Lindsay Frankel

Lindsay Frankel

Resides In

Denver, Colorado


Chapman University, Elmhurst College


Personal finance , Insurance , Travel


  • Personal finance expert with 3 years experience specializing in researching, writing, and editing insurance, loans, and credit cards content
  • Work has appeared in nationally recognized publications such as LendingTree, Insurify, FinanceBuzz, and


Lindsay Frankel has written about personal finance since 2018. She specializes in auto and life insurance but also covers home and renters insurance, business insurance, and pet insurance, having written dozens of reviews. In addition to Investopedia, her work has been featured in insurance outlets such Insurify and as well as LendingTree, NextAdvisor, Magnify Money, FinanceBuzz, The Simple Dollar, Opploans, and more. 

Lindsay began her writing career at an affiliate marketing company in 2014 and started a full-time freelance writing business four years later.


Lindsay graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor’s Degree in Education from Elmhurst College in Elmhurst, IL. Before that, she studied screenwriting for two years at Chapman University. 

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