Thousands have used my free Keto Egg Fast Diet Plan to break stalls and kickstart their weight loss on keto! This 5 day egg fast plan also includes 2 additional transition days, to prevent you from gaining the weight back when your keto egg fast is done – then move on to one of my other free keto weekly menu plans to continue losing weight and reach your goals!
If you’re interested in trying an Egg Fast plan to break through a weight loss plateau and want more details about what it is, and why it works, you can check out my more detailed post What is an Egg Fast?
What is the 5 Day Egg Fast Plan?
Basically on an egg fast, or as some like to call it the egg diet, you are consuming eggs, butter (or other pure and healthy fat like olive oil or coconut oil), and cheese, with a few exceptions for low carb condiments like hot sauce, mustard, etc.
The keto egg fast plan rules are to eat 1 tablespoon of fat for each egg consumed and up to one ounce of cheese for each egg consumed. It is normal to eat 6 – 10 eggs per day, but if you are a man or especially active, you might eat even more to ensure you are getting enough protein and calories.
I would say you need a minimum of 4 – 6 eggs per day along with the corresponding 1 tablespoon of fat and up to 6 ounces of cheese per day.
This is NOT a calorie reduction diet – which might seem counter-intuitive, but it works similarly to a typical high fat, moderate protein, ketogenic diet whereby you use fat for fuel in the absence of carbs.
The egg fast plan is very restrictive and so is usually considered a short term plan. It’s not recommended to do it long term, because you will be robbing your body of other essential nutrients if you only eat eggs, fats, and cheese for too long.
Scroll down or use the link in the table of contents to go directly to the free egg fast plan.
Table of Contents
- What is the 5 Day Egg Fast Plan?
- Does the Egg Fast Plan Really Work? How?
- How do I Transition Off of the Egg Fast Plan?
- How Much Weight Can you lose on the Egg Fast Diet?
- Can I have heavy whipping cream (HWC) on the egg fast plan?
- Do I need to be in ketosis already to do this keto meal plan?
- Can I drink alcohol on the egg fast?
- Can you drink coffee on the Egg Fast?
- Can I drink diet soda on the egg fast?
- Should I take vitamins or supplements on the keto egg fast diet plan?
- Is any cheese ok on this egg fast diet plan?
- What kind of fats should I be eating on the egg fast?
- I’m dairy free, can I still do the 5 day egg fast diet plan?
- Can I develop an intolerance to eggs from eating too many of them?
- Will doing the Egg Fast Plan raise my cholesterol?
- More Keto Egg Fast Recipes
- 7 Day Keto Egg Fast Diet Menu Plan
- Keto Egg Fast Plan Pantry and Shopping List
- Keto Egg Fast Diet Prep List
Before I go any further I should make it clear that I am not a doctor, nurse, or even a nutritionist. This is just me telling you what I’ve done, what the results were, and what my opinions are regarding the egg fast diet and why it works for many people.
It may or not be for you – and only you can make that decision. If you have previously existing health conditions, it’s probably wise to consult with your doctor before undertaking an extremely low carb plan like this one.
If you start and are really feeling poorly (beyond the typical keto flu side effects) – don’t ignore any danger signs or red flags – stop immediately. It’s not worth risking your life over – if your body doesn’t respond well to this, I’m sure there are other things that will work for you – keep experimenting until you find “your” thing.
Does the Egg Fast Plan Really Work? How?
So I did some additional research this week to try and figure out why this keto egg fast plan works, and tt seems that egg yolks are extremely high in Choline, which as it turns out is critical to our liver being able to metabolize fat.
In fact, when Choline is deficient (as it is in much of the modern US population), it can lead to Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease – this means your poor, fat, lazy liver can’t even handle it’s own business – let alone helping rid the rest of your body of excess fat!
Also important to helping your liver metabolize fat are Casein (present in cheese and other dairy products) and an amino acid called Methionine. Guess what food has the highest amount of methionine in it? Egg whites! So between the massive amounts of Choline in the yolks, and the bounty of Methionine in the whites, eggs are pretty much the perfect liver food – add some Casein in the form of cheese, and you’re in business!
And by the way, this trifecta of liver superstars are pretty much cancelled out in the presence of excess glucose from food or alcohol – which an egg fast plan also eliminates. Genius.
So there it is. My theory on one reason the Egg Fast Diet works so well is that it gives your liver everything it needs (and cuts out everything it doesn’t) to get it’s butt in gear and start cleaning house! So whether you plan to undertake an egg fast or not, if you’re having trouble losing weight – especially on a ketogenic low carb diet, then you should seriously consider upping your intake by a couple of eggs per day to your eating plan!
How do I Transition Off of the Egg Fast Plan?
Based on my anecdotal research, it seems that the people who continue to eat 2 meals of eggs the first couple of days off the plan have the best success at not gaining any weight back after an egg fast. For that reason, I recommend eggs for breakfast and lunch on the 2 days off plan while you’re transitioning back to a regular keto diet.
Ok, so this egg fast plan is not the only way to go about the keto egg fast diet – it’s just one suggestion as to how you might structure your week. There are 5 days on the egg fast plan and two days of transition to come off the plan – hopefully without gaining all the weight back.
Here are a few notes on why I put this keto egg fast diet menu plan together the way I did:
I know that if you’ve been following IBIH and have seen the yummy egg fast recipes I’ve been posting lately, that you’re thinking “bring on the snickerdoodle crepes and fettuccini alfredo” on Day One! NO.
The first and second day of the keto egg fast plan are when you will be most likely able to tolerate eggs in their basic form. By day 3 you will be getting sick of them, by day 4 you will probably eat less simply because the idea of eating another egg makes you want to hurl, by day 5 you will wish no chicken on the planet would ever lay another egg EVER, and I can pretty much guarantee that you will be seriously miffed at eggs in general, yourself for ever thinking an egg fast was a good idea, probably me for suggesting it, and every poor, pathetic soul who crosses your path. (Or maybe that was just me.)
Seriously though, you need to trust that by Day 3 you’ll be looking forward to eating at least one meal a day that doesn’t feel like eggs. We’re saving the best til last – you’re going to need it to get through this if you’re doing all five days of this egg fast plan.
Now if you’re only doing 3 days, feel free to skip day 1 and 2 and start on Day 3 of the plan. Or mix and match days to your own preference – just don’t say I didn’t warn you, and be sure not to overeat the cheese or skimp on the butter/mayo/other fats. Remember 1 egg – 1 Tbsp fat – UP TO (but I recommend less) 1 oz cheese per egg.
How Much Weight Can you lose on the Egg Fast Diet?
Typically people will lose between 5 – 7 pounds on the keto egg diet. Some will lose, more and some may lose less. If you transition into a regular keto diet after the egg fast you shouldn’t gain much if any back, and will continue to lose weight – just at a slower pace.
If you jump straight back into eating lots of carbs, the glucose will immediately cause your body to retain water and the scale will show it. Still, unless you are really over-eating calories, you should maintain some weight loss from the egg fast even then.
Can I have heavy whipping cream (HWC) on the egg fast plan?
No. This plan doesn’t use heavy whipping cream. If you want to risk it and can’t stand to drink your coffee any other way, then go ahead and try it – if you’re not losing weight, the first thing to go should be the HWC and see if that makes a difference. If you do it with HWC and lose a bunch of weight, please let us know in the comments so others will know it’s possible.
Do I need to be in ketosis already to do this keto meal plan?
You don’t need to be in ketosis already to do the egg fast, but it will be easier if you are. The detox symptoms of getting into ketosis can be rough already on first timers – doing something as extremely low carb as the egg fast right off the bat will be much harder.
I recommend easing into the egg fast plan with my 3 Day Keto Kickstart Plan if you’re a complete newbie to any low carb plan. If you’re really desperate to get started on the egg fast though – go ahead and give it a shot, you’ve been warned.
Can I eat fruits and vegetables on the keto egg fast plan?
This is a late addition to the FAQ’s based on the comments. The answer is NO. That being said, if you want to experiment with a handful of spinach here, a few romaine leaves there, some chopped onions and peppers thrown into your eggs, etc. then that is completely up to you, and you might still have great results.
I’m not the boss of you and neither is this egg fast plan.
Here’s the problem – looking for loopholes and making eggceptions (sorry, couldn’t help myself and I should get credit for holding out this long with no egg puns by the way – it wasn’t easy, ya know!) with a little of this and a little of that is a slippery slope. If you want to do the egg fast plan the way it was intended by the originators – you don’t eat any fruits or vegetables. The end.
Why didn’t you post the nutrition info and calories on this egg fast menu plan?
Each person will eat a different amount, making it hard to calculate for this keto menu plan. Also, egg fasting is hard enough without trying to calculate everything that goes into your mouth. Focus on eating until you’re full and no more. That may even mean eating more than this egg fast plan calls for – especially in the first couple of days.
You’ll find that you’ll eat a lot less as the week continues – you won’t need to worry about the calories. Also I lost the most on the days that I ate the most calories – when you start to restrict calories in order to maximize the results, I think it can actually have the opposite effect. All the nutrition info is available for the recipes in those posts, if you really must know you can easily figure it out on your own based on the quantities you are actually eating.
Where can I go for support and help while on the egg fast diet?
In addition to posting questions and your progress here in the comments, you can join our IBIH Egg Fast Group on Facebook to get support and encouragement from others doing the egg fast plan!
I like the menu for Day 4 of the Keto Egg Fast Meal Plan, can I just eat that all five days?
Sure, go nuts.
Can I drink alcohol on the egg fast?
No. Alcohol impedes liver function and you need your liver focused on metabolizing your fat – otherwise what’s the point of putting yourself through this egg fast plan?
Can you drink coffee on the Egg Fast?
YES. You can drink black coffee or bulletproof coffee on the egg fast plan. As mentioned above, heavy whipping cream is not allowed, so the best way to get a creamy egg fast coffee is to make bulletproof coffee.
If you have never heard of it, bulletproof coffee is coffee made with MCT oil (or coconut oil), and grassfed unsalted butter. It has thermogenic (fat burning) properties, and gives you ridiculous amounts of energy. Plus it tastes amazing.
How do you make bulletproof coffee?
Combine 6-8 ounces of coffee with 1 Tbsp unsalted butter (I use Kerrygold), and 1 Tbsp of MCT oil (coconut oil works if you can’t get MCT oil). You can also add sugar free sweetener – I make Mr. Hungry’s with Splenda (he prefers it) and cinnamon – it’s yummy.
The key to good BPC is that you emulsify it. I use this battery-powered, hand-held frother thingy and it works great. Others make it in a magic bullet or blender and blend for 20 seconds or so. You can’t just stir it in with a spoon or you’ll have a gross oil slick on top. Ewww.
Try bulletproof – you’ll never want to go back to heavy cream again – or at least we didn’t!
What can you drink while on the keto egg fast plan?
Water – and lots of it! Aim for 100 ounces per day.
Can I drink diet soda on the egg fast?
Diet soda is inherently unhealthy for you. However, I did have a few Diet Cokes while on the egg fast plan. It helped clear my palate and made me not want to kill myself when we were at people’s homes and everyone else was eating and drinking things I wished I was having. Limit it to special occasions though if possible. If it makes the difference between staying on the plan or giving up – a diet soda won’t kill you. I also had some sweetener free sparkling water while on the plan, which helped break the monotony. Make sure you’re getting most of your liquid from regular water though and avoid the diet sodas if you can.
Should I take vitamins or supplements on the keto egg fast diet plan?
If you’re already taking vitamins or supplements, continue as long as they are mostly sugar free. Don’t stop taking any medications! If you aren’t already supplementing with magnesium and potassium (lite salt added to your food works best), then you should start. Be sure to get plenty of sodium as well. These three things will help you avoid getting cramps, headaches, and help regulate your fluids to avoid lightheadedness, heart palpitations, etc. as you release any retained water (which you should be drinking A LOT of) during the fast.
But what about fiber? How will I stay “regular?”
Magnesium is a mild laxative and will help with constipation if you’re supplementing (as you should be.) As a side bonus, magnesium helps you sleep so the best time to take it is typically about an hour or two before bedtime.
In addition, because you are eating so much fat, it should help keep things running smoothly. Bulletproof coffee is your friend.
Is any cheese ok on this egg fast diet plan?
Any full fat, less than 1g net carb per ounce type of cheese should be ok. (cream cheese, mascarpone, cheddar, mozzarella, brie, monterrey jack, etc.)
What kind of fats should I be eating on the egg fast?
Aim to avoid vegetable oils and highly processed fats and stick to healthier fats like grass-fed butter, avocado oil, olive oil, bacon grease, duck fat, etc.
That being said, I love Duke’s mayonnaise with my eggs and it’s something I’m not giving up without a fight.
I’m dairy free, can I still do the 5 day egg fast diet plan?
Yes – but most of my egg fast recipes will not work for you. You’ll have to stick to eggs and another pure fat like olive oil or coconut oil. It will be monotonous but you can still get results. Cheese substitutes made with nuts or soy are not recommended – but you can always try it and see what happens.
I don’t like or am allergic to eggs, do you have any suggestions on how I can modify this keto egg fast menu plan to be egg free?
Can I have toast with my eggs if I put butter on it? (True story)
Can I develop an intolerance to eggs from eating too many of them?
Allergies can come on at any time and any age – but they are not caused by overeating a certain food. You may notice an intolerance that wasn’t obvious previously if you start eating more of something you already have an issue with. If eggs make you feel funny, stop eating them for sure and see an allergist to get tested.
Will doing the Egg Fast Plan raise my cholesterol?
There is a lot of research out there about the effects of a high fat keto diet on your cholesterol – way too much to go into detail here. The short answer is no – not the bad cholesterol anyway.
Eggs were long vilified because they contain cholesterol, but the theory of dietary cholesterol increasing your blood cholesterol has been debunked.
If you are concerned, I recommend doing some research, and a great book about keto and cholesterol is Cholesterol Clarity by Jimmy Moore.
I’m scared to do the keto egg fast because it will make me hate eggs forever…
I can’t say for sure that it won’t happen, but it’s unlikely. I couldn’t stand the thought of another egg by Day five. Had two fried eggs with butter this morning – still delicious. The plan is designed to keep you from getting sick of eggs by varying the form that you eat them in and mixing up sweet and savory. I think you’ll be ok. If you already love eggs, then you might be looking forward to some variety by the end of the fast, but you’ll be back to enjoying them again soon after. That being said, if you hate eggs forever after doing this plan, I take no responsibility – you knew the risks.
Got a question that’s not in the FAQ’s? Please feel free to post it in the comments!
BEWARE: Questions posted in the comments that are clearly already answered here in the post make you look like a doofus, and make me really annoyed. DON’T BE “THAT GUY” – READ THE FAQ’S BEFORE COMMENTING! Failure to do so will result in merciless mocking and possible atomic wedgies.
Great – you ready do do this? Can’t wait to hear your results – be sure to keep us all posted on how you’re doing through the week!
Join our exclusive Official IBIH Egg Fast Facebook Group to get support!
More Keto Egg Fast Recipes
The two recipes below were created after I made this plan – you can substitute them for any of the recipes in the egg fast plan below.
Egg Fast Caramel Cheesecakes
Egg Fast Ice Cream
Click here to download a printer friendly version of the egg fast plan!
