While it's a bit hard to imagine a person with Tourette's that bad would go to movies in the first place, the show begins with a guy in a theater watching a film and making a severe disturbance. He not only is making lots of odd sounds but his grimaces and body movements are out of control. Some idiots, assuming he's deliberately bothering everyone, chase him from the place--and end up killing him in the process. It's a sad story and a compelling episode about a problem few knew about back in 1981.
The only problem is that although it is worth seeing, the show is MEGA-preachy. Yet, at times it's also quite touching as you see a young man struggle with the disorder--his story is quite compelling. On balance worth watching but far from subtle--a problem with quite a few of the social issue episodes of "Quincy". Having Quincy be less bombastic and a bit intense would have helped.