An ultrasonic water level controller is a device which can detect water levels in a tank without a physical contact and send the data to a distant LED indicator in a wireless GSM mode.
In this post I will show how to construct a ultrasonic based solar powered wireless water level indicator using Arduino in which the Arduinos would be transmitting and receiving at 2.4 GHz wireless frequency. We will be detecting the water level in the tank using ultrasonics instead of traditional electrode method.
Water level indicator is a must have gadget, if you own a house or even living in a rented house. A water level indicator shows one important data for your house which is as important as your energy meter’s reading, that is, how much water is left? So that we can keep track of water consumption and we don’t need to climb upstairs to access the water tank to check how much water left and no more sudden halt of water from faucet.
We are living at 2018 (at the time of writing of this article) or later, we can communicate to anywhere in the world instantly, we launched an electric race car to space, we launched satellites and rovers to mars, we even able land human beings on moon, still no proper commercial product for detecting how much water left in our water tanks?
We can find water level indicators are made by 5th grade students for science fair at school. How such simple projects didn’t make into our everyday life? The answer is water tank level indicators are not simple projects that a 5th grader can make one for our home. There are many practical considerations before we design one.
• Nobody wants to drill a hole on water tank’s body for electrodes which might leak water later on.
• Nobody wants to run 230 / 120 VAC wire near water tank.
• Nobody wants to replace batteries every month.
• Nobody wants to run additional long wires hanging on a room for water level indication as it is not pre-planned while building the house.
• Nobody wants to use the water which is mixed with metal corrosion of the electrode.
• Nobody wants to remove the water level indicator setup while cleaning the tank (inside).
Some of the reasons mentioned above may look silly but, you will find less satisfactory with commercially available products with these cons. That’s why penetration of these products are very less among the average households*.
*On Indian market.
After considering these key points, we have designed a practical water level indicator which should remove the cons mentioned.
Our design:
• It uses ultrasonic sensor to measure the water level so no corrosion problem.
• Wireless indication of water level real time at 2.4 GHz.
• Good wireless signal strength, enough for 2 story high buildings.
• Solar powered no more AC mains or replacing battery.
• Tank full / overflow alarm while filling the tank.
Let’s investigate the circuit details:
The wireless transmitter circuit which is placed on the tank will send water level data every 5 seconds 24/7. The transmitter consists of Arduino nano, ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04, nRF24L01 module which will connect the transmitter and receiver wirelessly at 2.4 GHz.
A Solar panel of 9 V to 12 V with current output of 300mA will power the transmitter circuit. A battery management circuit board will charge the Li-ion battery, so that we can monitor the water level even when there is no sunlight.
Let us explore how to place the ultrasonic sensor at water tank:
Please note that you have to use your creativity to mound the circuit and protect from rain and direct sunlight.
Cut a small hole above the tank’s lid for placing the Ultrasonic sensor and seal it with some kind of adhesive you can find.
Now measure the full height of the tank from bottom to lid, write it down in meters. Now measure the height of water holding capacity of tank as shown in the above image and write in down in meters.
You need to enter these two values in the code.
Schematic diagram of Transmitter:
NOTE: nRF24L01 uses 3.3V as Vcc do not connect to 5V output of Arduino.
Power supply for transmitter:
Make sure that your solar panel’s output power i.e. output (volt x current) is greater than 3 watts. The solar panel should be 9V to 12V.
12V and 300mA panel is recommended which you can find easily on market. Battery should be around 3.7V 1000 mAh.
5V 18650 Li-ion charging module:
The following image shows a standard 18650 charger circuit
The input can be USB (not used) or external 5V from LM7805 IC. Make sure that you get the correct module as shown above, it should have TP4056 protection, which has low battery cut-off and short circuit protection.
The output of this should to be fed to XL6009’s input which will boost to higher voltage, using a small screw driver output of XL6009 should be adjusted to 9V for Arduino.
Illustration of XL6009 DC to DC boost converter:
That concludes the transmitter’s hardware.
Code for Transmitter:
// ----------- Program Developed by R.GIRISH / Homemade-circuits .com ----------- //
#include <RF24.h>
RF24 radio(9, 10);
const byte address[6] = "00001";
const int trigger = 3;
const int echo = 2;
const char text_0[] = "STOP";
const char text_1[] = "FULL";
const char text_2[] = "3/4";
const char text_3[] = "HALF";
const char text_4[] = "LOW";
float full = 0;
float three_fourth = 0;
float half = 0;
float quarter = 0;
long Time;
float distanceCM = 0;
float distanceM = 0;
float resultCM = 0;
float resultM = 0;
float actual_distance = 0;
float compensation_distance = 0;
// ------- CHANGE THIS -------//
float water_hold_capacity = 1.0; // Enter in Meters.
float full_height = 1.3; // Enter in Meters.