7 Day Keto Egg Fast Diet Menu Plan
Day One
Coffee or Tea – Black or Bulletproof (1 Tbsp MCT oil or coconut oil + 1 Tbsp unsalted butter)(sugar free sweetener if desired)
2 – 3 eggs fried or scrambled with 2 Tbsp butter
1 String Cheese or 1 ounce of other cheese
1/2 cup Simple Egg Salad (and no, you can’t have the bacon shown in the photo on that egg salad recipe during this egg fast plan)
1 deli slice cheddar cheese, quartered and microwaved until crisp (approx 30 seconds)
1 String Cheese or 1 ounce of other cheese
1 serving Buffalo Omelette (if really hungry you can eat the entire omelette, even though the serving size in the recipe is shown as only 1/2)
Day 2
Coffee or Tea – Black or Bulletproof (1 Tbsp MCT oil or coconut oil + 1 Tbsp unsalted butter)(sugar free sweetener if desired)
2 – 3 eggs fried or scrambled with 2 Tbsp butter
1 String Cheese or 1 ounce of other cheese
1/2 cup Simple Egg Salad
1 deli slice cheddar cheese, quartered and microwaved until crisp (approx 30 seconds)
1 String Cheese or 1 ounce of other cheese
2 (or more) Snickerdoodle Crepes
Day 3
Coffee or Tea – Black or Bulletproof (1 Tbsp MCT oil or coconut oil + 1 Tbsp unsalted butter)(sugar free sweetener if desired)
2 – 3 eggs fried or scrambled with 2 Tbsp butter
1 String Cheese or 1 ounce of other cheese
1 Cream Cheese Pancake, 1 Tbsp sugar free mayonnaise, 1 deli slice cheddar cheese
(spread the mayo on the pancake, top with cheese, roll up and eat like a wrap)
2 Easy Deviled Eggs (4 halves)
1 serving Buffalo Omelette
Day 4
Coffee or Tea – Black or Bulletproof (1 Tbsp MCT oil or coconut oil + 1 Tbsp unsalted butter)(sugar free sweetener if desired)
2 – 3 eggs fried or scrambled with 2 Tbsp butter
1 String Cheese or 1 ounce of other cheese
2 Easy Deviled Eggs (4 halves)
1 – 2 servings of Salted Caramel Custard
Day 5 – last official day of egg fast plan before transition
Coffee or Tea – Black or Bulletproof (1 Tbsp MCT or coconut oil + 1 Tbsp unsalted butter), (sugar free sweetener if desired)
2 – 3 eggs fried or scrambled with 2 Tbsp butter
2 Easy Deviled Eggs (4 halves)
1 serving Salted Caramel Custard
1 String Cheese or 1 ounce of other cheese
1 serving Fettuccini Alfredo
Day 6 (transition day)
Coffee or Tea – Black or Bulletproof (1 Tbsp MCT oil or coconut oil + 1 Tbsp unsalted butter)(sugar free sweetener if desired)
2 – 3 eggs fried or scrambled with 2 Tbsp butter
1/2 avocado w/ lite salt and pepper
1/2 cup Simple Egg Salad
1 deli slice cheddar cheese, quartered and microwaved until crisp (approx 30 seconds)
1/2 avocado w/ lite salt and pepper
6 – 8 classic buffalo wings, celery sticks, 2 Tbsp blue cheese dressing
Day 7 (transition day)
Coffee or Tea – Black or Bulletproof (1 Tbsp MCT oil or coconut oil + 1 Tbsp unsalted butter)(sugar free sweetener if desired)
2 – 3 eggs fried or scrambled with 2 Tbsp butter
1/2 avocado w/ lite salt and pepper
1 serving Fettuccini Alfredo
1/2 avocado w/ lite salt and pepper
1 serving No Chop Chili
2 Tbsp sour cream
1 Tbsp chopped cilantro (optional)
1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese
Keto Egg Fast Plan Pantry and Shopping List
Check your Pantry for…
ground cumin (chili)
ground coriander (chili)
garlic powder (chili)
onion powder (chili)
dried oregano (chili)
ground cinnamon (crepes)
sugar free sweetener of choice (splenda, stevia, swerve, etc.)
mayonnaise (sugar free)
hot sauce (I like Frank’s Red Hot)
green tobasco sauce (for the deviled eggs)
blue cheese dressing (1g net carbs per serving or less)
parmesan cheese
Keto Egg Fast Plan Shopping list
(Go organic when and if you can)
2 avocados (you won’t need these until day 6 and 7)
1 bunch of celery (you won’t need this until day 6)
1 bunch cilantro (optional for chili on day 7)
4 oz sour cream (for day 7)
8 oz cream cheese
3 dozen eggs (or more)
8 oz package of string cheese
8 oz deli sliced sharp cheddar cheese
1 lb butter
1 lb unsalted butter (if making bulletproof coffee)
4 oz mascarpone cheese (for the fettuccini on day 5)
lite salt (half potassium half sodium)
caramel extract (for the custard)
MCT oil or coconut oil (if making bulletproof coffee)
1 small package of raw chicken wings (for dinner on day 6)
1lb ground beef (for the chili on day 7)
Keto Egg Fast Diet Prep List
Notes: Most of these recipes in this egg fast plan are easy and quick to prepare, and taste best when made fresh just before eating. The few exceptions are listed below for you to make ahead. The Fettuccini Alfredo and Buffalo Omelette are best made right before serving.
- Make 1 batch of Simple Egg Salad
- Make 1 batch of Easy Deviled Eggs
- Make 2 batches of Salted Caramel Custard on the evening of Day 3 so that they are chilled and ready to go by Day 4 and Day 5 when you’ll be eating them.
- Make 1 batch of Cream Cheese Pancakes to have on hand for Day 3 lunch that uses one, and the others as a backup for when you need something quick and don’t have time to cook.
dena says
I have been off the wagon for too long and came back to a tried & true plan to kick cravings to the curb (and pounds!) .. I thought a printed version would be nice and there are 3 recent egg gast books on Amazon .. I got one, total yuck. No where close to as good as your recipes (i’m spoiled by your books!).
You have everything you need on your pages for an egg fast book :) Plus so many tweeks in the comments to feature.
I know you’ve gone more into protein but eggs are a perfect protein and your egg fast recipes help jump start a no fuss, cravings kicking, plan to detox from SAD WOE and transition into a protein based WOE.
Amanda says
This is my 2nd time, and am getting everything prepped. The 1st time I did it was a very long time ago, so I don’t recall …. some things in the individual recipes are not on the shopping list. Ex. Sugar free syrup for the pancakes, blue cheese for the buffalo omelet, dijon mustard for the egg salad. Should I omit these from the recipes when doing the plan? Thanks so much!!
Dee says
Thanks so much for sharing this quick effective eating plan. I was stalled but this definitely got me over the hump. Huge improvement! I’m ecstatic about my results but also concerned about day 8, 9,10 etc. Just hope I can stay the course. I did get a touch of Keto Flu around day 2 that lasted 6 of the 7 days but I just kept pushing forward and so glad I did. The pancakes and deviled eggs with hot sauce and wings were my favorite. Putting those three on a weekly rotation. My results:
5/25/24 – 167.6
5/28/24- 164.2
Mellissa Sevigny says
Fantastic results Dee!
Rachel says
Hi Melissa,
I am excited to do the Egg Fast Diet, but I have a food intolerance to Avocado. I simply cannot eat it without it wreaking havoc on my digestive system. It simply isn’t worth based on the bad digestive issues that result. What is the best substitute for eating avocado on this plan when you have it on the menu?
Tanja Burger says
How much cheese is a string or is it a specific cheese?
Mackenzie Finley says
String cheese is in a package in the cheese section of the store. They are individually wrapped and portable.
George Chakmakian says
Will be back on the most reliable weight loss diet on the WEB. I have never failed to get the results I am looking for when on Melissa’s egg fast diet. I keep coming back to the egg fast diet because it always works. So one more time. Thank you Melissa!!!
Veronica says
Can we switch out recipes? I wasn’t a fan of the snickerdoodle crepes (which shocked me tbh), so could I do the cream cheese pancake instead? Or is this a plan where the specific meals for each day complement each other?
Mellissa Sevigny says
You can mix and match any egg fast compliant recipes.
Amber says
Am I able to eat an extra meal? I start my days at 6:30 and donate plasma, 3 eggs per meal simply hasn’t been enough! I feel like I’ve been starving and I’m on day 4. Weight loss has worked great, but I’m going on day 5 always being crazy hungry and it hurts!
Mellissa Sevigny says
Yes you can eat more eggs if you need to!
Amavio says
It was perfect, 3.5 pounds down after this 5 days eggs recipes. Still love and enjoy the eggs. I am in keto – 1 year and months and feel that I cant escape from that 105 kg. So, from 106,5, now i am going to 104,9 kg. I am super happy. I apply keto and OMAD, so, I eat only 1 meal a day, with all my calories in that meal. The recipes were from my mind, not exactly from your site – some kind of omlette, egg salad and a kind of egg devil, different every day. 10x a lot for your inspiration.
Sarah Rice says
Is it bad if I don’t eat everything? I get so busy at work that it is easy for me to forget to have the snack. Is it bad if I miss a dinner? I have come home from work and fell asleep before I fixed dinner.
Mellissa Sevigny says
No it’s fine, this is a high calorie plan and if you aren’t hungry or are busy and miss a meal it shouldn’t hurt your results.
Markus says
Hi I love this egg fast I have been on it before and it works well for me too , but I have a question and that is how long can a person stay on it and is it safe to do so ? Some people get sick of eggs but fortunately for me that doesn’t happen
Bex says
Hi there,
I have been reading up on this egg fast everywhere. I’m so glad I stumbled upon your page. It’s the Most helpful of all pages!
I have a question regarding healthy fats. I haven’t seen anywhere that mentions Ghee is allowed, so is it ok to use ghee instead of butter? If so, how much? 1tsp/ per egg? Thanks 🙏🏻
Mellissa Sevigny says
Ghee is fine, same ratio as other fats!
Jan says
Can any vegtables be eaten during the egg fast ?
Mellissa Sevigny says
Elaine N says
I have been in ketosis for three months. Lost only 12 pounds. Started the egg diet – measured everything! Did a 45 min peleton ride and 7000 step walk and only lost .5 pounds first day. I am stalled at about 155 and can’t move the dial. Will stay with this through to the end but very frustrated. I have 25 lbs to lose. Any thoughts would be appreciated!
Myrna vitale says
Try switching up more protein on break and lunch and minimal eggs etc for dinner
Rui Viegas says
Sometimes, when someone has a hormonal issue, the keto diet doesn’t really make you lose any substantial weight. Maybe you should contact your doctor and have you checked for hormonal imbalances within your body. Good luck!
Cara says
You can be in ketosis and your weight doesn’t move at all – up or down. When this has happened to me, I switched to weighing all of my food, and counting calories. Once you know what a typical day looks like for you calorie-wise, then you can drop down to a lower level, and you should see results. Best of luck with it!
Leslie says
Can you have collagen powder on the 7 day egg fast? I take it daily already and was going to start the egg fast this week.
Mellissa Sevigny says
It could screw up the protein ratios so I don’t recommend it for best results.
Judy H says
My Results doing 7-Day Egg Fast…would definitely do again…Loved everyday !
From July 17 thru July 23 did my very first Egg Fast in #mellissasevigny IBIH Egg Fast group I thoroughly enjoyed it & still not tired of eggs🤣🤣🤣🤣
Here are the results:
My Egg Fast Days 1 – 7 ( 6 & 7 being Transition Days):
Day 1, July 17 SW = 173.6 lbs.
Keto Mojo readings for Day 1 (taken morning of July 18)-
Glucose 92 mg/dL…….Ketones 0.4 mmol/L…..NOT in Ketosis
Day 2 – 4 (no weigh in)
Day 5 July 21 morning weigh-in: 161.3 lbs
5 Day Egg Fast Total Weight loss: 12.3 lbs (Remember though mostly water weight loss)
Day 6, July 22—-Transition Day results: weight 161.4 lbs. Up 1/10th lb.
Keto Mojo morning readings: Glucose 80/Ketones 3.3- in high therapeutic level of GKI Ketosis
Day 7, July 23 (Final Day of EF)—-Transition Day results: weight 161.2 lbs. Down 2/10 lb.
Egg Fast Final Results :
Days 1-7 Total weight loss: 12.4 lbs…I feel this Weight Loss is true pounds lost after doing Days 6-7 Transitioning.
Keto Mojo morning readings July 24: Glucose 90/Ketones 4.0-in high therapeutic level of GKI Ketosis.
#MellissaSevigny must admit I never thought about testimonials, how important they are in helping others seeking information on a Plan. Until I got your email a few minutes ago regarding your Egg Fast Plan & you mentioned testimonials. It dawned on me I have an obligation to others in sharing my experiences on my 7-Day Egg Fast. I apologize for being somewhat lax in not taking the time to reach out.
Thank you Mellissa for such an enjoyable experience using your Egg Fast Plan! It was perfection🥰
Mellissa Sevigny says
Thanks so much for this detailed testimonial Judy – I’m sure it will be helpful to others and I really appreciate how thorough you were too. Also congrats on your fantastic results on the plan!
Cheyenne says
I read through the FAQ and did not see mine, however, I didn’t read all the comments so it may be in there…I just finished day 3 and have lost 7 lbs (211 to 204).
My question is: can you take psyllium husk powder with water while on the egg fast?
I want to use the egg fast to combat plateaus in the future and am restarting keto after a year hiatus. So for future egg fasts…
Love your site and your recipes look and sound amazing! Can’t wait to try them.
Mellissa Sevigny says
Yes, psyllium is fine on the egg fast Cheyenne!
Jessica Saavedra says
I just started day 3 of this fast and I have to say WOW! I am so happy I stumbled upon this plan! I have done KETO twice, I lost 23 lbs the first time and stopped because of the plateau I hit (NOT AN EXCUSE TO QUIT ANYTHING BUT I DID, JUST SAYING). I started it again 6 weeks ago stalling at 12 lbs, well lets just say I have lost 4 more 4 lbs on the morning of Day 3 of the KETO EGG FAST and I feel so energized.
The key thing that Melissa mentions is DRINK THAT WATER! At times if I got bored of water I would drink ALDI’S Pur Aqua Belle Vie Grapefruit Flavor. It has 0 Sodium! Coming from a huge Diet Coke Zero, I know that even though these sodas have zero calories they are loaded in sodium and ALWAYS stall my weight loss on any lifestyle I have attempted in the past.
Mellissa Sevigny says
Thanks for this awesome testimonial Jessica – so happy for you!
Theresa Mikita Lepiane says
First, I think you are amazing. Love your recipes.
I’ve been on the egg fast 3 days, and since I actually like sunny side up eggs and toast, I could understand the person who said, “Can we eat toast?” It’s not totally just eggs and cheese, but here’s a recipe that may not be too bad. The problem is the one TBS of almond butter. I got this somewhere–not sure where about 4 years ago when I started keto. What are your thoughts? How “not egg fast” is this? I think the coconut butter and regular butter are fine.
Recipe: One TBS each melted: almond butter, butter, coconut oil
In another bowl beat one egg and one teaspoon of baking powder
Mix and make in a waffle iron or on a griddle or even cook for 90 sec in a mug and cut and toast the “bread”
It is a little eggy. I usually make it with a teaspoon of vanilla to cut the egginess, but not for egg dipping. Maybe a pinch of garlic salt? Rosemary? Not sure what would be better. Anyway, these keep in the fridge or freezer and can be put in the toaster the next day. Of course they are better fresh.
I actually only ate half of one with my 2 fried eggs, so that’s less than a carb of almond butter.
Your thoughts, Mellissa?
I’m 3 days in and 4 pounds down. Love the Alfredo.
Mellissa Sevigny says
It’s a slippery slope Theresa so I’d opt to forego the almond butter – also nuts are inflammatory for many people even though they don’t realize it so you won’t know if it’s affecting your results until you try the fast without it first.
gjeanieg says
For those who really need “bread“ how about a plain chaffle? One egg, quarter cup full fat shredded mozzarella. Mix it up really well and cook it in a greased waffle iron. It does make an excellent bread substitute and it would be compliant with the egg fast.
Patricia says
I’m a 1st timer and have just printed out the 3 day keto diet plan, as i want to do 7 Day Keto Egg Fast Diet Menu Plan and i read that would be more effective if your body had reached ketosis already.. Is this the correct way i am planning?
lisa jimenez says
My hubby and I did the egg fast and it was great. We loved the food! The fettucine was incredible and he loved the snickerdoodle crepes.
The ONLY issue we had this week was heartburn. After doing some research it could just be the added fat from the egg yolks. We aren’t used to eating so many. Any remedies? I’ve been drinking ACV but to no avail. Otherwise we feel great and very clear headed. We are going to move into the April SCKC and looking forward to it. Since we started keto a month ago, he’s down 30 lbs and I’m down 16 and we both broke our sugar addiction. Very happy to be feeling better.
Christie says
Blending butter and a raw egg in my coffee is creamier than when I used splashes of heavy cream. 😋 Down 2lb since starting yesterday morning/the previous night. 🤗 I guess I was overdoing the keto carbs and probably overeating protein. Eggs and cheese only helps to actually wait until hungry to eat also. Won’t be transitioning with avocado though (headaches) but definitely more meat variety and keeping all the fat.
Jeanne Gillies says
Hi Melissa,
I have been on Keto for about 2.5 years and began this Egg diet to promote weight loss. I completed day one and found it difficult to eat all the food. Now on day two I am not interested in eating at all. Should I be forcing myself to eat???
Mellissa Sevigny says
Only eat when you’re hungry, there is no need to force it. Fat is very satiating and you need less of it to feel full, also your body is adjusting. Do make sure you are getting your electrolytes though – so if you aren’t eating much drink plenty of water and sprinkle some sea salt in it to keep from getting out of balance.
Lana Piepenbrok-Frohm says
Wow, this sounds great… I’ve been looking at going Keto but couldn’t figure out how to get started. I know I cant start this till after Thanksgiving as we will be traveling for the holiday. Going to start this on Nov. 29th, 2021. I will post again with my results. Thanks for this!
Mellissa Sevigny says
Looking forward to hearing your results Lana!
Claire Whitehead says
How often is it suggested to do a 3 day egg fast? Like, once a month, once every 2 weeks, once a week?
Leslie says
I love eggs. Just started eating them and am on day six of egg fast! Might transition after a few more days! Eggs are the perfect food!
Abby says
This article is brilliant, thank you!
I’ve been keto 2.5yrs, lost 85kg, (4kg till my goal weight, eeek!) and not only have a plateaued, last week I gained 1.5kg! *face palm*
I’m strict keto, carbs under 18g, calories under 1500 and I do 15,000-20,000 steps per day..
My question is, on the egg fast I’m consuming almost 500 calories more than I normally would and I’m loosing weight? Does this mean I need to up my calories once I transition? And/or my fat?
Also theres limited/inconsistent information around the max amount of eggs, 10? 11?
