This paper collates some of the experience of managers, tutors, and learners who have used live, audio-visual communication systems for distance learning. Eight ...
The heuristics are used to evaluate a possible proposal for the introduction of ISDN into LIVENET. Managers', tutors' and learners' experience of LIVENET and ...
This paper collates some of the experience of managers, tutors and learners who have used live, audio-visual communication systems for distance learning. Eight ...
Jul 19, 2021 · Eight design heuristics are abstracted from thisexperience and used to reason about how digital communications couldmake LIVENET more effective.
Live, audio-visual communication systems for distance learning: experience, heuristics, and ISDN. Colbert, Martin, Voglimacci, Catherine and Finkelstein ...
Systems for Distance Learning: Experience, Heuristics and ISDN. MARTIN COLBERT ... The use of live, audio-visual communication systems for distance learning.
Bibliographic details on Live, audio-visual communication systems for distance learning: experience, heuristics, and ISDN.
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Live, audio-visual communication systems for distance learning: experience, heuristics and ISDN. Behaviour and Information Technology, 14(5), pp. 267-288 ...
Colbert et al. Live, audiovisual communication-systems for distance learning: experience, heuristics, and ISDN. Behaviour and Information Technology. (1995). P ...
Live, audio-visual communication systems for distance learning: experience, heuristics, and ISDN. 267-288. view. electronic edition via DOI; unpaywalled ...