// ---------- -------------- //
void setup()
pinMode(trigger, OUTPUT);
pinMode(echo, INPUT);
digitalWrite(trigger, LOW);
full = water_hold_capacity;
three_fourth = water_hold_capacity * 0.75;
half = water_hold_capacity * 0.50;
quarter = water_hold_capacity * 0.25;
void loop()
digitalWrite(trigger, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigger, LOW);
Time = pulseIn(echo, HIGH);
distanceCM = Time * 0.034;
resultCM = distanceCM / 2;
resultM = resultCM / 100;
Serial.print("Normal Distance: ");
Serial.println(" M");
compensation_distance = full_height - water_hold_capacity;
actual_distance = resultM - compensation_distance;
actual_distance = water_hold_capacity - actual_distance;
if (actual_distance < 0)
Serial.print("Water Level:");
Serial.println(" 0.00 M (UP)");
Serial.print("Water Level: ");
Serial.println(" M (UP)");
if (actual_distance >= full)
radio.write(&text_0, sizeof(text_0));
if (actual_distance > three_fourth && actual_distance <= full)
radio.write(&text_1, sizeof(text_1));
if (actual_distance > half && actual_distance <= three_fourth)
radio.write(&text_2, sizeof(text_2));
if (actual_distance > quarter && actual_distance <= half)
radio.write(&text_3, sizeof(text_3));
if (actual_distance <= quarter)
radio.write(&text_4, sizeof(text_4));
// ----------- Program Developed by R.GIRISH / Homemade-circuits .com ----------- //
Change the following values in the code which you measured:
// ------- CHANGE THIS -------//
float water_hold_capacity = 1.0; // Enter in Meters.
float full_height = 1.3; // Enter in Meters.
// ---------- -------------- //
That concludes the transmitter.
The Receiver:
The receiver can show 5 levels. Alarm, when the tank reached absolute maximum water holding capacity while filling tank. 100 to 75 % - All four LEDs will glow, 75 to 50 % three LEDs will glow, 50 to 25 % two LEDs will glow, 25% and less one LED will glow.
The receiver can be powered from 9V battery or from smartphone charger to USB mini-B cable.
Code for Receiver:
// ----------- Program Developed by R.GIRISH / Homemade-circuits .com ----------- //
#include <RF24.h>
RF24 radio(9, 10);
int i = 0;
const byte address[6] = "00001";
const int buzzer = 6;
const int LED_full = 5;
const int LED_three_fourth = 4;
const int LED_half = 3;
const int LED_quarter = 2;
char text[32] = "";
void setup()
pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LED_full, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LED_three_fourth, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LED_half, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LED_quarter, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH);
digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW);
digitalWrite(LED_full, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LED_three_fourth, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LED_half, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LED_quarter, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LED_full, LOW);
digitalWrite(LED_three_fourth, LOW);
digitalWrite(LED_half, LOW);
digitalWrite(LED_quarter, LOW);
radio.openReadingPipe(0, address);
void loop()
if (radio.available())
{, sizeof(text));
if (text[0] == 'S' && text[1] == 'T' && text[2] == 'O' && text[3] == 'P')
digitalWrite(LED_full, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LED_three_fourth, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LED_half, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LED_quarter, HIGH);
for (i = 0; i < 50; i++)
digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH);
digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW);
if (text[0] == 'F' && text[1] == 'U' && text[2] == 'L' && text[3] == 'L')
digitalWrite(LED_full, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LED_three_fourth, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LED_half, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LED_quarter, HIGH);
if (text[0] == '3' && text[1] == '/' && text[2] == '4')
digitalWrite(LED_full, LOW);
digitalWrite(LED_three_fourth, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LED_half, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LED_quarter, HIGH);
if (text[0] == 'H' && text [1] == 'A' && text[2] == 'L' && text[3] == 'F')
digitalWrite(LED_full, LOW);
digitalWrite(LED_three_fourth, LOW);
digitalWrite(LED_half, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LED_quarter, HIGH);
if (text[0] == 'L' && text[1] == 'O' && text[2] == 'W')
digitalWrite(LED_full, LOW);
digitalWrite(LED_three_fourth, LOW);
digitalWrite(LED_half, LOW);
digitalWrite(LED_quarter, HIGH);
// ----------- Program Developed by R.GIRISH / Homemade-circuits .com ----------- //
That concludes the receiver.
NOTE: if no LEDs are glowing, which means the receiver can’t get signal from transmitter. You should wait 5 seconds to receive the signal from transmitter after turning on the receiver circuit.
Author’s prototypes:
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