Day 2 – 1kg lost, woohoo
Thanks again
Jan says
My husband was interested in the diet until he saw the amount of food and is worried that he will be hungry. His keto plan is nearly double for mine for protein. Could I double the diet for him without doing him bodily injury?
Mellissa Sevigny says
On the egg fast it’s really about eating until you are full since it’s almost impossible to get kicked out of ketosis with all of the meals so low in carbs. So he can definitely increase portion sizes and still lose.
Maureen Hagerty says
Is cottage cheese allowed?
Angela says
Is it okay to transition for more than 2 days? I bought too much stuff and I really don’t want to throw the food items away. With the exception of the egg fast, I’m trying to do keto dairy free and I don’t want the remainder dairy sitting in my fridge. I also cooked all your recipes (delicious by the way) in bulk so I still have days of food left.
Donna Beauford says
Day 1 — did everything by the book
Day 2 — lost 1.8 pounds
Day 3 — Gained 0.8 ozs
Day 4 — Stayed at the 0.8 ozs I gained on day 3. I follwed your plan to the letter T. Don’t know what to tell you. but maybe this does not work for everyone,: I wake up and weight my self so I still have to do what I have to eat for day 4 so lets see what I have to eat for day for and hope like heck I lose not gain or I will be one pissed person.
Mellissa Sevigny says
Let us know how it goes. Depending on your monthly cycle it could be water weight. If you are drinking a lot of diet drinks with artificial sweeteners it can cause bloating. Heavy cream, even just in your coffee is a no-no even though some people do it anyway it will slow your results down.
Sharon Cumming says
I have a similar issue. I’m starting day 4 and have only lost a half pound. I’m following the guidelines to the letter and am eating only 3-4 oz of cheese per day. I’m drinking a pitcher of water, unsweetened tea and coffee with a drop of sweetener no cream. Your recipes are great, I’m not yet sick of eggs. ( The always soft texture is the only issue). I plan to make some cheese crisps to help that. I am eating way more calories than usual with all the fat and cheese. I’m sticking it out and will maybe add a 6th day. I’m post menopause and am on HRT. Could that be the issue? My husband and I did lose weight the first time we tried it a few years ago.
phoebe says
that was my question too i dont drink coffee but a ice coffee every once in a while and i dont like hot teas either but i drink alot of water
Kristin says
Thanks so much for this! I’ve done Keto before but didn’t get results like I expected. After doing this egg fast, I realize that I probably wasn’t deep enough into Ketosis. I lost 10 pounds during the 5 day egg fast and another 2 by the end of day 7 (transition days), for a total of 12 pounds. For those wondering about heavy cream: I like iced coffee so butter doesn’t really work and I feel like even MCT oil just sits on top of my coffee, so I did heavy cream. I did relatively the same amount of fat the butter and MCT would have provided so by my calculations that was 4T heavy cream. I noticed that the salsa for the chili is not on the shopping list. I wasn’t sure if that was intentional (carbs), but honestly it wasn’t even needed. I was so excited to eat beef I would have eaten it plain! If you haven’t tried chaffles on your egg fast/keto diet you should. I subbed them for a few meals and wasn’t craving a thing the whole time. They are so good that I will be continuing to make them, and your fettuccine alfredo (yum!), even though the fast is over. This will be great to repeat if I stall out later. Thanks again!
Kathie says
Lol, I can’t get past the second meal on the first day! I’m on what I call Quasi-Keto and have kept the weight off. I jump on and off the Keto wagon going from being on keto for a couple of days the doing low carb a couple to eating “regular” for a day or two.
HeyMrsWalker says
Thank you so much for this!!! I was at a plateau in my weight loss journey, and although I was not doing keto at the time, I have had your site bookmarked forever, so I said let me try that egg fast!!! Well it worked!!! I did it for 4 days and lost 6lbs and have been doing keto ever since. I will say this…the ONE thing that helped me was drinking water and diet grape Powerade!!! No headaches and no side effects!!! This has been a lifesaver. Thank you so much! Oh and I didn’t gain any weight back. That was about 3-4 weeks ago and I just started it again yesterday. Doing it for 4 days again! That’s my cutoff with the eggs lol!!! Thanks again!!!
#HeyMrsWalker ❤
Rina says
I added avocado to my egg fast as a healthy fat. It worked for me and l lost weight. I did it for 3 days and lost 1.5kg. I am not sure if I did eliminate it I would have lost more – who knows :)
Melanie Pope says
I’m sorry if I missed it, but I did’t see this in the FAQs. Are there any alternatives for bullet proof coffee? I’m not a coffee drinker. Thank you!
Squeaky says
Some people do it in tea, and it’s like a creamy chai sort of thing. I haven’t tried but I have seen that mentioned in the keto world so I thought I would comment. :)
Saki says
If I limit my carbs to below 50g a say would the diet still work in keto way? And I already eat a 1000 calories a day, not all cals are same so egg diet would still work?
Megan says
Depending on how much you weigh and your activity level, 50 g carbs is usually too much. Most people need to stay under 25 g carbs to remain in ketosis.
Desi Johnson says
Hi There. I just wanted to comment (after reading most of the comments after this EggFast page) and I limited myself to 25 or less carbs/day without limiting the calories. Lost 28 lbs in preparation for a knee surgery. I also walked (very slowly, I will add) or swam 5 to6 days/week. If that helps.
Thank you, Melissa for this website!
AmandaB12 says
1000 calories a day is not enough to maintain basic bodily functions. Please eat more than this. No weight loss is worth destroying your health.
Lotanna says
Omg! Thank you so much for this! My keto weight loss stalled after 1 month at -12lbs. It felt like I was stuck at 180 lbs. I started your egg diet plan (with IF window of about 16-20 hours) on Saturday (180.4 lbs to be exact). Today is day 3 and I weighed in at 176.4 lbs! I struggled to eat fried eggs in the morning – not a fan but those egg crepes are soooo good! I made keto cheesecake cups and I spread that onto the crepes, heaven! This is wonders. Looking forward to tradition days ahead but this is so encouraging and doable. Thank again! 🤗
Haley says
I don’t eat anything in the mornings, so I essentially IF on a daily basis. Will I be able to do the egg fast while I IF? Like do only one or two meals of the eggs and just increase the amount of eggs beyond 2? I only eat when hungry and don’t force myself to eat.
Marla says
Like you, I normally don’t eat breakfast, I drink a cup of tea with a tablespoon of heavy cream everyday. The first day I did the egg fast I ate a hardboiled egg and a slice of cheese. I didn’t get hungry until late afternoon. I ate two eggs and another slice of cheese. At dinner I ate the same as lunch.
The second day no egg for breakfast and ate lunch and dinners of eggs and cheese. After four days I have lost four lbs. Would I have lost more if I hadn’t drank the heavy cream everyday? Maybe….But you definitely only eat when you are hungry and only the amount of eggs to make you feel full not stuffed..
Candy says
I am on day 4 of the eggs fast and am impressed with the results. I have been doing Keto since July last year. I had lost a total of 23#. Then I stalled. I was maintaining my weight but not losing. I try to weigh one day a week so as to not get frustrated. I have tried fasting with no success. I dance 3 days a week, jazz & lyrical. Since I started the egg fast I have lost 4#. I don’t typically do diet fads but this was one I thought I could keep with. I actually like eggs and the variety keeps it interesting.
Stephanie says
Can I use ‘everything but the bagel’ seasoning from Trader Joe’s on my eggs for flavor?
Mellissa Sevigny says
I’d be careful there, the onions and garlic will definitely add a few carbs and I can’t guarantee it won’t affect your results.
Cristie says
Yesterday was day 1 for me and I was starving after dinner. Can I eat a hard boiled or deviled egg as a snack ion the evening? I followed the meal plan for day 1 except that I had a hard boiled egg with Mayo when I first got up cause I read on other sites that you should eat an egg within 30 min of getting up.
Shawna Roberts says
My husband races motorcycles and goes low-carb (primal/paleo-style) every spring to fit into his racing leathers. He decided that your egg fast was just the thing to kick off the season. Minus the bulletproof coffee (“yuck! Put things in coffee? That’s gross.”) Minus the fancier recipes (“I don’t care. I’ll just eat fried eggs.”) Plus a handful of spinach every meal (“Spinach is free, dammit.”) Plus a second-day recalibration of how much butter equals one tablespoon (“Wow! That much butter? I have not been using that much”). Yesterday was day 5 and he lost 7 pounds. He is very pleased. Thanks!
Mellissa Sevigny says
Awesome results Shawna, good for him!
Cristie says
I’d like to try this egg fast but I don’t drink coffee or tea. Do I need the bulletproof coffee to be successful?
Mellissa Sevigny says
Nope, not at all!
Hi there, I’m on day 2 of the Egg Fast and really enjoying it. Thanks for your wisdom and guidance. The only thing I have noticed is I’m not hungry enough to eat everything on the day to day menus. Can I skip a meal or will that affect the diet? TIA
Mellissa Sevigny says
Yes you can absolutely eat less than the plan calls for – just eat until satisfied but don’t starve yourself and you should be fine.
Dani says
This plan looks amazing thanks for sharing! I’m curious if the amount of sweetener would stall weight loss??
Katie says
Are you eating the 2-3 eggs in the morning with the butter coffee or separate?
Squeaky says
I have my butter coffee in the morning when I am up, and then have a cooked breakfast later, at about 10am. I wouldn’t enjoy them together. But I don’t think it really matters!
Melissa Ferr says
Can you use feta cheese instead of blue cheese on the omelette? Are do you can you suggest another cheese to use?
Loid Burkett says
I followed the egg fast diet and lost 6 lbs in a week! I’m gonna try the soup diet next.
Becky says
Just want to say thanks for all the great work you’ve done in pulling these plans and recipes together. Finishing up the soup fast (I hate soup!) today having lost a few pounds and will start this egg fast in a couple days. I’m experimenting with my uber stubborn metabolism and love the idea of kicking my liver in the butt. Really appreciate your sense of humor as well! Take care and keep the new info coming!!
Mellissa Sevigny says
Hope you have great results on the plan Becky – keep us posted!
Leslie says
Love the Snickerdoodle Crepes. Easy to prepare and nice break!!
Lauren Gonzalez says
can you substitute one of the dinners for an egg shake made with eggs, ghee, cream cheese and liquid stevia?
Mary Arnold says
I did the second week of the eggfast. Now my neighbors have noticed my weight loss. I’m considering doing it again after Christmas. It is wonderful to have the menu laid out for me and even when to prepare things ahead. I had no unpleasant effects from this diet. I will return to it again and again. Thank you for planning this out so well.
Hannah says
Hi there! Started my egg fast yesterday! I ate about 800 calories 6 eggs because I was really trying to put myself in a deficit I worked out and weighed myself this morning and it fluctuated like 1 Pound ugh’! So discouraging cause some people lose so much weight in a day. In the past I’ve done this and have lost so much weight. But I remember eating 8-9 eggs. Maybe it’s cause I’m not eating enough fats? Any advice? Should I stick with it longer til my body goes into ketosis?
Marla says
You for sure have to eat the fat with your eggs to lose weight. No set number of eggs a day. Eat until full not stuffed. I lost a pound a day. But my regular keto diet had stalled. So this has been awesome!
Melissa Kellard says
Can you please tell me which healthy fats I can eat while on the egg fast? Am I allowed avocado? I know you have it in your recipes but on other websites I’ve read you’re not allowed so I’m a bit confused!
Mellissa Sevigny says
Any pure fat like butter, oil, lard, etc. Mayo isn’t pure fat but since it also contains eggs it’s allowed. Avocado is not on the plan.
Lauren Gonzalez says
what about ghee or mct oil?
Magdalena says
Ghee is clarified butter and MCT oil is basically coconut oil. Those are both healthy, pure fats
Sharene says
Hi, Thank you so much for this! I loved the recipes and did not really have any cravings. I wasn’t hungry either. Down 7 lbs at the end of the 7 days!
Mary Arnold says
I was on a keto lifestyle for just over a year. I went a little crazy and blimped up. I needed something and this was it. I am 75. I did everything as written, and I’m starting it again without a break. The food is good and enough to be satisfying otherwise as well. I don’t know how much I lost since I threw away my scales about 3 years ago. My abdomen is much smaller so I can bend over and breathe at the same time. I can see a bit of loss in my face as well. This will be my go to diet if I ever plateau. I will certainly recommend it to friends. Thank you for this diet and your other wonderful recipes.
Can you use nutritional yeast on egg fast or will it hinder results ?
2 tbsps is 5 carbs and 4 grams fiber approximately
Have your book love it
Marla says
No…no carbs.
Lauren Gonzalez says
Do you adjust it at all depending on the person? ie for a 230 lb man as opposed to a 145 lb woman?
Cindy says
Sandra Nyberg says
I’m 71, and have been following the egg fast plan (3rd day). I have been on the keto diet for two months, losing 20 lbs and hope to lose 26 more. I’ve been on a plateau for 2 weeks so decided to try the egg fast. Unfortunately it is not working for me. I’m nauseous with terrible heartburn and bloating. I also get very lightheaded. Maybe it’s my age but after 3 days with no weight loss I will go back to the regular keto plan. Thought you might like to hear from a senior citizen.
Mellissa Sevigny says
You may have a slight intolerance to eggs Sandra, which could account for such uncomfortable symptoms when eating so many of them. It’s possible when just eating them occasionally that you never noticed. Sorry the plan didn’t work well for you!
Lin says
Some people benefit with a high carb day, to shift their metabolism then back to keto the very next day to start losing weight again after a plateau. Works like a charm! The body needs a shock, as it gets to used to a certain way of eating.
Shirley T. Hayes says
Can you use duck eggs instead of chicken eggs?
Diana Flumian says
A question for you: I’ve been drinking hot water, fresh lemon juice, cayenne pepper and a scoop of collagen as soon as I wake up for years. Can I continue that on this egg fast?
Thank you for posting this fast, it’s hugely helpful!!
Mellissa Sevigny says
The protein in the collagen and carbs in the lemon juice could skew the macros enough to keep you from getting optimal results. But you can certainly try it and if you don’t lose then try it again without the drink.
Sue says
Can I adapt this plan for intermittent fasting? I’m rarely hungry in the morning. Prefer to have 2-3 meals a day and no snacks. Any problems with doing this?
Marla says
Nope I only eat two meals a day. I’ve lost a pound a day.
Munira says
Hey I plan to do this – I am on a low carb diet and wanted to ask you I don’t plan to follow on this high fat contents but I plan to have egg and cheese with little tomatoes onions and cilantro – I think I can do with deviled eggs and stuff but it won’t be purely keto. Is that ok? Would that work?
Mellissa Sevigny says
That’s not the egg fast plan, so I can’t comment on whether it will work for you or not.
Marla says
Tomatoes and onions have carbs. So no….Deviled eggs are okay as long as you just use mayo and mustard.
Stacey says
I have just finished the 7 day eggfast and omg im so happy! I have lost 3kgs! And your meals are amazing! I did struggle on the second night as i work fulltime i had to look ahead and prep so was alot of cooking the second night, and i buggered up with the egg custard didnt see refridgerate overnight so had to have something else. The omelette i needed to eat the whole thing as i was still hungry after half but was still losing about 500gms a day. I was confused with the pancake it says 1 pancake rolled up with cheese but the recipe made 4?? Was i meant to eat 4 or 1? I ate 4 lol 1 was so thin wouldnt fill me. But mostly i just wanted to congratulate you on so many yummy recipes with jjst eggs and cheese! Very clever! Im bringing these into my diet now a few days a week. Definetly worth doing 😊
Susan says
I am following the egg fast and loving it but i do love eggs, my question is I am not able to follow day 3,4 lunch because i am working can I substitute egg salad or devil eggs for those lunches??? Also i would like to follow up next with the soup fast is that ok????
Tina says
I don’t eat meat. What can I replace the chicken wings and ground beef with on the 5-day egg diet? Thank you.
suzzie says
can we add compliant plant based milk to the bpc on egg fast?
Mellissa Sevigny says
There is no compliant plant-based milk – the egg fast is eggs, cheese, fats – that’s it.
Monica says
Can we have SF syrup?
Lorna says
Not supposed to
Theresa Mikita Lepiane says
The cheesecakes have SF syrup, but I would keep it to a minimum.
Lauren Gonzalez says
if you do the buffalo omelette frittata style do you just eat half??
Heather Hall says
If I’m still hungry after all the meals can I have an extra hard boiled egg?
Mahina says
I’m willing to bet you’ve answered this before but i’m having a hard time finding it buried in previous comments.
Coconut Butter? Yes or No?
Mahalo much in advance for your patience *:)
Mellissa Sevigny says
Coconut oil yes, coconut butter no.
Karen says
My husband and I are starting the Egg Fast tomorrow but I have a question regarding snacks. He is allergic to avocados…..does he just substitue a cheese stick for the avocado or can you suggest something else. Also is Chicken Boullion/Broth or an ounce of roasted and salted almonds allowed on the egg fast? I have pending membership into the Facebook group so couldn’t search there. Thank you, we’re both excited and looking forward to it!
