Introduction: Clay Dragons
Today I am going to show you how to make a clay dragon. I use air-dry clay, Mod Podge, and acrylic paint.
Step 1: Make the Basic Shape
First, roll out a ball. Then, make it into a longish cone shape. the long part is the tail.
Step 2: Define the Shape
Make the tail more triangle-ish, and the neck and chest more defined.
Step 3: Add the Head
Make a head shape, then stick it on using water, smoothing the body and neck as you work.
Step 4: Add Feet and Tail Spike
Step 5: Wings!
Start with curvy triangles, then use a butter knife or toothpick to carve in the "veins".
Step 6: Head Accessories
Add horns and small, triangular ears.
Step 7: Face
Use a toothpick to poke holes for eyes and nostrils.
Step 8: Let Dry
Step 9: Paint
Paint your dragon using acrylic paints.
Step 10: Varnish
It's time to seal your dragon! Doing so makes the paint last longer and gives it a nice sheen if using gloss. I use Mod Podge spray on gloss, but you can use whatever you want. When varnishing, be sure to do in an open area with plenty of ventilation.