This Chinese film, bearing a Spanish title, is not advisable for individuals who struggle to manage their emotions, as it is likely to evoke strong feelings. It presents an unconventional romantic comedy featuring an unlikely pairing of two individuals grappling with life-threatening illnesses. The performances of the young protagonists are commendable; however, the film falters in its conventional concluding segment. This aspect, along with some shortcomings in makeup and wardrobe during the film's initial scenes, constitutes the only notable weaknesses I observed. In all other respects, the film approaches perfection, particularly in the direction by Yan Han and the screenplay co-authored by the director, Liangwen Li, and Xiaoai Wang. The writing is refreshingly original, although an introductory title indicates that it is "partially sourced from the documentary report The Most Pragmatic Marriage Transaction, The Most Emotional Eternal Agreement."
The female lead carries much of the narrative weight, as the story is primarily told from her viewpoint. Gengxi Li portrays Ling Min, a young woman suffering from uraemia who is anxiously awaiting a kidney donor. Her performance captivates with a pragmatic demeanor that masks a profound sense of despair over her life being derailed before it truly begins. With her arm marked by the scars of regular dialysis and a life dictated by a stringent diet, she ultimately posts a video online offering to marry any man willing to donate a kidney. Moments later, she hesitates and removes the video, but soon after, she is contacted by a young man who irritates her from the outset. From this point, around the 20-minute mark, the film transitions into an unconventional romantic comedy.
This film is exceptional, showcasing a harmonious blend of various elements executed with precision. The mobile cinematography by Da Jiang (real name: Zhang Jiang) features a naturally lit, somewhat dark aesthetic, enhanced by the dynamic yet unobtrusive editing by Li Yakun. With five medical advisors credited, the intricate details regarding the protagonists' conditions and treatments appear to be accurate, lending a sense of authenticity to the entire film.
Do not miss this one!