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Q3 Earnings Alert! Plan early for this week’s stock reports with all key data in 1 place See list

Central Banks

World Central Banks

  Central Bank Current Rate Next Meeting Last Change
  Federal Reserve (FED) 5.00% Nov 07, 2024 Sep 18, 2024 (-50bp)
  European Central Bank (ECB) 3.65% Oct 17, 2024 Sep 12, 2024 (-60bp)
  Bank of England (BOE) 5.00% Nov 07, 2024 Aug 01, 2024 (-25bp)
  Swiss National Bank (SNB) 1.00% Dec 12, 2024 Sep 26, 2024 (-25bp)
  Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) 4.35% Nov 05, 2024 Nov 07, 2023 (25bp)
  Bank of Canada (BOC) 4.25% Oct 23, 2024 Sep 04, 2024 (-25bp)
  Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) 4.75% Oct 09, 2024 Oct 09, 2024 (-50bp)
  Bank of Japan (BOJ) 0.25% Oct 31, 2024 Jul 31, 2024 (15bp)
  Central Bank of the Russian Federation (CBR) 19.00% Oct 25, 2024 Sep 13, 2024 (100bp)
  Reserve Bank of India (RBI) 6.50% Dec 06, 2024 Feb 08, 2023 (25bp)
  People's Bank of China (PBOC) 3.35% Jul 22, 2024 (-10bp)
  Central Bank of Brazil (BCB) 10.75% Nov 06, 2024 Sep 18, 2024 (25bp)

Interest Rates

  Current Time: 13:58 (GMT -4:00)

Economic Calendar

Time Cur. Event Actual Forecast Previous
Upcoming Key Economic Events
2h 16m   NZD RBNZ Gov Orr Speaks        
15h 01m   ILS M1 Money Supply (YoY)     0.3%
17h 26m   BRL BCB Focus Market Readout        
19h 01m   USD FOMC Member Kashkari Speaks        
1h 01m   USD Fed Waller Speaks        
3h 01m   USD FOMC Member Kashkari Speaks        
14h 01m   EUR ECB Bank Lending Survey        

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