Mellissa Sevigny says
The egg fast is eggs, fats, cheese – no almonds or other nuts or other foods allowed for best results. On the transition days you can sub cheese for avocado, yes.
Ashley says
Can you add a bit of almond milk to the coffee on an egg fast?
Mellissa Sevigny says
If it’s not made of eggs, pure fat, or cheese, then it’s not egg fast friendly – so no.
Michele says
Is a zero carb protein shake allowed during an egg fast? Such as Isopure?
Mellissa Sevigny says
Mercedes says
Best sauce ever! Loved it and will be making again and again
Malak M says
is it normal to have diarrhea every single day of this diet
Patricia Murphy says
Hi, so I am putting HWC in my coffee because i hate my coffee black, and I am still losing 2 lbs. daily:) Hope this helps someone.
Kristie Roth says
Thanks Patricia, I’m starting tomorrow and was hoping to use HWC, will give it a go after your response.
Desi says
Yes, THANK YOU!!! I am a HWC person as well and I was wondering how I was going to do the coffee. I just can’t bring myself to drink black coffee. But my coffee usually serves as my breakfast on some days, my husband makes “bulletproof coffee pods for me with coconut oil and Kerrygold butter. He pours it into a small silicone muffin tray and puts them into the freezer, then once they are frozen he pops them out and into a freezer zip-lock. Pop one of those babies into your coffee for easy bulletproof prep!. I’m not usually hungry until lunch time.
gjeanieg says
Brilliant! Thank you!
Lorie says
Are the serving sizes the same for male and female? My husband and I both started this diet today and he is a good 70 to 75 pounds heavier than I am. I don’t want him to be hangry!
Mellissa Sevigny says
This is a calorie dense plan so it should be fine for both of you, but if he needs more food he can increase the amounts as necessary.
Desiree' says
I am going to start this on Monday. One question are pickles allowed while doing the egg fast??
Mellissa Sevigny says
If it’s not an egg or cheese, then technically it’s not egg fast compliant.
Desiree' says
Thank you, I didn’t think so. I just like egg salad with pickles in it. Guess I’ll have to pass on pickles. LOL
Angela Jones says
I started the egg fast on Wednesday and have made the egg salad and the recipe is delicious. My 4 year old grandson ate up my daughter’s extra portion and wanted more. I made the buffalo omelette and that was delicious also. Thanks so much for the recipes.
Yvonne says
Hi, I’m considering this fast but have 2 questions…
– I don’t like coffee… other suggestions..?
– it looks like IF is not an option… or would just cram all the meals and snacks in the 8 hour window?
lea says
Hi Melissa! I am currently on my 4th week of your squeaky Keto plan and loving it! I was wondering if doing the egg fast would be a good transition from squeaky clean or will the added sugar and dairy make me gain more weight? should I try the soup diet instead? just wondering how I should transition out of it. thanks for all your plans!
Sabrina says
Hi! I’m very excited to start this egg fast diet plan! I joined the Facebook support group (pending approval). My only question is with the bulletproof coffee, can I add collagen powder? I’ve been drinking my regular coffee with collagen once a day, but not sure if it’s ok to add with the egg fast.
Larise says
I’m following your diet plan, do I have to eat all the fat? For eg a bulletproof coffee without butter would be preferable for me and I’d prefer the eggs fried in less butter .
Charlene Cassar says
I’m no expert but I believe the fat is important to get you into a state of ketosis
Christy says
Thank you so much for your creative recipes that made this fast kind of fun and kept me from getting sick of eating eggs! This fast was surprisingly easy to make it through and I lost a little over 6 pounds in 5 days. I have never had those results before! Thank you for a kick start in the pants to get going!!!
Crystal says
I drink KITU Super Coffee. Is that ok in place of bulletproof? It’s the only coffee I drink. There’s a lot protein in it.
Maria says
I’ve been on strict keto for the past month before I stalled (only 5kg from reaching goal). I’m trying this fast to se if I jump start my weight loss again, on day 2, but I’m having “keto flu” symptoms, I feel depleted after working out and a bit nauseaus (I’m even sipping water cause I’m thirsty cause I can’t bear gulping it down how I normally do.)
Should I add maybe some bouillon broth? I add sea salt to my all meals, I like it salty… What could be causing this? And how do I solve it to properly finish my egg fast?
Nas says
Can you have apple cider vinegar while doing this plan?
Carla Jones says
In reading several different Egg-fast plans, it seems that most plans require you to eat your first meal within 30 mins of waking up. Is that necessary for this plan? Or can you wait a little longer to begin eating?
Fabian says
Does bacon fit in?
Mellissa Sevigny says
No. The plan is very clear, follow it closely for the best results.
jennifer says
can cottage cheese replace string cheese or other cheese?
Mellissa Sevigny says
No, it’s way too high in carbs.
Jacqueline Hegarty says
Jimmy Moore says he is the original creator of the “Egg Fast.” What do you say?
Mellissa Sevigny says
Jimmy Moore says a lot of things. I reference and link to his experience with the egg fast back in 2010 in my original post about the egg fast here. I did my own version and also created this free plan for anyone else who wants to try it. There are lots of versions out there.
Diana says
Can the eggs salad be eaten on a Chaffle? Made with eggs and mayo
Molly says
Started today. I was wondering if I am able to use MCT OIL powder in my coffee instead of the recommended “oils”?
Elona says
Hi, can in7se half and half for my coffee. I just cant drink it other way.
Thank you
Mellissa Sevigny says
Leann says
I don’t drink coffee. Is this going to be a problem?
Daniela says
How soon after you main meals did you eat a snack? And how far apart did you have your main meals. Im having trouble deciding the times or how often, i know egg meals should be eaten every 3-5 hours but im not sure if i need to have a snack in between the 3 hours or not
DTK says
HI, I have been doing keto for 6 months and was very strict but had stalled in weight loss. I am doing the egg fast and LOVE it. ON day five and lost 6 lbs. I only had about 15 more to lose, so I am thrilled. Anyway, I am not sick of eggs yet surprisingly. What if I keep doing this past the 7 days? Anyone know if there are any drawbacks to doing this long term?
Chris says
Hiya, and thank you for all the information above. That’s sooooo helpful ahead of starting, which I’ll be doing on Monday. The quantity of eggs doesn’t faze me and I’m really looking forward to starting. As I don’t drink coffee, where else can I include the MCT oil please (as I currently have it with salads). AND, can you please give me weights for the cheese stick ingredients, because we don’t have those here in New Zealand. Thanks so much. I intend posting my progress as I move through the five days.
Tara says
In the U. S. a serving of string cheese is 28g of mozzarella cheese.
Beverly Ricker says
Hi Melissa,
I’m starting your Egg Fast Diet plan but am unable to locate the macro nutritional information for your Classic Buffalo Wings. Can you provide it? Also, I’m loving your KETO For Life cookbook, thanks very much.
Rosemary says
Can you use collagen while doing egg fast?
Boryana Marcheva says
I second this question.
Diya H says
Thanks for this article. I wanted to check if it is okay to have apple cider vinegar and/or lemon concentrate in our water when on the egg fast.
Matthew Boyle says
Can I add a little hot sauce to my eggs?
Theresa Mikita Lepiane says
I would say yes because there is hot sauce in the buffalo eggs, but probably sparingly as it is neither eggs nor cheese.
Bev says
Hi, Can this eating plan (egg fast) be used if you’ve had a gastric sleeve done 6 years ago and got 30 kgs off. Hit a plateau and no matter how hard I try, I can’t loose anymore weight. Or I loose a bit then put it back on. I like the sound of the egg fast as I love eggs, but do find it hard to eat high fat now. Can this egg fast be altered to suit me please. I want to get another 20 kgs off yet. Thank you kindly.
Mellissa Sevigny says
Maybe try the soup diet instead of the egg fast, it’s not as high calorie or as high fat?
Lea says
I’m four years out and have done the egg fast previously, just eat less. Trust me, you’ll know when you’re full because this is a ton of protein.
Desi says
There are health benefits with Keto after gastric sleeve. This includes decreasing insulin resistance! But please be sure to check with your surgeon as you might not be able to tolerate fats well. If you consume a high-fat diet, it COULD cause uncomfortable GI symptoms as well.
Flora says
Does drinking coconut water affect the keto egg fast?
Mellissa Sevigny says
yes, coconut water has a lot of sugar and carbs.
Erum says
During the transition( day 4 egg fast ) can I use onions & green chilies ?
Ginger says
Done with Double Cream in the UK, it totally counts as extra fat (but it’s lower in carbs and higher in fat than HWC).
Enas Halim says
can I use zero Carb coconut milk with coffee while I’m on Egg fast diet?
Patsy says
Is a 1/2 pound weight loss after the first day normal. I was hoping for more. Followed day one exactly including 100 ounces of water. I plan to finish all 5 days plus the transtional days, but I really am hoping for at least a 5 pound weight loss by day 6. Fingers crossed.
Patsy says
Is it possible I’m just eating too many calories to lose any weight! Or is it just too soon to expect a weight loss?
Mia says
Do you have to go by your 5 day plan or can you just eat scramble or over easy eggs throughout the time? I’ve very busy so I’m not sure if I will have time to make the crepes, or the buffalo omelette and etc… but I really want to try the egg fast.
Mellissa Sevigny says
The plan is just there to help with variety but if you can stand to eat the eggs and fats simply then you’ll see the same results!
Erica Dickson says
As for the option on heavy whipping cream, you wanted anyone who tried it to comment – I did my BPC with heavy whipping cream (just a splash, no more than a spoonful per large cup) and still lost 7.2 lbs in the first 3 days of my egg fast! It was still an amazing experience!
Ami Allison says
YES!! This is what I was hoping to hear!
Anne says
Is there an upper limit to how many eggs to eat in one day? My husband was put on a low calorie diet and thought he was starving to death. (Tall, strong and doing heavy work). He is hoping to eat lots until he feels full.
Misty says
Just finished day 2 of the egg fast and so far so good! Loved the snickerdoodle crepes and so. does the rest of my family! The little ones are huge fans of these “french toast crepes!”
Shanda Siegmund says
I started eating low carb (30-50) in December and have plateaued, I have 10 lb to get my goal weight. I plan on starting the egg fast next week (once I eat the perishables in the fridge) I have been a vegetarian for 31 years, I started eating eggs again in December. So my question is what can I eat on in the transitional days?
Maria Martin says
I don’t like avocados. Is there a substitute for that during the last 2 days?
Jaime says
Hi I’m wanting to start my egg fast today but realized I added my Kitu super creamer to coffee and not sure if this creamer would be ok? If it is ok would it be considered one. Of my tablespoons of fat? Thanks!
Dianna says
Can you fry the eggs in bacon grease (if you don’t eat the bacon…)???
Mellissa Sevigny says
Mary Arnold says
I had some Alfredo left over. When I warmed it, I added some sharp cheddar. It made “macaroni and cheese”. These recipes are great… Easy and tasty.
Erin Self says
Would there be any problem/benefit from going from the soup fast to the egg fast? I have done your egg fast before and loved it but I have fallen off the wagon recently and wanted to try the soup fast to get back on it. Can I go straight to the egg fast afterwords or would you recommend waiting a few days of just keyo between?
Mellissa Sevigny says
I don’t see why not!
Tonia Jo Turner says
I started the egg-fast today. OMG I am in love with the buffalo omelet. I almost didnt want to stop eating it. This is a keeper in my book. Thank you for sharing
Kristin says
Can I put a few green olives in egg salad?
Grace says
when you are doing the egg fast and run out of butter can you replace it with coconut oil or cheese with no carbs.
Also after the egg fast cani go right to the soup diet
Inna says
I skimmed through the comments and can’t recall seeing this…does egg size matter? We have a poultry farm nearby and they often do specials in XL and Jumbo eggs. Does size matter? (ok, stop laughing, I know that sounds….well….you know)
Mellissa Sevigny says
Size doesn’t matter in this case, unless you are making the recipes when large eggs are called for.
Sebrina Glenn says
Are avacados allowed as a “fat”?
Mellissa Sevigny says
No, avocados aren’t a pure fat so they would not qualify as a replacement for fat on this plan. You can try using them if you like, but it won’t be the plan as written. That doesn’t mean you won’t successfully lose some weight though, as it would still be Keto and high fat.
Mary Arnold says
I’ve done 7 days of the diet. I like the food and the way I feel so well that I didn’t do either of the transition days yet just started repeating meals. This food is so tasty. I will never make pancakes any other way, and that fettuccine Alfredo is amazing, and the custard, so yummy. I threw away my scale a few years ago so I don’t know about lost pounds, I was just aiming to lose the stomach I developed a year ago and have trouble losing. I’ve been eating keto for about six months so this is a nice boost. Thank you for sharing this “egg fast”. I am going to recommend it on my FB feed.
Ann says
I started this fast Monday Feb 3 after I gorged (all keto food) myself all weekend. I gained 10 pounds and I was sooo mad at myself. I’ve followed the menu plan strictly, except the BPC. For that I substituted coffee with HWC. I must say I was pleasantly surprised this morning, Friday, Feb 7, that I am 12 pounds down and not looking back. Thank you Melissa for caring enough to share your way of eating. You have so many great recipes that I’ve incorporated into my own recipes.
Mellissa Sevigny says
Great results, congrats Ann!
lulu says
i ate everything but the coffee in the morning because i can’t have coffee, and lost 2 oz. i used to lose weight on keto, but lately i’ve gained. i started the 5 day egg fast out of desperation, was VERY careful about what i ate….and virtually nothing ! what can i do ?
Mellissa Sevigny says
Try the IBIH soup diet – it’s much lower in calories and might be what you need as opposed to the egg fast which is high fat and high calorie.
Greer McCallum says
All the food links to the recipes in the egg diet don’t work
Mellissa Sevigny says
The host moved my server last night and we’re working on a fix now, thanks for letting me know!
Christine says
I am on day 2. So far this is really easy. It helps that I like eggs and your menu options are perfect to mix it up and can we talk about how delicious the cheese crisps are. Thank you for sharing this easy to follow plan. Going to go order your book now. Looking forward to this new journey and lifestyle change
Mia says
I was wondering if i could have blonde coffee (made with just coffee beans, a little cardamom, and saffron) instead of regular brewed coffee which i hate.. also if i make bullet proof tea without cream or anything and blend it… does it come out creamy?
Chris says
I do not drink coffee or tea, can that be omitted? I have read through all the comments and seen the omition of one or the other, but not both. I will be starting this diet next week before the holiday and then again after.
Sherry says
How often do you do the egg fast? I was thinking of once a month.
Susie Davidson says
Can bacon be added to the 5 day egg fast?
Meghan McCandless says
Hey! I started the egg fast today. I also haven’t been able to work out for about a month (health reasons) but I want to get back into the gym.
I figured I would start slow (30 min on the treadmill) and build up. Is that the way to go or can I do my old workout plan of treadmill and weights (workout for about an hour).
Mellissa Sevigny says
If you haven’t been working out for awhile I’d start slow and work your way back up, egg fast or not. See how you feel and go from there.
Mel says
Can the plan be edited for intermittent fasting?
Heather says
For the serving size for each meal…is it the same whether you are 5’8″ tall and weigh 150 pounds or 6’1″ tall and weigh 300 pounds? I feel like these portion sizes would be just fine for me, but my husband would probably feel like he is starving. Thank you!
Terry says
Thanks so much for doing all the research and putting this out for all of us to use :) I’m starting my first egg fast tomorrow. I use collagen in my BPC. Do I need to stop while doing EF?
Thank you,
Ritu says
Your ‘Easy Low Carb Egg Salad ‘ says it 3 servings.
Day one, here, says ‘1/2 cup Simple Egg Salad’
Would 1/2 a cup be 1/3 of the Easy Low Carb Egg Salad recipe?
Marisa says
I did the egg fast for 5 days and used heavy whipping cream and Splenda in my coffee. I also couldn’t give up my diet Cokes, but I did everything else right and I lost 8 pounds.
I love all the low carb recipes on your website. My whole family started low carb last October because we were body shamed by our doctors and even dentist! My 14 year old, 11 year old, me, and hubby dropped a total of 84 pounds combined in 11 months. And we don’t want to strangle each other (like when I tried the vegan diet on us- disaster). So thank you for all the hard work you put in, it helps tremendously.
Mellissa Sevigny says
That’s fantastic Marisa – so awesome when the entire family pulls together to make healthy changes! Good for you guys! ?
Jenn says
What a great plan, I’ll keep this one in my rotation and some of the meals are becoming faves/regulars. I just finished and I lost over 10lb so it is definitely one that gets results if you do it right! Thank you!
Lonna says
Hope I can get an answer to this question. Can we use chicken broth on the egg fast? I understand that we should NOT. But, people are posting an egg drop soup which contains it.
I like to follow tried and true suggestions you have given. But, it is tempting. This is my favorite “go to” fast. thanks for all you do.
Sharon Hines says
on the egg fast I would just do vegetable broth not chicken…but that’s just my opinion.
Alex says
Hi! I’m on day 2 and have a question. I typically do yoga first thing in morning on an empty stomach. How important is it to eat in the first 30 minutes of waking? Can I eat my first meal after yoga? It would be about 90 min after waking? Thanks :)
Lee says
I started Day 1 yesterday at 151. This morning I am 143.2!!!! WHAT!! I am still in shock!!
