Cloud Pentesting
with NodeZero
The NodeZeroTM platform simplifies your cloud security with visibility from various perspectives into your vulnerabilities, identity and access management (IAM) weaknesses, and misconfigurations in Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure, and Kubernetes.
of organizations report that one or more of their cloud data breaches were related to access.
During internal and external pentests, NodeZero:
Enumerates cloud resources and assets to find an opening into AWS using attacker techniques like privilege escalation, lateral movement, and exploitable vulnerabilities.
Pivots into Kubernetes environments by exploiting vulnerabilities, weak controls, or common misconfigurations.
Find and Fix IAM weaknesses
NodeZero users can also do advanced vendor-specific testing with a gray box approach that begins with AWS or Azure Entra ID credentials. By testing with the perspective of what an attacker with credentials can access, NodeZero identifies weaknesses or misconfigurations that lead to privilege escalation, overexposure of cloud assets, and vulnerabilities that malicious insiders or external attackers could exploit.
Within the first two hours of testing, without using a single CVE, NodeZero autonomously exploited its way through the on–prem infrastructure before organically pivoting into Azure and achieving full tenant compromise by elevating itself to Microsoft Entra ID Global Admin. This compromise renders the integrity and security plan of every application, asset, or user connected to Entra ID in that organization essentially useless. Learn More
Use the AWS and Azure pentests to:
Validate Defense in Depth
Identify and fix critical IAM misconfigurations and exploitable vulnerabilities across multiple layers of your defenses to strengthen your overall security.
Reduce Blast Radius
Limit the impact of potential breaches by ensuring that access permissions and security defenses are correctly configured.
Combat Insider Threats and Credentialed Attacks
Continuously Find, Fix, and Verify Cloud Weaknesses
The NodeZero platform offers unique advantages to your IT, security, and cloud focused teams in your dynamic cloud environments, whether you are part of an in-house team or a managed services provider. NodeZero has unmatched scalability for large environments with concurrent testing of your hybrid cloud environment and supports large multi-tenant deployments.
NodeZero offers proof of every exploit, detailed remediation guidance, and 1-click verify to help you immediately confirm that your fixes are effective.