What Is the Piotroski Score? Definition, Meaning, and Example

Piotroski Score: A nine-point scoring system used to determine a company's financial strength.

Investopedia / Michela Buttignol

What Is the Piotroski Score?

The Piotroski score is a discrete score between zero and nine that reflects nine criteria used to determine the strength of a firm's financial position. The Piotroski score is used to determine the best value stocks, with nine being the best and zero being the worst.

The Piotroski score was named after the Chicago accounting professor Joseph Piotroski, who devised the scale, according to specific aspects of company financial statements. Aspects are focused on the company’s accounting results in recent time periods (years).

For every criterion met (noted below), one point is awarded; otherwise, no points are awarded. The points are then added up to determine the best value stocks.

Key Takeaways

  • The Piotroski score is a ranking between zero and nine that incorporates nine factors that speak to a firm's financial strength.
  • It was named for Joseph Piotroski, a Chicago accounting professor who created the scale, based on certain aspects of a corporation's financial statements.
  • The nine aspects are based on accounting results over a number of years; a point is awarded each time a standard is met, resulting in an overall score.
  • The Piotroski score is a favorite metric used to judge value stocks.
  • If a company has a score of eight or nine, it is considered a good value. If a company has a score of between zero and two points, it is likely not a good value.

Understanding the Piotroski Score

The Piotroski score is broken down into the following categories:

  1. Profitability
  2. Leverage, liquidity, and source of funds
  3. Operating efficiency

Profitability Criteria Include:

  • Positive net income (1 point)
  • Positive return on assets (ROA) in the current year (1 point)
  • Positive operating cash flow in the current year (1 point)
  • Cash flow from operations being greater than net Income (quality of earnings) (1 point)

Leverage, Liquidity, and Source of Funds Criteria Include:

  • Lower amount of long-term debt in the current period, compared to the previous year (decreased leverage) (1 point)
  • Higher current ratio this year compared to the previous year (more liquidity) (1 point)
  • No new shares were issued in the last year (lack of dilution) (1 point).

Operating Efficiency Criteria Include:

Reading the Score

If a company has a score of 8 or 9, it is considered a good value. If the score adds up to between 0 and 2 points, the stock is considered weak.

Piotroski's April 2000 paper "Value Investing: The Use of Historical Financial Statement Information to Separate Winners from Losers," demonstrated that the Piotroski score method would have seen a 23% annual return between 1976 and 1996 if the expected winners were bought and expected losers shorted.

As a starting point, Piotroski suggested investors begin with a sample of the bottom 20% of the market in terms of price-to-book value.

Of course, with any investment system, looking at past results doesn't mean it will work the same way in the future. Those interested in learning more about the Piotroski score and other financial topics may want to consider enrolling in one of the best investing courses currently available.

Example of the Piotroski Score

As an example of the Piotroski scoring method in action, note the following criteria calculations for the hypothetical company, XYZ. The profitability calculations are as follows:

  • Net income ($323,000,000) (Score:1 point)
  • ROA (4.7%) (Score: 1 point)
  • Net operating cash flow ($696,000,000) (Score: 1 point)
  • Cash flow from operations ($696,000,000) > net income ($323,000,000) (Score: 1 point)

The leverage calculations are as follows:

  • Long-term debt ($110,000,000) versus prior year's long-term debt ($120,000,000) (Score: 1 point)
  • Current ratio (1.7) versus prior year's current ratio (2.0) (Score: 0 points)
  • No new shares issued (Score: 1 point)

The efficiency calculations are as follows:

  • Gross margin (28.9%) versus the prior year's gross margin (31.8%) (Score: 0 points)
  • Asset turnover ratio (1.11) versus prior year's (1.54) (Score: 0 points)

XYZ's total Piotroski score was a 6 out of 9, which could make it an average value proposition going forward, according to the Piotroski method.

Is the Piotroski Score Reliable?

The Piotroski score is generally considered to be viable in the world of financial analysis and investment. It analyzes a company's overall financial health by looking at a multitude of factors. It is simple, efficient, and effective in determining value stocks.

What Does a High Piotroski Score Mean?

High Piotroski scores are considered to be a good investment; those that have good value. These usually fall in the range of 8 to 9. Low Piotroski scores are considered poor investments and have a range between 0 to 2.

What Is the Difference Between the Altman Z Score and the Piotroski Score?

The Piotroski score assesses financial strength while the Altman Z score assesses the likelihood of bankruptcy. Both determine their outcomes by assessing the financial information of a company.

The Bottom Line

The Piotroski score helps determine good value stocks by assessing the overall financial strength of a company. It looks at a variety of metrics, from net income to profitability to liquidity to cash flow to margin to debt and more. The score can help investors pick stocks or sell off ones that may no longer be a good value.

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  1. Piotroski, Joseph D. "Value Investing: The Use of Historical Financial Statement Information to Separate Winners from Losers." Journal of Accounting Research, vol. 38, Supplement: Studies on Accounting Information and the Economics of the Firm, 2000, pp. 1-41.

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