The first of three appearances in the series by Julian Sherrier, the others being in E11, The Angola Brights (1959) and E28, Ascent to Murder (1960).
The first of four uncredited appearances in the series by Dickey Luck, the others being E11, The Angola Brights (1959), E23 Payment in Advance (1960) and E32 In the Swim (1960).
The second of four uncredited appearances in the series by Emile Stemmler, the others being in E5, The Long Weekend (1959), E26 The Girl with Grey Hair (1960) and E35 Dressed to Kill (1960).
The second of four uncredited appearances in the series by John Tatham, the others being E6, You Can't Die Twice (1959), E15 Last Man Lucky (1959) and E31 A Foreign Body (1960).
The first of four appearances in the series by Roland Bartrop, the others being E9, Dead on Arrival (1959) and E18 The Thousand Mile Alibi (1960) where he reprised his role from this episode as Grimod, and then E27 Trial at Cranby's Creek (1960).