In 1998, a special edition was aired on TNT to kick off reruns of the Babylon 5 series. The Special Edition (1998) has a new score by Christopher Franke (of the regular series), cuts out small bits like the "zoo scene" at the beginning, corrects effects like the color of the jumpgate, and adds a few scenes which were cut out: Sinclair deals with a hostage situation in customs involving "dust"; Carolyn confronts Delenn about her abstention on the vote; the Takashima and Kyle scene is extended, as is the scene where Sinclair describes the Battle of the Line; there's a new voiceover with Kosh's voice; plus Kyle remarks on what he saw when he opened Kosh's encounter suit and the mystery of Kosh's hand is hinted at (longtime viewers will get it; new viewers will just say, "huh?" so the mystery won't be spoiled.)