I'm tired of the individual who somehow believes that if they are critical enough and use all sorts of cliches that paid critics use that somehow they to will become a humorless dink that will look for film school errors and see art when there is none and can't enjoy a well done low budget movie unless subtitles are involved. This was excellent well done fun that was enjoyable from the start and it achieved the feel of a good 1960's B+ feature. I had zero expectations going in and was a little shocked that the setting would be a dilapidated mansion and not at a well appointed sound stage mansion equivalent, but it worked. The acting was far better than I expected with genuine and realistic portrayals of the idle rich mixing with a working class strong female co lead. Tension and jealousy felt real and the story played out in a way that seemed possible even with the subject matter. I fully enjoyed this and as long as your not a wannabe professional film critic you'll enjoy the ride. .