
Comment: Air travel is getting better; passenger behavior hasn’t

Flights are more affordable. Fewer are canceled. But more passengers insist on unruly behavior.


Comment: Musk’s free-speech absolutism flawed, self-serving

His belief that free speech is the best antidote against disinformation ignores X’s constraints on facts.



Editorial cartoons for Tuesday, Sept. 3

A sketchy look at the news of the day.


Kristof: Demeaning Trump voters isn’t civil, fair; or smart

Those who are economically disadvantaged and open to Trump’s promises deserve the attention FDR gave their peers.

Tufekci: Regulation why food-borne illness isn’t more common

Lax practices at a Boar’s Head plant show why regulation and inspection are necessary for the food industry.

Comment: A look at the legacy of U.S.’s Afghanistan withdrawal

For all the chaos and loss of life, the aftermath hasn’t meant a loss of intelligence or standing.

French: Even constrained, new indictment against Trump stronger

Forced to concentrate on Trump’s private actions, the case has been made clearer and easier to argue.

Comment: Tipping out of control; Harris, Trump would make it worse

Removing income tax on tips could expand tipping to other jobs and require others to pay more in taxes.


Editorial cartoons for Monday, Sept. 2

A sketchy look at the news of the day.… Continue reading

A Northern Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) in an old growth forest.

Comment: To save one species, should we be killing another?

A federal program to cull barred owls to save native spotted owls is raising questions about wildlife policy.

A Northern Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) in an old growth forest.

Editorial cartoons for Sunday, Sept. 1

A sketchy look at the news of the day.… Continue reading


EVs up to range challenge with planning

I was disappointed in Ta’Leah Van Sistine’s report regarding EVs in the backcountry (“Can EVs go the distance in the backcountry? Some not so sure,”… Continue reading

Vehicle-owners should pay to fix problems from fish-killing tires

A very well-written disclosure about tire wear and correlated salmon deaths (“New limit set for tire chemical that kills coho salmon,” The Herald, Aug. 19).… Continue reading

Comment; Congress considers change to open primaries in states

States now use many types of primaries. A bill would open primaries to all voters, regardless of party.

Comment: Joint effort to hit cancer in state with a CAPOW!

Cancer Action Plan of Washington is a team effort to help state residents prevent, treat and survive cancer.

Comment: Protect state’s strength in drug research, development

Life sciences are a leading employer in the state and are must continue work on life-saving therapies.


Editorial cartoons for Saturday, Aug. 31

A sketchy look at the news of the day.… Continue reading

Snohomish County Executive Dave Somers and Senator Maria Cantrell shake hands as they board the 12:30 pm train during the Lynnwood 1 Line extension opening celebrations on Friday, Aug. 30, 2024 in Lynnwood, Washington. (Olivia Vanni / The Herald)

Editorial: Light rail reshaping the future of Snohomish County

The arrival of service to Mountlake Terrace and Lynnwood brings changes for travel, housing and more.

Snohomish County Executive Dave Somers and Senator Maria Cantrell shake hands as they board the 12:30 pm train during the Lynnwood 1 Line extension opening celebrations on Friday, Aug. 30, 2024 in Lynnwood, Washington. (Olivia Vanni / The Herald)

Forum: Hear what’s said and how, whether candidate or defendant

My recent experience on a jury offered a lesson in the value of listening for a person’s character.

Forum: News consumers must demand ethics from news outlets

A century ago, newspapers lived by a code of ethics. The drive for profit has compromised that standard.