Cracking the Culture Code: Building a Cybersecurity-Aware Workforce

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Building a robust cybersecurity posture goes beyond technical defenses. Fostering a culture of security awareness empowers employees to become active participants in protecting the organization's digital assets.

The idea that users are the "weakest link" in cybersecurity is outdated and inaccurate. Instead, we need to move away from victim-blaming and understand that users are not inherently weak; they need the right tools, training, and support to make secure choices.

This panel discussion will explore the challenges and strategies for establishing, nurturing, and measuring an effective cybersecurity awareness culture.

Join us to explore:

  • The role of human behavior in cyber-attacks and the importance of awareness training.
  • The challenges of overcoming apathy, complacency, and bad habits in relation to cybersecurity.
  • Implementing practical strategies for embedding security into everyday work practices and decision-making.
  • How to measure success: Defining and tracking key metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of cultural change efforts.

This session was part of Infosecurity Magazine's Online Summit Spring 2024 


Photo of Noel Barbour

Noel Barbour

Principle Cybersecurity Consultant, BH Consulting

Photo of James Coker

James Coker

Deputy Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

Photo of Heather Lowrie

Heather Lowrie

CISO, University of Manchester

Photo of Erhan Temurkan

Erhan Temurkan

Director of Security and Technology, Fleet Mortgages

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