Message from the president Marco Zanni

Welcome to the website of the Identity and Democracy Group in the European Parliament (ID). The ID Group has members from seven different Member States and upholds the sovereignty and identity of our European nations and peoples.

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Democracy Uncensored

Welcome to the 5th episode of "Democracy Uncensored". In this episode we discuss the 30th Anniversary of the Maastricht Treaty and the recent scandal with Ursula Von der Leyen and the CEO of Pfizer together with ID MEP Mr Nicolaus Fest - Alternative für Deutschland 🇩🇪, ID MEP Mr Gerolf Annemans - Vlaams Belang 🦁 and ID MEP Mr Harald Vilimsky - Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs 🇦🇹.

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Our MEPs

The Identity and Democracy group has MEPs from seven countries, with the majority coming from Italy’s Lega party and the National Rally in France.

Lega (Italy)

Originally Lega Nord (“Northern League”), now Lega per Salvini (“League for Salvini”), was founded on December 4, 1989 by the merger of several regional autonomist movements from northern Italy, with the main political aim of making Italy a federal state. After a first experience with the national government that lasted a few months in 1994, in the 2000s the Lega joined the center-right coalition which gained political leadership in the elections. At the government, Lega contributed to the approval of a restrictive reform of the law regarding immigration and asylum and, in the years in which it expressed the Minister of the Interior, obtained a drastic reduction in illegal immigration thanks to a careful policy of bilateral agreements with the countries of origin of the immigrants, and with rejections at the border.


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