She knows what’s important! Nadya Suleman, a.k.a. “Octomom,” revealed how her brood of 14 is taking all the necessary precautions to continue living a clean lifestyle during the coronavirus pandemic.

“Staying safe and super healthy — shopping for food we NEED in order to nourish and strengthen our bodies; as opposed to food we WANT, solely to satiate our taste buds,” the proud mother, 44, shared via Instagram on Tuesday, June 9.

‘Octomom’ Nadya Suleman Shares How Her Family Is ‘Staying Safe and Super Healthy’ Amid Coronavirus
Courtesy of Nadya Suleman/Instagram

In the photo, two of the mother’s daughters can be seen posing in the produce section of the supermarket while standing by a packed shopping cart full of fruits and vegetables.

Nadya continued to offer tips on how to maintain a healthy routine amid the outbreak. “If you are out there struggling to stay healthy and in shape, focus on incremental progress — baby steps forward! Try eating a diet consisting of nutrient-dense, plant-based whole foods and only indulging in moderation,” she said, adding that she and her children enjoy a cheat day once a week. “This way you develop self-discipline (you have more control of your mind than you know) and win more battles than lose.”

The former reality star encouraged others to not get hung up on a bad day of eating but to try again and get back on track. She explained her entire family are “ethical vegans” by choice and not for diet. “We refuse to condone or contribute to the merciless suffering of sentient beings,” she said, before joking she feels “obligated” to be vegan because she “singlehandedly helped overpopulate” the planet. “The very LEAST I can do is minimize the damage I do to it!”

This isn’t the first time Nadya has opened up about her family’s choice to go vegan. In April, she clapped back at criticism that she “forced” her children to change their diets. “I was an animal rescuer/advocate for MANY, MANY years before being a parent,” she responded. “[I’m raising] my children to care about others (especially animals) well-being as much as they do their own.”

Nadya became known as “Octomom” after she welcomed a set of octuplets through in vitro fertilization in 2009. She was already a single mother to six other children she conceived via IVF at the time. As a mother of 14, she is constantly defending her lifestyle choices.