Mrs Q says
I’m starting the eggs fast today. I really, really hope it works.
I made sure to read all the FAQ thoroughly, twice. As such I fully understand that I can choose a particular meal and have it for the five days and then transition with other foods for the following two days
What I didn’t see was whether, I need to have the snack, twice a day? Must I have that or can I combine the cheese for the snack with the meals?
I’ve also read elsewhere that (A) You mustn’t leave more than 3-5 hours between meals, and that they just have eggs in them, and (B) You must eat a meal even if you aren’t hungry and (C) You just eat a minimum of 6 eggs a day. Since you seem a far more reliable source, I thought I’d ask you.
Thank you ever so much.
Jennifer says
I’m on day 5 of the Egg fast and I’m down 7 lbs and finally off my plateau. I love eggs and this plan. Is there any reason why I can’t go back to day 1 and do it again for another week.
Mellissa Sevigny says
Theoretically you can do it for as long as you can stand, but I’d recommend taking a break for a few days to get some veggies in and not get fatigued on the eggs.
Jennifer says
Great advice. Thank you!
Lisa D says
Not healthy, from what I have read. Google it ?
Kelly says
It’s amazing that you’re on the IBIH site, presumably reading both Melissa’s content and other comments seeking advice to help you lose weight, and then decide not to trust the information on the site that you CHOSE to go to despite various research supporting this as a short term fat loss solution. ?
Eleni says
I started the egg fast today am confused. How many eggs can i eat a day? I made the egg loaf used 8 eggs. how much of that loaf can I eat in the day? all the recipes that make more than one serving mean that i will eat in how many days?
thank you
Lisa Goeke says
Thanks you so much for posting this! I started the Keto diet on June 1, and I lost 10 lbs the first week, nothing the second week. Did a keto reboot and dropped 6 more. After the fast I have only been eating two meals a day but I gained the six back and kept going back and forth up 2 down 2 etc. Since starting the egg fast on Monday I am down those 6 and they have stayed off!! I also started a new job and have mostly just eaten the 2 eggs and the cheese the same, but I didn’t mind Again Thank You! Can not wait to dive into your other recipes when I am done with the fast
Deborah says
Melissa , per your request wanted to get back to you re. HWC on Egg Fast. I did use HWC in my Bulletproof Coffee daily…..2 Tbs per day, or 2 g carbs. It did not seem to have any ill effects as I lost 3 ½ lbs on the Egg Fast, and gained only one back when I stopped….so net loss of 2 ½ lbs for 5 days of dieting. Well worth it.
The best part of it is that it put me in a very deep (PURPLE !) ketosis and I have been able to follow a very low carb diet since then and lost 14 lbs in the last month on what is called the Blood Sugar Diet (Michael Mosely). I had lost 50 lbs a yr ago on it (800 cal a day, and many of us keep carbs under 20) but hit a plateau that I could not overcome. Took 6 month off and did maintenance….still nada. Until your Egg Fast. It broke thru the plateau for me, and I credit the zero carbs for doing it. Eggs may or may not have a special quality that helped as well….but its hard to do zero carbs in any other way.
I continue to use the Bulletproof coffee, doing a “BPF Fast” two days a week (BPC for lunch and dinner. Nothing else….but not hungry so it works).
Thank you! The Egg Fast is going to be a tool in my diet arsenal from now on. I would like to try a kiss’n cousin of this in the next couple of weeks….zero carb or close to it , but not just eggs. You zero carb flax crackers will have a starring role….they have been a godsend to me.
Randi says
Can you drink a zero sugar energy drink like monster while doing egg fast?
Thank you.
Brittany says
I cannot wait to start! I love the plan you laid out! I do have one question though. While researching egg fast, another website said you MUST eat 1 whole egg 30 mins after you wake up. I wake up at 5:00am daily and I am NOT hungry at that time. Is this necessary? Or can I just eat my breakfast usual time; like 7:30-8:00am?
Mellissa Sevigny says
Try it and see how you do! If you’re not getting good results then try again as written.
Alexandra Feldman says
Hey beautiful! I’m already down two pounds from day 1! Question though are you tracking your macros when on the egg fast? I did yesterday and followed the menu to the T and my fat is extremely high! It’s fine I trust the process but I just wanted to know!
Mellissa Sevigny says
Your fat will be much higher than average on the egg fast.
Rachelle says
Can i drink green tea with sweetners?
can i use sugar free breath mints?
Asha says
Hi, what do we drink on the egg salad . Just water or other drinks are allowed. And what can we used with the pancakes? Can we used sugar free syrup??
Tammy Harper says
Hello, can we drink bone broth during the EF?
Lisa Burrell says
Thank you so much for your site! It has helped me a bunch! I am currently on day 4 and am eating the custard! To die for! I just wanted to say that I have been having HWC as my fat. It is organic and I’ll drink it in my coffee with eggs in the morning. I usually only have enough to complete the ration or fat/egg. I’m wondering if it could be used in the custard and just reduce the cream cheese. The only problem with that, I wouldn’t get the yummy buttery sauce with it!
Candis says
I’m on day 2 of the egg fast. Down 6.2 pounds so far and using HWC in my coffee!
Danny van Altena says
I’m a bit sad, I’m gaining weight.
And the only thing I’ve changed is breakfast. I’m just throwing everything in a blender, and don’t bake the eggs.
For the rest, I’m sticking to the plan.
After the first day, I’ve lost .6, but after day two, I’ve gained .2, after day three, I’ve also gained .2?
What am I doing wrong?
Please help me!
Lilli says
Weighing yourself every day is the problem!Ditch the scales and use a tape measure instead.It is natural again or lose between 3-5lbs but the inches don’t lie.You will change shape no matter the evil scales say!Good luck.
m says
can we use almond milk in our coffee?
Dawn Stern says
Is it essential to drink BPC, I dont drink coffee, only tea with swerve and a half tablespoon of lemon juice.
Mellissa Sevigny says
You can skip the coffee.
cathy says
Am I ignoring macros during the egg fast? Following egg fast menu. Pushing me over my macros in calories and fat.
Annette Greer says
So my husband and I started the diet on Monday and today is Day 5. I lost 5 lbs, my husband stayed the same. I know he didn’t lose any because he had alcohol on two of the days but at least he didn’t gain any weight! This diet was so easy to follow and the food was delicious! Thank you so much! Your site is wonderful and I truly appreciate the great recipes and meal plans!
Victoria Golar says
I’m in day six of egg fast. I only lost 2 lbs and have been in pain all night. Pain in my stomach… Kind of like gas pain & sore stomach. I don’t think this fast works for me. Perhaps the soup fast will work better. Hmmmmm
Mellissa Sevigny says
Maybe you have an intolerance to eggs or dairy that is causing your discomfort? Definitely don’t continue if you aren’t feeling well!
lauren says
Hello! Just staring out, should i workout as normal? Prob a stupid question
Estella Spencer says
I’m I suppose to be going over my fat macros? Doing this plan is doubling what my fat macros are suppose to be in a day.
Queenie says
Yes I have the same question! Pls advice!
Gina says
Hi, new to all this and ready to jump in! Just wondering if you can drink powerade zero, propel water or anything else calorie free on the egg fast. Your website is great so far thanks!
Lonna says
I am following the Egg fast plan and someone posted a Buffalo Egg fast casserole that is on the menu. Many of us cannot find it on your site. Do you have one? looks divine.
Mellissa Sevigny says
That’s not my recipe Lonna, sorry!
Natalie says
Would Primal Kitchen’s Italian Vinegarette & Marinade be good to get the tablespoon of fat per egg we need? The nutrition table is below. If so, would I do the full 2 tbsp, or just 1 per egg?
2 tbsp (30ml)
110 calories
Fat: 12g
Carbs: <1g
Protein: 0g
Laura says
Thank you SO much for posting this! I’ve followed for 5 days after a MONTHS LONG stall (and even slight gain) and I’m on the morning of day 5 and am down 6.5 lb. I’m trilled! I don’t mind eggs in the first place, and I found that your switching it up (not scrambled eggs for every damn meal!) has really helped satiate the feeling of wanting something different. I must say, I do miss my veggies, but I’m powering through the last 2 days to Transition back to keto lifestyle. I do think my use of HWC (and probable overeating of cheese….I’m an eyeballer….) will be a good significant change. Thanks again! Bathing suit season is around the corner!!! ???
Mellissa Sevigny says
That’s fantastic Laura, so glad this plan worked well for you!!!
Nicole says
Can I eat egg whites for some of the meal s or mist it always be the whole egg ?
T.Gee says
Just my opinion, but you get the fat from the yolk, which is vital to the egg fast.
Tiffany says
In all of my years of diet attempts, I have never lost this much weight in only a few days! I’m currently on Day 4 of the Egg Fast, and I’ve already lost a little over 6 lbs! While I absolutely LOVE eggs, I can’t wait to transition back on to my normal Keto diet, as I had previously fallen off track due to treating myself to some goodies last weekend at Epcot. Thanks for this very handy and useful guide to the egg fast. I’d only heard about this fast a couple of weeks ago, and it’s really helped me out a lot!
Mellissa Sevigny says
Congrats Tiffany! It definitely works, IF you can stand the eggs for all 5 days! ?
Asha says
What do we drink on this egg fast? And do we count the macros??
Veronica says
Hi there! I’m not sure if this question is already in the comments. Im wondering about intermittent fasting with this egg fast. Am I able to skip the breakfast or will it not be as effective? Thank you!
Noah says
I don’t have a definitive answer for you, but I think that if you skip it completely, you won’t get in enough calories. My normal day is brunch around 11, hot tea around 2, and then dinner around 6. I would think you could combine breakfast, second breakfast, and lunch all in one meal.
Dani says
But what about elevensies? LOL!
Sierra says
Dani, thanks for the giggle! I just love geeky humor! <
Mary says
I have a couple of questions, you really drink the BPC and the 2 eggs with butter for breakfast? This isnt an “either” “or” thing?
And also is there a sub for the caramel extract? I cant find it anywhere. Maybe vanilla?
Abigail says
Do you have any suggestions on a substitute for hot sauce in the buffalo omelette? I don’t like spicy… thanks!
Elaine says
Just don’t use it, itjust for flavor
Sierra says
Maybe a Smokey Paprika? Paprika goes quite well with eggs. Or change things up and use turmeric?
Chelsey says
I started the egg fast January 1 and did it for 5 days. I did swap a few meals for other ones and had the following non-egg fast things:
– HWC in my coffee 2-3 times a day
– a 4 oz steak along with the fettuccini on day 4 for dinner
– 3 keto sausage balls along with the custard on day 5 for dinner
I lost 7.6 lb total which I was extremely happy about. The first 4 were in the first day! I’ve only got about 15 lb to go now to my goal weight so I know it’s going to get harder but I feel prepared now to go back to strict regular keto and also have some new favorite recipes – was very dubious about the salted caramel custard but I loved it!
Sherry says
I gained 2 lbs in 4 days and was strict
I wonder why , maybe my body can’t handle that much fat. They say they f you eat to much fat your body doesn’t use your fat for fuel it uses the fat your eating
Katrina says
I am on the third day of the egg fast and have gained a pound. I also noticed my body is highly acid and my joins are aching from inflammation which I usually do not have, unless I eat too much cheese. I know dairy and eggs are highly acid and inflammatory. I am suffering through because I am hoping for results but any idea why I would have gained a pound? The only thing I am doing is skipping a snack and one day I skipped breakfast. Your recipes are truly delicious! Thank you for your help.
Mellissa Sevigny says
Sounds like the egg fast is not for you if it’s causing so much inflammation. Maybe try the soup diet instead which eliminates dairy and other inflammation triggers?
Ketolover says
Hi all, can I have Apple cider vinegar while doing eggs fast ?
And I’m a IF fan just seeing if I can do IF doing eggs fast too ?
Many thanks in advance
Larissa says
I cannot even tell you how wonderful this egg fast find is. I have lost and gained so much weight over the last 6 years (and 20 really)… I know how to lose weight but cannot keep it off. After spending the last 3 years trying to find out what will work, I found keto. ANd while i didn’t lose doing keto for 3 months… I also did not gain. Not even an ounce, which for me is an enormous victory. So Oct 1 2018 I decided to start my 42 day “fast” to lose this weight with the intention of moving directly into ketogenic diet. I did the first 30 days with my awful (but reliable) diet of 600-800 cals and lost 15 lbs… But as I nearly threw up my egg whites on day 30 decided to try the egg fast for the remainder of the 12 days. I figured I would not lose, as I was already in ketosis with the diet i was following and this would be substancial calorie increase… I lost 1 lb the first day. 0.8 the next. 1.2 the next. 0.5 the next. 2 full lbs the next. I could not believe it. The weight was melting off… ANd there were days where i tracked 2300 calories. I don’t understand how this works so well… But this is truly a Christmas Miracle. I could not be happier. I lost more weight weekly on this than the diet that satan himself invented that had been my go-to. I am so grateful! I am going to continue for the next 7 to finish my “fast”. Cannot recommend this enough
Kathy says
I read the FAQ’s and didn’t find the answer to this. Hopefully I didn’t miss it (don’t want the shame). I normally drink my coffee with French vanilla creamer. Usually 3 cups in the morning. How many cups of BPC can you have? Everything I’ve read just says BPC with no mention of quantity.
Mellissa Sevigny says
Bulletproof coffee is very high in fat and calories – so while there is no specific limit on how many you can drink per day, it’s possible that consuming too many could impede your weight loss even on this plan. I’d limit it to two if possible and see how you do.
Rebecca says
Do you have to drink bullet proof coffee or can you omit altogether?
Mellissa Sevigny says
You can omit it!
Jess says
Thank you for providing this easy to follow guide! I’m on day two and feel great!
Sonja says
I just finished day 1 of the egg fast. Scrambled eggs for breakfast was fine. Egg salad for lunch was difficult for me. I can’t say I love it. I will however choke it down if need be, lol. Is there a different recipe I can substitute for egg salad days and for the deviled eggs snacks with the same effectiveness?
I bought your new cookbook a couple weeks ago and my family and I have LOVED all your recipes. You are a GODDESS. Thanks for all you do.
Wendy Spence says
I just had the salted caramel custard. Delish! Thankfully, I still love eggs. Looking forward to trying the fettuccine tomorrow. Thanks so much Melissa!
Rachel says
5 days and down 9.5 lbs! This was incredible. Your recipes were delicious! I’m absolutely over eggs this morning :)
Nancy says
I too have been doing keto for awhile and stalled. I am on day 4 of the egg fast and have lost 4 pounds. Hoping this ends my stall. I do workout on this fast and have had no problems. Good Luck!
nagem6 says
I just wanted to share how amazing this fast is. The first time around I lost 8 lbs in the first two days! (I link everyone to this page when they ask how to break a stall!) I’ll be honest though, I got sick of eggs after day three and gave up, d’oh! That was December 2017. Once again I’ve hit another stall so after day 1 I’m feeling good. I feel confident I can stick to it better this time around. Thanks for the awesome meal plan!
Dianna says
I just finished day two of the egg fast. Loved the Snicker Doodles. It reminds me of cinnamon toast with butter, cinnamon and sugar from my childhood. Filled me right up. I just weighed myself and I down 3 lbs. Thanks for this.
I have done Mellissa’s egg fast twice and IT WORKS great for breaking a plateau. I’ve been trying to get under 200 pounds for 26 years and my second round of Egg Fast in May 2018 did the trick I hit 199.6 for the first time ever!!!! All the recipes are easy and satisfying on the EF.
Mellissa Sevigny says
It could throw off your protein to fat ratios.
Bridgett Streacker says
I don’t isuLly smack in between meals, and only eat twice a day. (I’ve been keto 11 months) can I eat the string cheese suggested for snacks with my meals?
Mellissa Sevigny says
yes or skip it altogether!
Melissa says
On day 3 lunch it says a cream cheese pancake, mayo, and cheese slice. Does the mayo go on something or by itself? Eating it by itself sounds gross. Is there a substitute?
Mellissa Sevigny says
spread the mayo on the pancake, top with cheese, roll up and eat like a wrap.
Tanya Vander Vecht says
Hello, the simple egg salad says to eat with bacon and lettuce, is that not for the fast? Please let me know I am on day 1 right now. I also did add collagen in my BPC like I always do, is that an issue? Let me know please
Shona says
Just wanted to share that I lost 8lbs week one, and the snickerdoodle crepes are awesome! I have all of your books as well, I have not tried a recipe that I did not like. Thanks for sharing this information!
CJay says
Can mayo be subbed for full fat ranch dressing?
Vickie Chalmers says
Some of the very best recipes I’ve tried! I’m wondering about trying a Snickerdoodle crepe and cream cheese pancake fast! I could stay on that forever. I finished my 5 days and lost 4 pounds. I’m good with that and still have crepes and pancakes left so I think I’ll be good for a couple days of transition back to regular keto. Thank you for a plan that not only broke my stall but gave me recipes that will stay in my arsenal for a long, long time!
