows featuring different IT areas were under the brand of Japan IT Week. While being the Japan's largest IT exhibition, the show will be rebranded to [Japan IT Week], [Japan DX Week],  [Sales & Digital Marketing Week], [E-commerce & Store Week].

Get exhibiting info now!

Overview of the 4 specialized exhibitions

Japan's largest exhibition for system development, operation and maintenance


Information systems, Data center operation and management, Software development, Hardware design and development, etc.

Software & Application Development Expo


No-code/Low-code Development
Digital Human Resources
Development Outsourcing, Offshore & Nearshore Development
Testing, Validation, Quality Assurance
Software Development, Mobile Apps Development
Agile Development, OSS System Construction
ERP & Business Application Development
Others related to Software & Apps Development

IoT & Edge Computing Expo


Industrial PCs, Board Computers, Gateways, Routers
Communication Modules, Sensors, Sensor Networks
IoT Platforms
Embedded Development Tools
Development Outsourcing/Consulting
Image Processing, Image Recognition AI
Others related to IoT or Edge Computing 

Information Security Expo


Cyber Attack Prevention
Targeted Attacks, Zero-Day AttacksDoS Attacks, Virus Attacks Prevention
Security for Remote Work
Zero Trust Security
information Leakage, Internal Unauthorized Access Prevention
IT Asset, SaaS Management
Endpoint Security
Generative AI-enabled Security
Others related to Information Security

Data Center Expo


Network Operation Management, IT Infrastructure Construction and Management
Data Center Facilities
Server/Network Monitoring
Cloud Management, Operation Agency
Unified Operations Management
Data Center Operations
Related to BCP/DR
Others related to IT Operations Management & Data Center

Japan's leading exhibition for Digital Transformation (DX)


Management/Business Planning, DX Promotion, Manufacturing/Production, General Affairs/Human Resources/Accounting and Field management, etc.

AI & Business Automation Expo


Text/Sentence/Voice Generative AI
Image/Video Generative AI
RPA, Business Outsorcing Robot
Chatbot, Conversational AI
AI-OCR,Document Digitization
Image Processing AI, Object Recognition AI
Natural Language Processing/Translation AI, Voice Recognition AI
Data Analysys, Forecast AI
AI Developpment Support
Business Automation Consulting/Outsourcing
Others related to AI or Business Automation

Office-work DX Expo


Work Style Reform, Productivity Improvement, Hybrid Work Support
Business Management, Organizational Reform DX
Electronic Contracts, Digital Applications, Workflows
Accounting DX, ERP, Accounting Systems
HR Tech, HR & Labor Support, Legal Tech
Groupware, Communication Activation
Data/Knowledge Sharing
Others related to Office-work DX


Data-Driven Management Expo


Data Analysis & Utilization
BI/Business Management Tools
Market Analysis
Corporate/Patent/Legal Databases
Database Integration/Integration/Collection
Others related to Data-driven Management 


Deskless Work DX Expo


Remote Monitoring/Control
Fault Detection, Operation Status Monitoring, Predictive Maintenance
AI Visual Inspection, Production Management/Visualization
Work progress Management, Task Management Tools
Smart Glasses, Wearable Devices, PCs, Mobile Devices
Daily Report & Work Instruction Tool 
Drones, Robots, AGV
Others related to Deskless Work DX 


Marketing, Sales promotion/planning, Public relations/advertisement and Sales, etc.

Sales Digital Transformation Expo


Sales DX Solutions
SFA, Sales Support System, Business Card Management
Quality Appointments
Inside Sales, Sales BPO
CRM, CX (Customer Experience) Improvement
Sales Enablement, Sales Organization Enhancement
Sales Database, Sales List
Others related to Sales DX

Digital Marketing Expo


Marketing DX
Marketing Automation
CRM, CX Improvement, Personalization
Data Analysis and AI Utilization
Social Media Marketing
SEO, WEB Advertising Management
Others Related to Web & Digital Marketing


Management, E-commerce, Marketing, Store management/development/logistics for the following industries:
Retail, Mail order/online shop, Restaurant/service, Manufacturer, Hotel/leisure,

Advanced E-commerce Expo


E-commerce Website Construction/Operation, D2C Support
Search Engine, Recommendation, Customer Service
Inventory Management/Optimization
Payment & Billing Services
AI, Data Analytics
Logistics, Packaging
Others related to Advanced E-commerced

Store Digital Transformation Expo


Store Operation and Management System
Payment/Service Solutions
Shift Management, Employee Recruitment/Training
Inventory Management/Optimization
AI & Data Analysis, Trade Area Analysis
Digital Signage, Promotional Goods
Others related to Store DX

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