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IWSC Distributor Trophy 2023

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IWSC Distributor Trophy 2023

We are extremely excited to announce that Hallgarten & Novum Wines has today been named the IWSC Wine Distributor 2023. 

The judges, which includes personalities from across the trade, commented on the extensive work Hallgarten has undertaken over the past 12 months to elevate our own sustainability practices and review our future commitments to carbon neutrality, as well as the development of our own portfolio throughout the last year. 

Here's what the judges said:
"A company with a fantastic range and a great team, our judges were impressed by the incredible amount Hallgarten Wines have achieved over the past year, particularly in the sustainability area.Ratherthan box ticking the sustainability boxes, our judges felt Hallgarten was trying to take its responsibility in a new direction with their own eco-standard rating scheme. Additionally, they are showing a strong commitment with their intention to be carbon neutral by 2023.

"Beyond sustainability over the last 12 months, they have shown real commitment to their customers, launching a new magazine. Also a commitment to employees with the new diversity and inclusion team and ongoing commitment to education. A diverse and cutting-edge wine range – with 220 new wines launched in past year, our judges felt Hallgarten came across as a very human business and one they’d happily work for."

The judging panels for the 2023 award comprised of experts from across the wine industry: Masters of Wine Junior Vianna and Sarah Abbott - as well as drinks retail consultant, Cat Lomax. Christelle Guibert, CEO for the IWSC completed the panel.