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4 Insights from Unicorn CEO Dileep Thazhmon of Jeeves

Dileep Thazhmon, CEO of FinTech unicorn Jeeves, offers four profound insights he's learned as a serial entrepreneur and CEO.

"D(il)eep Thoughts"

Dileep Thazhmon is building a global business bank that can operate across international lines in multiple countries and currencies with Jeeves. A serial entrepreneur, he sees Jeeves as his legacy project, providing capital and financial infrastructure to small businesses across the globe to power their growth. (His story was episode 3 of "Spiraling Up: The Journey to Become a Unicorn" season 1.)


A Startup's Biggest Advantage


Why would Dileep go through the process of starting a second company after already having success in a previous company? He learned quickly that doing it a second time is not that easy. Learn what he thinks is the biggest advantage of a startup.


  • Starting a company and the feeling of uncertainty when the first paycheck doesn't come in. 
  • Leaving your previous company and having a choice between finding a job with fewer hours or starting to build something new.
  • The advantage of startups is speed and the importance of moving quickly when there is a window of opportunity. They caution against waiting too long and building for a window that no longer exists.


The Power of Hunger and Hard Work


Dileep shares the lessons he learned from his parents about the value of hunger and hard work.


  • Females had a strong influence in his life, particularly his mother who was a doctor, raised two children, and ran a business in an environment that was not always supportive of female entrepreneurs.
  • He emphasizes the value of hard work and learning from the lessons taught by these strong women. Dileep believes that hard work and intelligence are a powerful combination and that there is no substitute for hunger and hard work. 
  • If he starts losing his drive to work hard, they will slowly decay and be overtaken by competitors who are working harder.
  • He’s motivated by not wanting to be outworked by others.


The Power of Making an Impact


Dileep shares how why his work gets him excited every day. It's all about the impact Jeeves is having globally. 


  • He gives an example of a company in Mexico that received funding and was able to build a factory and hire 400 people, which has had a positive impact on their lives and the local economy.
  • The intrinsic value of helping others and making a difference in people's lives.
  • Motivation and satisfaction were lacking in his previous jobs. 
  • He believes that a good career should have three components: intrinsic motivation, ongoing learning, and fair compensation. Having all three is seen as an amazing outcome.


The Power of Organized Chaos


Dileep shares his thoughts on "organized chaos." This is a great insight into how startups can beat legacy companies at their own game.


  • Startups often find opportunities in the gray area, where they can do things differently than incumbents or legacy players in the market. 
  • This gray area is the “chaos” and is an opportunity for startups to build quickly.
  • When starting out, many people will doubt the feasibility of the startup's approach, but once it is successful, those same people will acknowledge its potential. 
  • Chaos is a positive sign, as it indicates the existence of opportunities to build and innovate. The ability to navigate and thrive in this ambiguous space as a key factor in the success of a startup.



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