Animation is very slow, like watching a movie in slow motion.
So i suppose they simply slow down the CGI to get 32 minutes per episode but render only 16 minutes. This technique is very old and used for lousy productions.
It is very lame, and you can clearly count each frame sometimes.
The story, the dialogue, the characters ... are pfffff forgettable at best.
And the most important: D.R.A.G.O.N.S Dogma DRRRAAGGGOONNNNS
You know what ? It is the most horrible, awful animated, ugliest dragon i ever seen -_- How is that possible to give us something like that when you get so many incredible dragons this last years in Game of thrones or Lord of the Rings ...
My god, a correct dragon in 3d cost at most 600 $ GODDAM IT and looks like Game of Throne in real time !
And the animation... sometimes it is very good!
MOST of the time looks like automate. In 2020 this is very bad.
The rendering (aspect, pictures) is good, but sometimes and 100% when a dragon is on screen it is very very bad. The colors do not even match the backgrounds. Seriously guys ... i can do better by myself !!
Hey NETFLIX, put your money into The old Guards II or Castlevania, but please forget this awful thing. Total waste of money for you, total waste of time for me.
BAD animated TV show.