Debbie says
In the comments above the plan she specifies day 6 & 7 are the transition days with 2 egg meals each day in addition the 3rd regular keto meal
Roxanne says
I started this Tuesday, dropped 3 lbs so far! I’m a sleeve patient and hit a stall. Just modifier to fit what I can eat in volume. Thank you!!!
ChapelHillBetsy says
I’m starting this tomorrow. One question: For the chicken wings, I can’t tolerate anything hot (hot sauce). Is there some substitute I could use that would be in keeping with the EF? I’ll eat them plain if I have to but just thought I would ask.
Mellissa Sevigny says
You can toss them in butter and seasoned salt or lemon pepper seasoning. The wings aren’t technically the egg fast, they are just a transition food so really anything keto friendly will work on those!
Robin Fletcher says
Hello! I love your website and frequently refer to it not only for recipes, but also for information for others looking to start keto! Thank you for your help along this path!
I didn’t see this question in the 80% of comments I read through – holy there are a lot of comments! lol I do intermittent fasting – can I still do that with this fast? Should I skip the breakfast meal altogether or just have three meals within the time period that I do eat? Not sure which would be best. Thank you!
Mimi says
Hi I just made the Cream Cheese Pancakes. They were so good and seem legal on the Egg Fast. My questions is the recipe says use sugar free syrup but is this legal on the egg fast. I use Walden Farms syrup with no carbs but can I use this on the egg fast. If not, what would you recommend to use on the pancakes during an egg fast?
Mellissa Sevigny says
The egg fast pancakes with the snickerdoodle topping that are part of the menu plan already.
Paqui says
Hi Melissa,
I have just finished 3 days of EF following your directions ( I usually make intermittent fast 16/8, so only a coffee or tea for breakfast, i did not change that) and 3 eggs + 3 olive oil/butter/coconut oil for lunch and same for dinner plus about 2.5-2.8 ounzes of cheese 0 carbs, and I lost nothing :(.
Depending on my weight today I have planned to end the 5 days and going back to keto on week end keeping a meal egg based as you suggested but I feel discouraged right now . I have to say that I am plenty of energy and I have absolute control over my hunger. What I did wrong? I am 51 years old and lately, I am thinking that my hormones have been involved in my stall and difficulty loosing weight. Thank you for your time, I love your webb!!!
Mellissa Sevigny says
Perhaps the IBIH Keto Soup Diet, which is a high volume low calorie plan would be better for you at this stage! I’m sorry you feel frustrated, I know what that’s like when you’re doing everything right and the weight won’t come off. You just need to find the right formula for you – hopefully the soup plan will be it!
Mimi says
Hi I just found your site and I love it.
I am going to start the egg fast plan on Jan 2 to kick start full keto plan. I have been doing it partially but having too many keto sweets.
So my question is whether I can use Light Mayo for my fat instead of full fat. Light mayo has 3.5 fat and 35 calories per tablespoon? Also, can I use egg whites as one egg together with one or 2 whole eggs and will it have the same impact or do I always need to use whole eggs?
Mellissa Sevigny says
The amino acids could change the chemistry of how the diet works but it’s hard to say. I guess try it and see how you do.
Severine says
Hi Mellissa! Thank you for your kind reply!
I decided not to break my fast with BCAA following a thorough research and study. (mostly watching DeLauer and Dr. Berg’s YouTube, LOL).
Just want to say that this particular article and menu for egg plan is like a bible to me whenever I fell out of ketosis as a result of unplanned weekends failure :).
Thank you so much!
Gala says
Mellissa, can I do the egg fast for three weeks??
I have been on it for 8 days now. I have lost 8 lbs. in two more weeks I think I will eat the Keto soups on your link.
Dianna says
Hi there! I just finished the 5-day egg fast and the two transition days. Wow – it wasn’t easy by any means, but it wasn’t exactly torture, either! It is all about discipline and mind over matter. The hardest part for me was when I hit the dreaded “keto flu” on days 3-4. I had gone through this “flu” previously, so I recognized that it was that vs. a reaction to the food. I should also add that I might have had a slight advantage on this plan, as I love, love, LOVE eggs. And while I am not currently on a ketogenic diet, I was on one for over a year, so I am familiar with how it works. So, here is the breakdown of my experience:
DAY 1: Followed the meal plan exactly with no issues at all. Drank 3 liters of water. Did a 45-minute low-impact HIIT workout and energy levels were just fine.
DAY 2: Ditto from Day 1 comments, but did a 30-minute HIIT workout, instead of 45. Drank 3 liters of water. Also dropped about 1 lb.
DAY 3: Followed the meal plan exactly, but struggled a little to get it all down. The day started out fine and that “ok” feeling lasted through the afternoon. Drank 2.5 liters of water. Dropped another pound. That evening, I became lethargic, had some body aches, and a mild to moderate headache. Did a simple yoga/stretch workout, due to having no energy. Went to bed early and slept like the dead.
DAY 4: Tried to follow the meal plan, but couldn’t get all of the food down. Keto flu was in full force and I couldn’t stomach all of the eggs. Didn’t cheat and eat other foods; just didn’t eat the full portions of all of the meals on the plan. Backed off the water a bit due to the keto flu (drank about 2 liters, with salt added). Dropped ½ a pound.
DAY 5: Ugh – the thought of eggs was making me wretch. But…I ate what I could of the meals with no cheating and managed to drink about 2 liters of water. Good news is the keto flu had greatly subsided. Managed to do a 30-minute HIIT workout and things were fine. Dropped another pound.
DAY 6: Ahh…bliss! I don’t want to touch an egg or anything with egg in it, but I get to eat…CHICKEN WINGS and CELERY for dinner. And AVOCADOS for snacks! Yummmmm!!! This was my motivation to persevere and eat all of my egg-based meals. I did manage to eat everything, per the plan, with the exception of 7 chicken wings vs. 8 (I was soooo stuffed, but they were so tasty!) Drank about 2.5 liters of water and dropped another pound. Took a rest day from working out.
DAY 7: Pretty much the same story as Day 6. I ate my eggs for breakfast (though I didn’t want to) and drank about 2.5 liters of water. Did a 30-minute HIIT workout. Didn’t weight myself. Was thinking to myself that I while I love eggs, I didn’t plan to eat them for a long, long, long time.
• I loved most of the egg recipes and even at the times I couldn’t stomach another egg, I thought the recipes made things as tolerable as possible. I particularly enjoyed the fettuccini alfredo…YUM!
• I think the plan was very well thought out in terms of variety of flavors and textures of the egg-based meals. This certainly made it easier.
• This plan is probably much better for those that are already in ketosis. I knew this going in, but accepted the risk and did it anyway. I lived to tell about it, so it can be done.
• A funny thing happened this morning (1-day post-egg fast). I woke up and thought of what I wanted for breakfast. I know I had previously sworn that I would go on an egg embargo for a period of time. Nevertheless, you know what? I wanted a runny egg (cooked in olive oil) over a piece of gluten free toast with avocado. What was I thinking?! However, you know what, I ate it and it was DELICIOUS. Therefore, I am thinking that my aversion to eggs during the plan was all of the butter they had to be cooked in and the fat that needed to be added. That was what I was sick of – not the eggs themselves. Thank goodness for that…
• Thank you for putting this plan together! I lost 4.5 pounds and am kick-started back into a healthier way of eating (I had fallen off the health wagon for about 2 months and needed a kick in the pants).
Ruth Ann says
I would like to try the egg fast but wondering I can pick one meal plan and follow that for all 7 days?
Mellissa Sevigny says
If you prefer to do it that way it shouldn’t affect your progress so sure.
Dianne says
THANK YOU SO MUCH! Your site is absolutely priceless! Love the FB, Insta and Pintrest sites too. I think I can do this!
Lori lawrence says
hello, would like to know please: when i read up on jimmy moore, he eat 24 eggs per day, my question is: then did he consume 24 tablespoons of fat for that (besides the possible cheese). my question (to be clear ) is: if you eat 24 eggs a day, then do you eat 24 tablespoons of fat with it? i’m amazed because of the calorie count, but he lost weight, it just didn’t seem to make that issue crystal clear. Thank you so much for your time!! GOD BLESS! lori
Mellissa Sevigny says
I’m assuming so if he followed the rules but you’d have to ask him!
Nancy Smith says
I haven’t read through all the comments yet, but I just completed my 5th day of the egg fast using your plan as a guide. I had been ketogenic for 2 yrs and went a little crazy this The last week of July through Augustlast month for my bday and a visit with my dad after not getting to see him for a year and a half. I had gained 6lbs during that time.
Starting weight: 116.8
After Day 5: 110.8
My results are: I lost exactly 6 lbs!
I felt great every day and exercised (T25) 4 out of 5 of the days. My energy was great and I wasn’t feeling exceptionally hungry each day. My abs are showing, my quads are starting to push through (which I always struggle with)
Today is the morning of the 6th day and I feel horrible. Shaky, nauseous, dizzy, and I felt like I might puke because I still made myself eat an egg. I’m probably dehydrated and will drink lite salt in my water this morning and pay attention to my body. I’m not planning to lose any more weight, so I will ease back into ketosis and just use egg fasts to break stalls. I’m happy with the definition it allowed me to see in my quads.
marcelle says
Day 3 shows 1 cream cheese pancake. Did you mean one SERVING or just one pancake?
christy says
i also used hwc in my coffee and, once, in my scrambled eggs. also ate the pancakes with SF syrup. realized afterwards maybe this was a no-no on the egg fast? still lost 7 lbs. recipes were delish! pancakes were better than the real thing. trying the fettucini alfredo tonight and am excited! thanks!!
Ashley says
Can I put almond milk in my coffee?
Mellissa Sevigny says
Almond milk isn’t egg fast approved, but if you are using a small amount of unsweetened in your coffee then it may not affect your results that much.
Sandra D.M says
hi Mellissa, there´s no BulletProof coffee in my country, how can I replace it ? thanks
Mellissa Sevigny says
It’s coffee with butter or coconut oil – if you have coffee and butter you can make bulletproof coffee. Or you can just omit it.
Mandy says
Can I just say, you’re a genius!? Seriously, I LOVE eggs, I mean, LLLUUUUHHHHVVVV them. I wasn’t too scared about doing an egg fast because of that. But by the end of Day 3 I began to wonder why I ever did, then came the salted caramel custard. OM Goodness…amazing. And that had me totally looking forward to the fettuccine alfredo, which absolutely did not disappoint either. I’m down 10 pounds and can’t believe I’m on my last day. Thank you for making such creative recipes and food that TASTES good for a “diet” — You are a blessing! <3
Sarah says
Hi there! I’m on day 1 of the egg fast. Does the buffalo omelette count as 1 or 2 servings? I see in the recipe it makes 2 servings so do I just eat 1/2 on the egg fast? Thanks!
Mellissa Sevigny says
You can eat them both on the egg fast if you’re that hungry!
Shelly R. says
I have a question about the cream cheese pancakes. You can only have ONE for lunch? But the serving of 4 of them only uses 2 eggs, 2 oz cream cheese and some stevia. That is what we can eat per meal, so why only one pancake?
Mellissa Sevigny says
If you feel you need more then go for it.
Brandi Wesson says
Printing this out now to give it a try. One question and I don’t see it posted elsewhere.
On Day 3, the lunch includes a pancake and a tablespoon of mayo? I love mayo as much as the next gal, but was this supposed to be SF syrup? I can’t really imagine mayo and pancakes meshing (though maybe I’m wrong).
Mellissa Sevigny says
The pancake, mayo, and cheese are meant to be rolled up like a sandwich wrap!
Katie says
The deli cheese slices and string cheese…can those be substituted for an ounce of cubed cheese? I have cubed cheese, but not deli slice cheese as I buy the large blocks of cheese then cube for myself and my kids since that’s the most cost efficient way of cheese eating for us. Thanks!
Mellissa Sevigny says
Yes, absolutely!
Jenna says
Thanks Mellissa! I think the first two don’t really count because the diet says “up to” 1oz per egg, and I had a bit less. Not much. Also, I asked the other day about that day3 meal I missed, and was told it wouldn’t affect the results. I didn’t have the broth until day 5, but that very well may have quelled loss. But I’m not quitting! Today is day 7, and I’ll be back on my regular keto diet tomorrow. I did find another woman who said she gained 3 lbs on the egg fast, but kept with it, then soared past her plateau after. I’ll just limit veggies for a bit. A slower transition out of the egg fast. Btw, I’ve lost 70 lbs on keto in the past year, so I know these last few pounds are gonna be harder than any other to lose. 15 lbs to my goal weight!!! Thanks for all the awesome info on your blog! I visit daily! I’ll let you know in the next week or so how it’s going.
Mellissa Sevigny says
I’ll be interested to see how it all turns out for you Jenna! Keep me posted!
Jenna says
I’m not sure if this question has been answered or not, but I can’t seem to find it. Will this diet work effectively if I skip meals here and there? Yesterday I didn’t eat dinner. I was not hungry at all, and I didn’t wake up feeling hungry or deprived. Is that ok?
Mellissa Sevigny says
Yes it will – just eat when you are hungry!
Annette Secoy says
What are your thoughts on honey as a sweetener?
Hayley Downes says
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL OF YOUR HARD WORK!! I am excited starting this tomorrow. You have made this so easy to follow. I love your Blog – you are an inspiration to us all!!
Mellissa Sevigny says
Awwwww, thanks so much Hayley! Hope you have great success on the plan!
Cathy Vaccaro says
Is chewing sugar free gum ok? I start the egg fast tomorrow with my hubby and a friend and we’d all like to know. Thanks!
Mellissa Sevigny says
Shouldn’t be a problem Cathy.
Kathryn says
Thank you so much! I just finished up my egg fast and I felt great! I lost 6.5 pounds and finally busted out of the plateau I have been stuck in. Your recipes are in the top of the keto world and I am so thankful for you!
Mellissa Sevigny says
Yay! That’s fantastic Kathryn! Congrats and thanks for letting me know!
Pam says
Is it OK to use seasonings, like garlic and onion powders and pepper, on your eggs?
Mellissa Sevigny says
garlic and onion powder both contain a surprising amount of carbs so no on those. Fresh herbs, salt and pepper, calorie free hot sauce in moderation are ok.
Elisha says
How come butter is ok but cream is not. Aren’t they essentially the same thing?
Mellissa Sevigny says
Nope. The average heavy cream is only 30 percent butter fat.
Sarah says
I’ve just finished day 5 of the egg fast with great results. lost 5 kg, which is a lot for my weight. (60kg- down to 55kg) I wasn’t expecting that result but now the harder work of maintaining and sticking to lc/hf diet longterm begins. I was holding a lot of bloating and water and cellulite and most of that has gone and hello flat stomach!!! Thank you for posting this and all your lovely recipes .
Megan says
Hi! I’m not sure if you’ve answered this or not. There are so many comments!! But I want to start the egg fast tomorrow. How do you feel about putting apple cider vinegar in your water as a weight loss helper? I also want to try to run while I’m on the egg fast. Is it okay to work out while doing it, or is it dangerous? I hope these aren’t dumb questions.
Mellissa Sevigny says
The ACV won’t add carbs but I can’t say that it won’t in some way wreck the internal chemistry of the egg fast either. If you feel able to run then go for it!
Ardis says
Can you drink water with lime or lemon in it? Or a sugar free water enhancer?
Fatima says
Would it be ok to substitute Greek yogurt for the mayonnaise? I’m ok with mayonnaise but I think I might get sick of eating it too much and the Greek yogurt might be better for me personally.
Mellissa Sevigny says
Sorry but no – not if you’re trying to do the egg fast. Too much protein, not enough fat.
Britt says
Can I use animal fat as my added fat during the egg fast (like duck fat or lard)?
Mellissa Sevigny says
christin_s says
Hi, I am not a coffee drinker and was wondering if Tazo tea is an okay substitute?
Steph C. says
My hubby and I have done the egg fast over the last week and it was amazing!!! I mixed and matched a few but worked out great! I also did incorporate a little meat in his menu (a man needs meat he said ;), but he lost 6 lbs and I lost 7.5! We never felt hungry and we’re both in ketosis by day 3! Thank you so much fo sharing this menu we are now off to a great start and will be utilizing the 7 day plans as well!
Lisa says
Would it be alright to have two or three cups or of either chicken or beef broth on the egg fast plan? A cup is only 10 calories & 1 gm of carbs.
Kristy says
Also…can I have multiple bpc’s throughout the day?
Jocelyn McCormick says
Why does the 5 day Egg Fast Menu Plan have recipes for 7 days? Is it really a 7 day egg fast menu?
Mellissa Sevigny says
As clearly answered in the post “There are 5 days on the plan and two days of transition to come off the plan – hopefully without gaining all the weight back. Here are a few notes on why I put this egg fast menu plan together the way I did:”
Sara Alves says
Can I drink lemon water during the diet ? Does lemon change the me to?
Mellissa Sevigny says
Lemon juice has 1g carbs per teaspoon so it can add up quickly. I don’t advise it on the egg fast.
Shannon Brindle says
Is it possible to do an egg fast without cheese? I have a histamine intolerance and cheese is tricky for me.
