Beam tracing is a derivative of the ray tracing algorithm that replaces rays, which have no thickness, with beams. Beams are shaped like unbounded pyramids, with (possibly complex) polygonal cross sections.
Beam tracing is formulated in terms of its principal subprocesses: intersection, sorting, and clipping. A Hierarchical Scene Representation is proposed. This ...
The Geometry of Beam Tracing. Norm Dadoun*t, David G. Kirkpatrickt. University of British Columbia. Vancouver, British Columbia. John P. Walsh. Artec ...
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Since environment in this method can be of complex shape and composition, it is represented by irregular triangle networks (TIN). This paper presents the ...
The basic principle of beam-tracing is that instead of emitting a wave-front to the whole hemi-sphere around the reflector, it is sufficient to emit the wave ...
Figure 10 shows the geometry of an incident ray I hitting a plane and generating a reflected ray R and refracted. (transmitted) ray T. The three rays and the ...
Oct 1, 2019 · Beam tracing is an extension of ray tracing that constructs beams around the central rays radiating from a source.
The primary disadvantage of beam tracing is that the geometric operations required to trace a beam through a 3D model (i.e., inter- section and clipping) ...
This paper presents the beam tracing with refraction method, developed to examine the possibil- ity of creating the beam tracing simulation of sound ...