Jésica (Sofía Morandi) and Ángela (Leticia Siciliani) are estranged sisters who, after their father's death, find a hidden fortune in his luxury apartment and now have to decide if they keep it or not.
Las hermanas fantásticas explores something that most people had, at least once, dreamt about: What if I inherit or stumble upon a lot of money? The sisters are not only strangers to each other but also to their recently deceased father, who they barely knew. Hell, neither of them could recognize him at the funeral house. This opens up a door for information to be infused or learned across the way, adding to the narrative continuity and engagement. Jésica and Ángela do not get along, but they will have to spend time together, even if it is purely by mistrust, by reason of their finding those stashes of Euros that could change their lives. This renders dynamics that are humorous due to their different personalities. Jésica's wayward and sometimes unbridled honesty is hilarious, she really can't stop saying what goes through her mind, even if it's perceived as socially questionable by her sister.
Who wouldn't like to find a life-changing fortune hidden in an apartment you're about to inherit? When it comes to the sisters, the money could definitely change their lives for the better. As a fast-food cashier and as a kindergarten teacher, their lives are far from the ideal. The dream life where money is no longer a necessity, a problem that gives you headaches once the end of the month is approaching, but only a means to an end because you are loaded and can spend it as you wish without looking at the price tag. Directed by Fabiana Tiscornia and written by Mariano Vera, the movie utilizes the sister's reality as working-class people to showcase the reality of a country, in this case, Argentina, where inflation runs rampant, the economy is always on the brink of collapse, corruption is everywhere, and it would seem that people have a penchant for stealing in one way or another. Something explicitly articulated by Jésica: "Acá roban todos, hermano. Las únicas dos bo***as que encuentran una montaña de guita y no se la llevan somos nosotras."
With a runtime of 82 minutes, Las hermanas fantásticas is a light investment that manages to be entertaining, funny, and produce some laughs.