Mellissa Sevigny says
Yes, absolutely!
ma2c3d2ew says
I have 2 questions:
1] If I have 2 eggs for breakfast, 1 egg for lunch and 2 eggs for diner (all with fat and cheese) – is that OK or is it too many eggs per day?
2] After the 7 days, when I go back to my regular HFLC diet will I just gain the weight back? I know everyone’s body is different but I’m asking in general. Did you gain the weight back after your fast?
Great site btw!
Tracie Provost says
Can you have more than 1 bullet proof coffee a day? Sorry if this was already asked but there were a lot of comments to read through.
Mellissa Sevigny says
loseitorloseit says
Those cheddar crisps just saved my life! Crunchy and delicious :) and so easy! In my kicrowave
I need to zap for 1min20sec to get that golden brown color. Thank you! I’m not egg fasting right now but I needed a crunch today.
Brittany C. says
I just did this this past week and ended up losing a total of 8.2 lbs so thank you So much :)
Crista says
Oh my gosh! The snicker doodle crepes were amazing!!! I didn’t even feel like I was having eggs. My husband said it was the beast breakfast that I have ever made!
Nicole says
Hi! Just finished your 5 day egg fast plan. It was awesome!! I had no troubles getting through it and I lost 7 pounds doing it. My only complaint would have to be breakfast though. Sorry! 7 days of eating plain eggs (no matter how I switched cooking them up) for brekkie got very tiresome and difficult after day 3. The rest of the plan was great though. Definitely got some new cooking ideas. Thanks!
Michelle F. says
I followed your plan exactly for the 7 days and am super excited to report that I lost 10 pounds! I didn’t have any diet soda or artificial sweeteners and drank at least 112 ounces of water every day. This plan works! I will be doing this 7 day fast once a month.
Thank you so much for creating those delicious recipes and for taking the time to make a meal plan.
Mandy says
I carefully read the FAQ’s and didn’t see anything about not incorporating hot fudge sundaes, Big Mac’s and Godiva chocolates into the plan. Are those OK? Hammmm? Hmmmmm? Sorry, just teasing.
Thanks for all this detailed information. My personal LC maintenance plan has been working for four or five months but I seem to be creeping up the scales for no reason I can figure out. I’m thinking about going on a four-five day fast of this type just to get myself back on track before returning to the same carb/protein counting regimen that got those 22 pounds off in the first place. I’ll need a couple of days to stockpile meals for my husband so I’m torturing myself with steak and onions on Day Three.
vicky says
Just finished 7days lost 7lb very happy.
Mellissa Sevigny says
That’s great progress Vicky, thanks for letting us know it worked for you!!!
Susan says
Thank you SOOOOO much for this, Melissa! I’ve been stuck for so long, and no diets have let me lose more than about a pound. Even keto didn’t seem to be doing much. But this – BAM! Get what I needed to get off the darn plateau! And your recipes are yummy – I’ve loved all of them. Now I’ll go back to keto to see if it can do its magic. (and thanks so much for the huge effort you’ve done on your 12 week meal plans and fantastic recipes for that too! Even my husband likes the meals, and he’s not on the diet – at least, not that he knows… ;-) ).
Mellissa Sevigny says
Awesome Susan, thanks for letting me know it’s working for you!!
Yvonne says
Oh Mellissa, where to begin? How about 8 POUNDS IN 4 DAYS!! Husband lost 9.5 lbs! We have been following your menu and recipes closely, they are so god and well thought out We cant thank you enough for making this so easy, well as easy as possible. We hadn’t been lowcarbing for a while and the pounds we had lost on low carb before started to creep back. I lost 60 pounds on low cab 4 years ago and 20 have found me again.
Just wanted to thank you so much and share our success with you. We were definitely hungry but it wasn’t nearly as hard as we thought, especially since we had been eating so much carbs before doing this.
We decided to keep going with the rest of your plan, it is so good!
Thank you again!
Deidre says
HI. I am starting my EF today. I started off with my Coffee, coconut oil and butter. I just want to know if I can drink black coffee with sweetener during the day? Will that effect any weightloss?
Also, I just wanna check if I got it right…..For every 1 egg, i need to take 1 fat. So if I have 6 eggs a day, I should have 6 fats (Coconut oil, mayo, butter?)
kelly says
2tb spoon of butter seems like SOOOOO much there eggs are drowning and its 200 calories
would it be really bad if i only use half or only one tbsp ?
Mellissa Sevigny says
I find that it’s easier to incorporate the butter into scrambled eggs than fried! This plan works because it’s super high fat, you can try reducing the fat but it may actually cause you to lose slower. You’ll have to figure out what works for you – but if you aren’t losing, be sure to add the fat back in!
Elizabeth says
I have a question, and sorry if this has been asked, but on Day 3 for lunch you have Cream Cheese Pancakes. It also says 1 TBS mayonnaise and a slice of cheese. I don’t see how mayonnaise could go with pancakes…or am I missing something?
Mellissa Sevigny says
I use them as wraps for sandwiches and other stuff all the time Elizabeth – you’d be surprised how tasty it is! But feel free to sub something else egg fast friendly instead.
Elizabeth says
Just tried one with the mayo and cheese. Not as bad as I thought
Jaques (South Africa) says
Good afternoon Mellissa,
I just discovered your egg fast diet menu, both my wife and I started today – jump straight into it. Hopefully we wouldn’t get all the nasty withdrawal symptoms you mentioned as we already started cutting down on carbs over a month ago with only the occasional card rich potato here and some rice there.
The question I have is can we after completing the 7 day fast diet, stay on the morning and lunch diets by mixing the courses up, and then have “regular” meals in the evening for supper, obviously low carb meals as per some of your other recipes?
Another question just sprung to mind: I could not find unsalted butter, so I opted for salted butter, will this have an big impact on our weight loss?
Mellissa Sevigny says
Welcome Jaques, I hope you and your wife have great success on the plans! You can definitely do a modified egg fast long term if you find it gives you better results. Salted butter won’t negatively impact your weight loss at all – and sodium is important on a keto diet anyway so you’re probably better off! Let us know how you do!
Beth says
Can I skip the fat and concentrate on just the eggs?
Mellissa Sevigny says
You can, but it’s the fat and eggs together that works for the weight loss! If you just eat eggs you’ll probably lose some from a calorie deficit but I’d be surprised if it was much in the three days. Let us know how you do if you try it!
Helena Angelina says
A big g’day from Australia Melissa! Firstly I wanted to thank you for changing the way I cook and eat LC! I’ve been low-carbing it up for 15 odd years, but this divine site of yours has helped me to snazz things up enormously in the last couple of years! It really is beautiful, and filled with amazeballs recipes.
Secondly, I hate to bother you with what could be an annoying egg fast question, but alas I’ll brave it – Can we eat psyllium husks on the egg fast? I like to add psyllium husk powder to your cream cheese pancakes on occasion, to thicken them up, and get things, ahem, moving along nicely.
Many thanks again,
Helena :)
Mellissa Sevigny says
Hi Helena! Some people do eat the psyllium husks on the egg fast so I would say try it out and if you aren’t losing as quickly as you’d like then try a few days without them and see if it makes a difference! :)
Lisa Goldstein says
Can you switch out different meals from
Different days or does it have to be exactly day by day?
Johanette says
Can i replace all my meals with only eggs, scrambled, baked, cooked? Or won’t the diet work then? If not so can anything replace the buffalo wings and egg salad? Please respond!!
Mellissa Sevigny says
Yes, you can eat just eggs during the egg fast and any low carb high fat options on your 2 days transition!
Leslie says
Ok, 4 days on the egg diet, and lost 4 pounds. Yea! Total of 7 pounds after only 2 and a half weeks of low carb. Thanks Mellissa!
Anna says
Hey thanks for your egg fast recipes and plan. I decided to give it a try. I had been using eggs as a correction day. So if I ate something that made me gain weight I would eat nothing but eggs. No fat no nothing just eggs. This method had worked for me in the past but it was just a one day thing to help me get rid of the extra two pounds I would gain. I LOVE the recipes. My husband who isnt low carb loves the snickerdoodle crepes! Every one of the recipes I made was delicious so I am happy to report that I will be making them as part of my low carb diet.
However I wasnt as successful as you on the egg fast diet.. I lost 1.6 pounds :( I should just be happy I lost but the last 2 days of the egg fast was brutal for me! All in all I really cant complain because any loss is a good thing!
I now have you page bookmarked and plan to make many of your recipes! Thanks for all of your hard work I really appreciate you :)
toni says
The egg fast no longer seems to work for me…. The first time I did it, I lost 8.6 lbs over 5 days. The second, time I lost ~7lbs. The third time I did it, I did not lose any weight and stayed the same throughout the entire 6 day period and for weeks thereafter.. Now, 1.5 months later, I am trying it again after eating low carb (but not really high fat) for several weeks, and I got nothing! :-( This is so discouraging for me. I just knew for sure that I’d get some results this time since I have been really careless counting the carbs lately. Thought the egg fast would help give me a jump start in getting back on track. NOT!!!
BJ says
Toni and all,
The egg fast is phenomenal and could be we need to take sufficient time between fasts or do it only a few days a week vs. 5. Maybe mix your week with egg fast then egg/meat/greens. I was reading over at Mark’s Daily Apple and I think also Low Carb Forum too that some people do add meat to the egg diet/fast or whatever. Some I read added small green salads, at lunch and dinner and maybe that would help some. They add like chicken salad with egg and celery and lettuce for lunch and steak, eggs and salad for dinner. I’m not losing as fast this week either but I experimented adding in some pb2 — could be it? — and I may add in some chicken thighs and some steak and a little green at the end of the day and see if I can’t get it rolling better. I love the egg fast and maybe it’s good to mix it up sometimes — don’t know.
I need to exercise more when I do low carb/high fat — that much I know. I can’t do low carb/higher fat with no exercise whereas some people lose fine without it. I’m walking every day and weights 3 x’s per week — seems to help get the pounds coming off. Atkins also said very definitively that you could not ultimately succeed his diet without exercise. I did read also read on ketogenic eating that you need to move to get the glycogen out of your system to begin burning the fat more efficiently. That may not be the case if you have 100 lbs to lose — but maybe it’s something to think of if you have 30-40 like many of us. Many people who have 100 or so to lose seem to lose greatly right away when they start this kind of keto eating plan. I’m a turtle and it’s so frustrating sometimes — uggh.
BJ says
I did the egg fast this past week with several of Mellisa’s recipes and lost almost 8 lbs between Sun and Sat. am of last week. I went off on Sun for hubby’s b’day — felt a little bloated but I’m back on so….
I did make Melissa’s fettucini noodles tonight with my version of warm keto peanut sauce — divine and I know it’s not totally legal on egg fast but those noodles and the warm asian sauce hit the spot. I may not do again this week but it was an addicting taste and I wonder if I’ll lose as fast with a little nut butter thrown into the mix. I ate to satiety all last week and lost well.
Joy says
Just thought I’d throw in my results too. Lost 7.2 lbs in 5 days of modified Egg fast (ate meat and veggies the first day out of convenience and never really got the fat to Egg proportion right). Gained back 4.6 over the next three days of low carb eating but high alcohol intake (Vegas!). But a net loss of 2.6 lbs in a week isn’t bad and it was super easy thanks to all these delicious eggy recipes! Mmm craving some eggs right now.. :)
BJ says
Hi Melissa —
I’ve started the egg fast basically yesterday. I had been doing Medifast and lost over 30 lbs and then had a pretty severe reaction to the food and I should have known better given the ingredients. Not totally knocking the diet as it helped me lose weight after menopause when nothing else budged the weight. I still have 30 lbs more to go now.
So, I’ve decided to try keto again now that I’m through menopause.
My question is, what do you think of dill pickle here and there on this egg fast? Truthfully, my Medifast coach is so scared of fat and I don’t want to be anymore. I feel like low carb high fat makes me feel so much better hormone wise and evens me out but I need to lose this weight now. I feel like I’ve gained a little weight doing straight low carb my first week off of the Medifast which is why I’m turning to the egg fast first.
I also have some diet jello cups — what about those? I know it won’t be totally an egg fast if I have those things but if I have to, will it hurt my weight loss – just your opinion.
Glad I found your website and feeling so much better already just low carbing it.
BJ says
Hi Mellissa, I lost almost 8 lbs from Sunday to Friday night — gained about 1.5 over weekend but that was with some drinks and things but still low carb.
I then started back up on Monday and will go through to Saturday again this week. Haven’t weighed yet. Seems like I’m going down again. I may not be losing as fast as first week but we’ll see at end of week!
I see where you say the first few days of breaking the fast, make sure the first two meals are still egg meals.
Peace says
Thank you so much Mellissa for all you do! You’ve made low carbing so enjoyable when it gets hard to stick to out of lack of variety. I have diabetes and am trying to get off meds and make this a way of life because I need to for my health. I hit a three month plateau so I did the egg fast this week. On day three I stalled and thought maybe this wasn’t even going to work. But I did day four before deciding if I’d give up and go back to regular lchf. Incredibly I woke up this morning having lost 2 more pounds and FINALLY breaking below the number I’ve been stuck at for three months!! That number is the difference between normal weight range and overweight for my height so it’s been very important for me to get below it!! So amazing! :) I feel so blessed to have found you and I truly thank God for that. I also wanted to share that I tried the bulletproof coffee with skepticism…since I only drink black coffee and thought I wouldn’t like it. But after reading about how healthy coconut oil is I thought I’d just try it. Now I’m addicted! I have to have a cup (of my “funky coffee” as my dh calls it :) ) first thing every morning! Lol. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I’m getting healthier all the time and loving every minute of it!
Mellissa Sevigny says
Thanks for sharing your progress and congrats on getting the scale to finally budge! I know how great that feels and I’m so happy for you! Also BPC is the BEST! I went a long time without trying it because it didn’t sound appetizing to me either – now that I have, no other coffee tastes as good! :)
Millicent says
I’ve been eating low carb for a while, but I struggle to get into ketosis so I started the egg fast yesterday to kick it up a notch. I wanted to post in case anyone else has the same problem I did. Last night while I was sleeping I got a headache and it stuck around for about 18 hours despite taking tylenol. My hands were also shaking badly. I read online that there were two likely options, too few carbs or a mineral imbalance. The whole point of this is to have low carbs so I didn’t want to up my carbs. I already take vitamins and minerals everyday so I ate some salty smoked salmon. I couldn’t stand the thought of drinking salt water (which is what some websites suggested). 20 minutes later and my headache was almost gone. Then I made a sugar free salted caramel iced coffee. No headache and no shakes, yay! Anyway, thanks for the meal plan and info. I’m going to try the alfredo tonight!
Mellissa Sevigny says
Thanks for sharing your experience Millicent – getting enough sodium is definitely crucial when you’re doing very low carb! Glad you were able to figure it out and get some relief!
Carly says
Hi Mellissa,
I have only recently discovered your site, and I am so happy I have! My BF and I are doing the Egg Fast this week. Start of day 3 and down 2.4 lbs… happy with that. I also tested my ketones after work on Monday and sitting @ 1.7 I feel confident I am firmly in ketosis right now. My weight loss has be defeating to say the least.. i think the absolute rules of the Egg fast are great at keeping me in line.
I gave the Fettuccine a try last night, need to tweak the noodle production but the sauce was AMAZING!!
Looking forward to getting to know you and your site better.
Mellissa Sevigny says
Welcome Carly and congrats on the loss and the awesome ketone levels! 1.7 is great! Keep us posted on your progress! :)
Carly says
Egg Fast completed, what a great week! Tested my ketones on Wednesday and still at 1.7 but by Friday afternoon they were at 2.2.
6 lbs for the week, but we did cave and have some red wine on Friday.
This has been anamazing motivational boost.
Thank you for the great recipes!
Mellissa Sevigny says
Congrats, that’s awesome progress!!!
Crystal says
So I did this Eggfast last week (5 days) and lost 7.3 lbs. Then, over the weekend I went to a bbq and ate low carb (and then eggs the rest of the day) and then I had steak last night for dinner (OMG so wonderful!). I gained only .6lb over the entire weekend, so I’m pretty happy. I’d lost 25lbs. from Jan-March but then have been stuck at one of my set points for the last few months and I was not having any luck. Luckily this pushed me out of my rut. I haven’t been in the 140’s for about 8 years, and wheeeee!
So I’m starting another week of the Eggfast (today’s day 1) and I have to say I’m pretty sick of the texture of blended, scrambled, mixed eggs. Fluffy. ug. I looooooove deviled eggs (I have them every day for lunch and I can still go for more) but I’m dying for some more recipies that are eggfast compliant that aren’t “fluffy”. Heck, I’ll even go for fluffy at this point.
And just as I was driving to work I realized I had left my deviled eggs sitting happily in the fridge at home. Boo. Luckily they have hard boiled eggs at the Whole Foods salad bar, and I threw them in a little box along with some oil, cider vinegar and tamari. OMG! They were soooo wonderful. The smell of the tamari still haunts me, and I can’t wait to forget my lunch again. So just in case someone wants something a little different, this is definitely awesome. Would also be great if you smashed the eggs a bit and soaked up the liquids.
