Introduction: Custom Wooden Ring Box

custom ring box made from fallen birch tree

Step 1: Gather Supplies, Prep Wood

supplies needed:
-hand saw
-fallen tree (1 1/2" - 2" diameter)
-paint brush
-wood stain
-small hinge
-old ring box
-sand paper
-small wood chisels

prep tree by cutting desired length and cut off top third for cover, sand surfaces (not bark) smooth

Step 2: Drill Pilot Hole in Center of Log

mark center of log and drill pilot hole part way through log

Step 3: Chisel Out Center of Bottom of Box

chisel out enough to fit ring width and depth

Step 4: Chisel Out Cover

chisel out cover to make concave dome

Step 5: Sand and Stain

sand smooth any new rough areas, stain wood surfaces (I used light stain to bring out grain)

Step 6: Apply Hinge

apply small hinge and ensure cover opens and closes evenly

Step 7: Polyurethane

I applied 4 coats of polyurethane, allowing drying time in between coats

Step 8: Apply Foam Ring Holder

use foam ring holder from old ring box and cut in circle the diameter of the box hole, enjoy new custom ring box!!