Tina Engstrom

Blue Badge Tourist Guide Finalist In Beautiful South Awards 2014

The Association of Professional Tourist Guides (APTG) member and Blue Badge Tourist Guide Amanda Bryett who runs Windsor Tourist Guides Ltd was a finalist at the Beautiful South Awards 2014 held at the Grand Hotel, Brighton in December and won a Bronze award for Outstanding Customer Service. As a finalist Amanda now goes forward to the national VisitEngland awards 2015.

Established over 20 years ago, The Beautiful South Awards help drive ambition and raise standards throughout the South and South East of England rewarding excellence, quality, innovation and customer service. Winners included The Mary Rose Museum, Portsmouth, which was awarded Gold in the Large Visitor Attraction category and The Pointer in Brill, Buckinghamshire, which received Gold for Tourism Pub of the Year plus Silver for Flavour of the South East.

2014 Beautiful South Award finalist Amanda Bryett

Amanda Bryett with two representatives of Tourism South East and Rich Clarke from Heart FM. Photo: ©Tourism South East.

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