In this paper, we introduce the Interactive Growth (IG) model based on the joint growth of new nodes and new links. This simple and dynamic model compares ...
Jun 18, 2003 · In this paper, we introduce the Interactive Growth (IG) model based on the joint growth of new nodes and new links.
We show that the IG model produces network topologies that resemble the AS graph better than the other models. Finally Section VI concludes the paper with some ...
In this paper we introduce the Interactive Growth (IG) model based on the joint growth of new nodes and new links. We compare the AS graph against the IG model ...
Topological structures of Traceroute AS graph and BGP AS graph are analyzed and compared with two synthetic Internet topologies generated by the IG model ...
This simple and dynamic model compares favorable with other Internet power--law topology generators because it not only closely resembles the degree ...
Towards modelling the internet topology-The interactive growth model. R. Shi Zhou. (2003 ). Links and resources. BibTeX key: Zhou2003121; entry type ...
Towards modelling the internet topology—the interactive growth model. S Zhou, RJ Mondragón. Teletraffic science and engineering 5, 121-129, 2003. 48, 2003.
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Using an evolving network to model the Internet has the potential to predict the future of the network, as the model incorporates only time invariant mechanisms ...
Missing: Interactive | Show results with:Interactive
D. Alderson, J. Doyle, R. Govindan, and W. Willinger. Toward an optimization-driven framework for designing and generating realistic Internet topologies.
Missing: Interactive Growth