Tecnalia - ‪cryptography‬ - ‪cybersecurity‬ - ‪machine learning‬ - ‪privacy‬
Mathematician (2020) with a master's degree in Mathematical Modeling and Research, Statistics and Computer Science (2021) from the University of the Basque ...
Idoia Gamiz from www.researchgate.net
Idoia Gamiz Ugarte has a degree in Mathematics from the University of the Basque Country (2020) with a master's degree in Mathematical Modeling and Research ...
Actualmente estoy en TECNALIA Research & Innovation trabajando como investigadora en ciberseguridad, mientras realizo mi tesis doctoral sobre Privacy Preserving ...
Idoia Gamiz from scienceportal.tecnalia.com
Idoia Gamiz Ugarte. View Scopus Profile. Idoia Gamiz Ugarte. Investigador/a Junior, Cores, CIBERSEC&DLT. Former affiliation. Investigador/a Junior, TECNALIA ...
Challenges and future research directions in secure multi-party computation for resource-constrained devices and large-scale computations. Idoia Gamiz ...
This work focuses on the SCALE-MAMBA framework for conducting SMPC and the main objective is its validation in terms of types of operations, the accuracy of the ...
Nov 21, 2024 · Correspondence to Idoia Gamiz. Ethics declarations. Conflict of interest. The authors declare that they have no known competing financial ...
May 8, 2024 · Idoia Gamiz Cueva profile picture. Idoia Gamiz Cueva. Reels󰞋May 8, 2024󰞋󱘺IconicDior󰞋󱟠. 󰟝. 🌶️🌶️❤️. 🌶️🌶️❤️. Ontarix Larp and 24 others.