Oh, and I don’t drink coffee, but I have the European cocoa (Dutch processed) and it has 1.8 carbs in a tsp so I make BPC with that instead of coffee. Bullet Proof Cocoa. It’s pretty great, and it hasn’t messed up the losing weight thing, which is really awesome. And the Kerrygold totally makes a difference.
Thanks so much for posting this (and we’d love more recipes! :D)
Lorraine says
Wow! Congrats, that’s great!
The cream cheese pancakes are definitely NOT fluffy. They’re really good and don’t feel as though you’re eating eggs. I still have them almost every day, egg fast or not, because they help keep the fat up and carbs down. It’s also easy to make a big batch and keep them in the fridge.
Toni says
Dear Cyrstal,
Congrats on your progress last week! I did my first egg fast the second week in July… 4.5 days and I lost 8.6 lbs. The night of the 5th day I had ~2lbs of snow crab legs and butter and was reduced to trace ketones but no gain the next day. The following day however, despite lowcarbing it with 2 egg meals, the scale jumped +1.2 lbs. Even though I ate mostly HFLC the following week, the scale kept creeping up, pound by pound. I admit I probably over did it on the meat because I was so happy to have a piece of chicken or some bacon, I was like a pig in slop! I decided to do another 5 day egg fast and on the morning of the second day, my weight increased!!! What the……?!? I got pissed and went back to standard low carb because I was so sick of eggs and I had suffered too much not to lose anything. Ultimately, I had gained back ~5 lbs of the 8.6 lost before leaving for vacation. I just knew my vacation would “do me in”, even though I was determined to stay low-carb, I knew it would be difficult to maintain the HF/LC ratios in proper balance. And I was right, so I blissfully gave in to all the protein I desired (ribs, smoked turkey, lettuce wrapped burgers and low carb icecream :-) :-) :-))!!! Hey, it was vacation after all! I was scared to step on the scale when I returned, but surprisingly I had not gained a single pound! My weight did not fluctuate at all for 3 days, then suddenly it jumped 2 lbs! (Maybe I was retaining water???)
I had already decided to start another 5 day egg fast…, I started last Tuesday and by Sunday morning was down 9.6 lbs. Sunday I had 2 egg meals and then grilled salmon, broccoli, sauteed spinach, and a fresh caprese salad (tomatoes and mozarella with olive oil and a little balsamic), and was back up 0.9 lbs Monday. I egg fasted all day yesterday hoping to lose the 0.9 lbs gained from Sunday, and the scale didn’t budge at all this morning :-(
I’m trying hard to keep things in perspective b/c I know that most of the weight lost on an egg fast is water, which will be regained when properly hydrated, but it is still a bit discouraging to not see the scale move, or worse yet, move in the wrong direction after a long egg fiasco. I love eggs, but it’s pretty easy to get sick of them fast. I’m continuing the egg fast this week and that scale better show some progress in the morning, or I just may throw my scale out the window!
I too get tired of the same ole fluffy egg thing, even though Mellissa has some great recipes here. In addition to those, I’ve made meringue with the egg whites left over from Mellissa’s ice cream recipe; a dessert souffle, adding Torani SF syrup and maple flavored extract; and a crispy quesadilla, which is a great change in texture! The key to getting it crispy is to make the cream cheese pancake batter in a VERY hot skillet with coconut oil (butter will not get hot enough and will burn). Fry a large but thin pancake until it’s dark brown on both sides, then add your favorite cheese ( I like white American) and fold the pancake in half. Leave this on low heat until the cheese melts……mmmmm, heavenly! I made an extra and kept in the fridge, the next day I reheated it in the skillet with some butter and it was wonderful!
Toni says
Dear Melody, Wow, congrats on losing 190 lbs…. that’s awesome and gives me a lot of hope. I often hear of men losing larger amounts, but not so much for women. I’ve lost ~40 so far and still have 130 to go, so I’m getting a little shaken that I’m slowing down so soon with so much left to lose. Can you please tell me how long it took you to lose your weight?
Also, Mellissa – I’ve been searching to find your progress since your second egg fast — is it listed anywhere?
susie t. gibbs says
You “crack” me up, girl! Ok, so I’ma try the egg fast. After watching people do them for eleventy billion years, I decided to goof around and do it. I love my Dr. Westman Page 4 plan, but it’s being able to play with foods within the confines of a low carb ketogenic landscape that changes our lc keto woe from a diet to a lifestyle. You can feel free to hop over to whatever low carb keto protocol you want, as long as it doesn’t take you out of ketosis! So score. I’m here with the incredible edible eggs. Thanks for your humorous hijinx and inspiration, girl!
Susie T. aka Sooze
Drew says
On day 6 – using this to get back into ketosis. I’ve lost 10lbs so far!
Mellissa Sevigny says
Congrats! 10lbs in 6 days is awesome!!!!!
Pat says
10 lbs –That is awesome!
I’ve been off the airwaves a few days and expect to be for 2 more weeks while I move. My scale is already packed but I’m still eating LCHF trying to empty the fridge of the food in there and not buying any new food. I will resume my Egg Fast rotation once I’m back to the beach living full time. If nothing else, I’m sure I can keep myself status quo or even drop a few pounds during the move.
Good luck to everyone and I’ll post my progress when life becomes normal again.
Pat says
WOW! 64 lbs lost! CONGRATULATIONS. You are an inspiration.
Dawn Miller says
Okay…I’m checking in! I got home from vacation 6 days ago and was up 4 pounds. Started Egg Fast 4 days ago. I am down 7 pounds in 6 days! Yes, I cheated a little. I had some wine once and a some whiskey one night. I am not even close to sick of eggs thanks to our guru Mellissa….thanks doll, you’re a life saver! Tonight is the fettuccine…I am salivating just thinking about it!!!!
Mellissa Sevigny says
Wow – that’s awesome progress!!!! Hope you like the fettuccini – I’m only on day 2 but I might make it tonight anyway cause I’m a rebel like that! ;)
Vania says
I’m with Dawn here… you are our guru Mellissa, I have been trying your recipes for the fast this week, cooking in advance and stuff to have everything ready for any hiccup, and let me tell you, everytime I am on that tasting moment I say ‘Oh Melissa, you are genius!’ Thank you for that. Let me share a twist I did to the Buffallo Omelette, since I had not eaten cheese on day 1 (I did not plan ahead on Sunday :| and had har-boiled eggs with clack pepper butter for snack and lunch LOL) Once I folded the omelette, I sprinkled some parmesan cheese (the real stuff) on top, then flipped the omelette and grilled the cheese…OH DEAR, it was blissfull hehehehehe… also… I made my “caramel extract” with sugar substitute and a little water… and the caramel sauce came out awesome! Thank you genius Melissa.
Mellissa Sevigny says
Try not to be too much under for the day Pamela – the fat is important, though I don’t think it’s critical that you eat it at the same time as your eggs. I get 2 Tbsp of fat in my BPC in the morning so I allow for only 1 T with my morning eggs usually. You can also make it up with a little extra mayo in your eggs, etc.
Pamela says
Thanks much! We are all so thankful for your hard work and willingness to share and respond to each comment. You are truly blessing many families!
Mellissa Sevigny says
As long as it’s the full fat with little to no carbs then you should be ok Maureen!
MrsK says
Melissa—many THANKS to you for providing all this great information—finished day 3 and down 3.7 lbs since starting on Saturday. Was hoping for a bit more, but really only have a total of 10 lbs to lose. It’s day 4 and kind of scared to start eating LCHF!! I have tried to download this blog post, but keep getting message that this page is not available. Curious if you have had any other comments regarding the download option.
Now, I just need to figure out what to eat today—started off with a couple of over easy eggs given I leave for vacation on Saturday so trying to get down another 1-2 lbs to equalize the damage I know will incur from the vino and bubbly my friends are planning..ha ha.
Thanks again for all your great information!!!
Laurali Manieri says
Hi Mellissa,
First, let me say, you are my HERO!!!!! (bet you get tired of hearing that),I follow your blog faithfully, and attribute the success I’ve had since February in my weight loss journey to your insights and recipes. I was so excited when I read your post about starting an egg fast, that I jumped right into it. Just went and bought 3 doz eggs, some extra butter, and cheese. I sort of shot myself in the foot because I knew I wouldn’t have time to try any new recipes or exercise any creativity last week, (busy, busy, busy!). I choked down two eggs and the requisite fat for each meal and ate cheese in between. My very rigid fast consisted of 6 eggs/6 tbsp fat/3 ozs cheese. I only lost two pounds and stayed hungry between meals. I lost 2 lbs and gained back one lb over the 3 off days, (could only take 4 days). I learned two lessons – Don’t try to count calories etc. (I did and you’re right–way to much pressure), and the second is to take the time to make the fast enjoyable, (don’t just slop eggs and fat on a plate and call it a meal). I restarted today and am looking forward to the next five days. This afternoon, I am more full and satisfied than i was at any time last week. I do have a couple of questions…1) Can I incorporate your pancakes into this fast? how would you recommend? and 2) I’ve been reading the egg fat ratio should be 1:1, but I was hoping extra fat would be acceptable, an additional BPC in the evening would surely hit the spot. ;) Thanks for all you do!
Mellissa Sevigny says
Thanks so much Lauralie! I hope you have better success this time around! In response to your questions – the cream cheese pancakes work great for this plan – I have eaten them with butter, with a slice of cheese and mayo rolled up together, and of course as the snickerdoodle crepes. A little extra fat is fine – it’s the cheese you have to worry about in my opinion so you should be ok with a nightly BPC! Though I don’t know how you do it, I’d be up all night!!!!
Mellissa Sevigny says
Hi Penelope and thanks! I’m 5’7 and would like to drop about 40 more lbs. if that helps! Also tobasco has a slightly different flavor but will work for the buffalo wings, as will any cayenne based hot sauce – you probably won’t need quite as much mixed into your butter though. I also like to do a version with just butter and cajun seasoning which tastes just as good and is just as low carb if that’s easier!
Mellissa Sevigny says
Thanks for sharing Melody and WOW, what an inspiration you are to have lost 190 pounds on low carb and kept it off! Proof that it can be done – thanks for that! I’m all about the eggs from here on out – and if I do cheat for a night, it’s nice to know I can do the egg fast for a day or two and get right back on track afterward!
Mellissa Sevigny says
There is intense debate over calories in and calories out – like everything I suspect each person is different. I don’t lose more when I restrict my calories, in fact I seemed to lose less. I think we all have our sweet spot and for some it’s higher than others. In the comments people are losing on the egg fast like crazy and the majority of them aren’t counting calories. I’d say try it and see what happens. If you don’t lose you may need to eat less – but I found on the fast that I had to force myself to eat anyway so it’s not usually that high calorie for me by day two.
Mellissa Sevigny says
A small amount of fresh herbs is probably OK Cathie – just watch out for that slippery slope! ;)
Cathie says
Thanks, Melissa. Just wanted to flavor the eggs a little so I don’t get tired of eating them! Don’t really think I will because I already eat eggs every day. But 3 times a day may prove to be a bit much. Wish me luck!
Asia says
You. Are. A. LIFESAVER. Been wanting to give this a go, but waiting until we got back from vacation. I decided to give it a mini-test run and then you were an angel and posted this. THANK YOU SO MUCH.
Rosa R. says
Umm…I think my life shall never be the same after hearing eggs referred to as “fetal meat” lol
Mellissa Sevigny says
This made me laugh too Lorraine, and also ewwwww….
Mellissa Sevigny says
Maybe! That’s interesting, thanks for sharing! I’ll have to look into the meat fast – seems like all that protein would create an insulin response though – and your body will convert excess protein to glucose which can be a problem for some. I’m definitely going to do more research on this though – thanks!!!
BriAnna says
Thank you so much for sharing this! Like you I was stuck in a rut and needed something to help me get back on track. I started this on Monday, by the time I weighed myself on Saturday I had lost a total of 10lbs! The egg fast really helped curb my appetite. Saturday I ate a hard boiled egg and didn’t eat until dinner because I was not hungry at all. We went out for dinner and I ordered a veggie omelet and a side of bacon and sausage. I weighed myself this morning out of curiosity and I am down one more pound. I think as I start eating normal again I will add to my eggs more veggies and slowly start adding back in meats to see if it will help with not gaining weight back. I will have to see how I do Monday when I slowly get back to my low carb lifestyle. I am thinking about trying the egg fast every other week, maybe for 3 days, 5 if I can handle it without going nuts on my family. Thank you for the recipes they really helped especially the Snickerdoodle crepes which I can eat every day!
Mellissa Sevigny says
Thanks for sharing BriAnna! I’m intrigued that you continued to lose after the fast – but like many others you ate eggs even off the fast (which I didn’t really) and that may be the key! I’m going to try that when I come off the three day version I’m starting Monday – hopefully I’ll be able to lose more and keep it off this time! Let me know how you do with the rest of your transition!!!
Dawn Miller says
Bam! I just got back from a 10 day vacation with only a 4 pound gain (which I lost in 2 days). Now I am in ketosis and ready to start this freaking “eggscellent” fast. I started today and can’t wait for the Alfredo…even bought the Marscapone. I hope you know how much you are loved and appreciated by us. I gave your website link to all my family members who were in disbelief of my recent weight loss (35 pounds). Then I wowed them with your Paprika Chicken and Cheesy Cauliflower recipes. You just got yourself 4 new followers! THANK YOU so much for posting this!!!!! <3
Mellissa Sevigny says
Awwwww – THANK YOU for the support! And awesome to only gain 4 pounds in 10 days on vaca – it’s usually the opposite for me and I gain 10 pounds in 4 days ha ha! Hope you rock the egg fast – looking forward to hearing your progress through the week!
Libby at says
I had to giggle about the eggs on toast, and the egg allergy? You gotta laugh. Yet another fabulous post, thanks x
Mellissa Sevigny says
Thanks Libby – and yes, it really happens! ;)
Pat says
This is awesome and just in time for me. I break my fast tomorrow and, per your suggestion, will eat 2 egg meals for the next 2 days. The Menus and your recommendations are so helpful now and for future fasts, which I definitely plan to do. I have felt great all 4 days. For me, this works!
PS – I even have one of those “frothy things” and now I know what to do with it— Bulletproof Coffee!
Pat says
Just finished my 2nd day of breaking the fast and no gain; no loss. I’m very happy I had a net loss of another 1/2 lb on the 2 days following my fast. Now for the hard part, staying the Keto course and continuing to lose. Fairly certain I will do the Egg Fast 2 days next week based on how well I do the remainder of this week.
Curious how your are doing w/ your 2nd fast this week and look forward to your comments. I think we both have a similar amount of weight to lose. I have a competitive streak, so watch out!! :)
Mellissa Sevigny says
Bring it on Pat, lol! I forgot I had to do some recipe development for a client yesterday so I’m starting my 2nd round of egg fast today instead! I ate off plan on purpose yesterday to see what would happen when I restart and if shocking my body with carbs pre-fast will get me better results during the fast. So far I’m up 3 lbs since I finished my last fast (even with carbing up yesterday), but still down almost 4 from when I started my first egg fast last Monday. Very curious to see what happens over the next few days and will keep you posted! I’m also tracking with my brandy new ketone meter and will post those results when my egg fast is over as well!
Sue says
Omg! I love your blog! I’m I laughing so hard right now but I’m so very thankful for your hard work and time and effort that you put forth in order to help those of us who are stumbling through this new dietary world! Thank you for sharing your journey…ups and downs, good, bad ugly…with us …it really helps to know we are not in this alone. And thank you for your time and effort in stirring up and sharing these wonderful recipes. I just want you to know how very much you are appreciated! I’m glad to be a part of it! Keep up the good work and thank you!
Mumsies says
Ditto, Sue!
I read this aloud to my Mr. Hungry just a minute ago and we were both laughing. I especially appreciate the research on WHY this works as that has been a great part of my journey to rid myself of diabetic medications. So far I have gone from 7.9 HgbA1c in early December (on Metformin) to starting Bernstein in late January to 6.5 by early March (on Metformin) and now approximately 5.5 (NO Metformin) and still falling. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LCHF!!!
Me: lost 21 lbs so far (slow metabolism, old set point and probably liver are the reasons why I hit a 14.5 week plateau though I have not been diagnosed with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease)
DH: lost 36.5 lbs so far but he is not diabetic.
kristine says
lol…just died, this is how I feel somedays
Kristine says
Can’t thank you enough for all you are sharing and working on with us! I so hope I’m not going to be “that guy”…I read the FAQ 3 times and didn’t see this on there so I will apologize now if I goof…here goes…I hate avocado! Is there anything Ican substitute and get the same results? As soon as iI get this question rsolved I desperately need to start back on a low carb lifestyle. I gained 25 pounds over the last 4months and I was already 30 pounds over weight. I’m so hopeful for a successful quick start. I can’t thank you enough! God Bless.
Mellissa Sevigny says
Hi Kristine! The 2 off plan days are less strict and as long as you’re below 20g net carbs per day on those you should be fine. You can sub any low carb snack for the avocado on those days! Let us know how you do!
Susan says
I second Sur’s post. I love your blog and the recipes are amazing. I have never cooked in my life and the recipes are so easy and clear and delicious I am cooking up a storm!! CNt thank you enough