
EVs up to range challenge with planning

I was disappointed in Ta’Leah Van Sistine’s report regarding EVs in the…


Vehicle-owners should pay to fix problems from fish-killing tires

A very well-written disclosure about tire wear and correlated salmon deaths (“New…


Attack on Gov. Walz is the usual politics

It seems strange to me that some supporters of a proven draft…


City of Snohomish move increases costs for ADUs

On Aug. 20, during a discussion item where no public comment is allowed, the Snohomish City Council voted in favor of going forward to require… Continue reading

Save money by merging two housing authorities

The City of Everett now needs to cut costs. I don’t know how to solve the entire problem, but I do see one bit of… Continue reading

777x test flights’ suspension actually a good thing

The Herald’s Aug. 21 article on the suspension of Boeing 777x test flight made it sound like yet another of Boeing’s failures. Far from it!… Continue reading

Check facts on accusations about Walz’s military service

A letter in a recent Herald needs fact checking. Candidate Tim Walz joined the National Guard at 17 and served for 24 years in domestic… Continue reading

Extra I-5 lane wasn’t worth the expense

All that time, money, effort and disruption to add only one lane (“Everett to Marysville HOV lane opens to mixed reviews,” The Herald, Aug. 22)?… Continue reading

Jackson High robotics team appreciates coverage of win

I just wanted to thank you all (and Janice Podsada!) for the wonderful article you published about the Jackson High School’s robotics team’s win in… Continue reading

Aid calls raise questions over abortion safety

Planned Parenthood has claimed abortion procedures should be legal, rare, and safe. They have since abandoned that “mantra” as no longer effective. While it may… Continue reading

Don’t duplicate King County’s homeless panel here

Perhaps you’ve heard of the King County Regional Homeless Authority, perhaps not, but you should know about it in case a similar effort is launched… Continue reading

Ballot tax statement was OK on one ballot, not the other?

I must say it is ironic to see The Herald Editorial Board, noting that as our state Supreme Court recently confirmed that “voters were due… Continue reading

Protect long-term care benefit most will need; reject I-2124

Vote no on Initiative 2124. As a family medicine doctor working in urgent care in Everett, I’ve seen firsthand how vital accessible long-term care is… Continue reading

Walz wasn’t being ‘swift-boated’; criticism legitimate

In his column published Aug. 13, Eugene Robinson accuses J.D. Vance of “swift-boating” Democratic vice presidential candidate Gov. Tim Walz and draws parallels between the… Continue reading

Snohomish PUD offers too short list of thermostats for rebate

It deeply disappoints me that my Snohomish County PUD rebate has narrow thinking of what smart thermostats are eligible for rebates. The Snohomish County PUD… Continue reading

If you lost election, time to take your signs down

State law (RCW 29A.60.190) states “fourteen days after a primary … election, the county canvassing board shall … certify the results.” Candidates and their campaign… Continue reading

Vote no on I-2124 to protect your long-term care benefit

The fact is, one day, most of us are going to need long-term care. Maybe it will be due to aging, maybe we’ll fall ill,… Continue reading

Ending animal cruelty good reason to go vegan

Thank you for the commentary about our love for dogs and the hypocrisy of how we treat other animals (“Must love dogs, but for hogs… Continue reading

Character counts for leaders

So many people will mow down the flourishing wild flowers that have blossomed in their overly manicured lives. The simple and free gifts of nature… Continue reading