This show is aimed at kids, but it's an insult to kids.
The humor is at about a 1st grade level.
The show in general overuses the word "tech." But this episode takes it to a new level. "Tech, tech, techtech," Have I mentioned "tech"?
Dr. Doom couldn't think of a crueler torture than forcing someone to watch this awful show.
Kids aren't this stupid.
Superheroes don't have to run around like 1st graders to be interesting.
Over the course of the series Tony Stark's body changes. Earlier in the season, Tony was shown looking as muscular as Captain America. In this episode, Tony is first shown as puny. But at the end, his muscles have returned.
The idea that Tony, or any successful person, would carry a bet of this nature to the point of not facing deadly enemies with full power is ridiculous.