In this paper we show that the leading n–ω(log n) bits are also simultaneously hard, or equivalently that the distribution of g^s \bmod p , where g is a ...
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It is shown that the trailing n–ω(log n) bits of the discrete logarithm modulo an n-bit safe prime p are simultaneously hard, and this result implies the ...
The EKE protocol [3] was the first password-only authenticated key exchange protocol that tried to protect against off-line dictionary attacks. Subsequently, ...
In this paper we show that the leading n-ω(logn) bits are also simultaneously hard, or equivalently that the distribution of g s modp, where g is a generator of ...
In this paper we show that the leading n–ω(log n) bits are also simultaneously hard, or equivalently that the distribution of gs mod pg^s \bmod p, where g is a ...
Nov 14, 2013 · 2013-11-14T22:54:56+00:00; 2014-04-04T19:52:35+00:00; 6a6000a9d8314c1e88a1c5fe9611c532e4a104dc; 1706; latest.
Philip D. MacKenzie, Sarvar Patel: Hard Bits of the Discrete Log with Applications to Password Authentication. CT-RSA 2005: 209-226. manage site settings.
This document proposes to add mutual authentication, based on a human-memorizable password, to the basic, unauthenticated Diffie-Hellman key exchange.
Remark: We used discrete-log problem to construct collision resistant hash functions. Security Reduction showed that attack on collision resistant hash function ...
Hard Bits of the Discrete Log with Applications to Password Authentication · An Improved Pseudo-random Generator Based on Discrete Log · On the Provable Security ...