This movie is the wet dream of any ex soviet film maker, director, producer, script writer, whatever. And not just ex soviet, any Eastern European too. The irony, the depressive scenes, the ugly irony, the pointless violence, simply all of it would feature proudly in any of the tens (or hundreds?) of crap features about how the stalinists came and pushed that particular proud savage territory from organic apple makers to polluted bankrupt industry nobody seems to need.
Sadly this is not enough. The trailers that came as a bonus with the DVD are far better than the whole film. There is a simplicity and an irony that simply can't be found in the whole hour and a half. The camera is nice. The idea is even better. And everything seems to stop there. The feature is too long for the story. And it has timing problems -- for example a man who died after the main characters leave the front is mysteriously already waiting somewhere near the end.
Contact me with Questions, Comments or Suggestions ryitfork @