It was a logical next step to make a conceptual videogame. The game is a conceptual, music driven, socially inspired, abstract adventure, where walking cubes ...
Abstract. Transmedia is a 2 year Postgraduate Art/Design/Media course in. Brussels. Previously I had studied Graphic Design, graduated in Multimedia.
It was a logical next step to make a conceptual videogame. The game is a conceptual, music driven, socially inspired, abstract adventure, where walking cubes ...
Maarten Devillé, Hugues Huygens, Vincent Regent: The Fabulous Adventures of MC Walker: Conceptual Videogame. TIDSE 2004: 284-289.
... The Fabulous Adventures of MC Walker: Conceptual Videogame -- Janus - Keeper of the Gate to the Otherworld -- Oral Tradition versus Digital Storytelling: On ...
The Fabulous Adventures of MC Walker: Conceptual Videogame. 284. Maarten Deville, Hugues Huygens, Vincent Regent. Janus - Keeper of the Gate to the Otherworld.
... The Fabulous Adventures of MC Walker: Conceptual Videogame- Janus - Keeper of the Gate to the Otherworld- Oral Tradition versus Digital Storytelling: On ...
Aug 28, 2023 · Consistently, Owlcat and Obsidian. Obsidian has more reactivity and branching paths though Owlcat gets better each game. Larian won me with BG3.
Oct 25, 2021 · Blades in the Dark draws a lot of inspiration from Television (Leverage, Peaky Blinders) and I find that the game runs best when I run it like a TV show.