Anaconda (1997)
An insult to anacondas...
4 November 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Now, I am a snake lover. I love snakes of all kinds, even when they are in my house. It pains me to kill them or see them killed. And when I heard this movie would be out, I thought "Uh oh." But I watched it anyway. Please beat me. Allow me to point out everything that went wrong with this tripe. And these are spoilers, by the way.

1) Anacondas have never gotten any bigger than 40 feet on record. How big was this one?

2) An anaconda is a very muscular predator. It can kill a crocodile by SUFFOCATION NOT BONE CRUSHING. Any snake, as a matter of fact, does not have the power to crush bones or pop veins. They just don't. They just suffocate their prey by compressing their lungs and windpipe.

3) Although they are very stong, it is impossible for the snake to pick up a human being, lift it up, and swallow it upright. They can't. It has to do with physics and biology.

4) It takes a snake a very long time to swallow its dinner. It can take up to an hour for it to swallow a crocodile. And that means that it would take nearly 3/4 of an hour to swallow these people. If it felt compelled to go after them, first of all.

5) A SNAKE IS NOT A FISH. It cannot stay under water for that long, and it does not go after the smell of blood. A snake hunts by sight and the smell of the animal. They made this snake out to be a shark. And even if they did go after blood, that monkey was dead. They go after movement.

6) A snake will vomit its food if it feels threatened. It serves a confusion tactic for enemies. Did this snake feel threatened? No. And when they do vomit, it does not fly out like that guy did.

7) Do you know how long it takes a snake to digest a meal? When a python eats a boar, it goes without food for almost a year. That means that that anaconda would be pretty well-fed after the first victim.

8) An anaconda does not kill for the fun of it. They leave that to humans.

9) An anaconda will not let go of its current prey, which is still alive, and go after something dead. They know better.

10) An anaconda can climb trees and move very quickly. They do not fly up pipes.

11) And, lastly, an anaconda is not invincible. I think shooting it in the head will do it in. You will not need to torch it and take a pick-axe to its head.

This was tripe, as I said before. Do not watch this. Just to tell you how bad it is, I think that it was pretty worthy of the MST3K bunch.
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