Feb 23, 2013 · In a controlled experiment, we examined the role of backchanneling and task complexity on team functioning and perceptions of the robots' ...
Feb 27, 2013 · H1: The presence of backchanneling by robots will improve team functioning (by decreasing stress and cognitive load and by increasing team ...
In a controlled experiment, we examined the role of backchanneling and task complexity on team functioning and perceptions of the robots' engagement and ...
Nov 6, 2018 · Bibliographic details on Engaging robots: easing complex human-robot teamwork using backchanneling.
Engaging robots: easing complex human-robot teamwork using backchanneling. M. Jung, J. Lee, N. DePalma, S. Adalgeirsson, P. Hinds, and C. Breazeal.
Engaging Robots: Easing Complex Human-Robot Teamwork using Backchanneling. 25 ... Robot Sophia: 'Not a thing' could stop a robot takeover | Talk to Al ...
Engaging robots: easing complex human-robot teamwork using backchanneling. MF Jung, JJ Lee, N DePalma, SO Adalgeirsson, PJ Hinds, C Breazeal.
In human-robot teams, we therefore predict that when robots use backchanneling, it will enhance team functioning. We further argue that this effect will be ...
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Engaging robots: easing complex human-robot teamwork using backchanneling. CSCW '13: Proceedings of the 2013 conference on Computer supported cooperative ...
Date: February 2013 · We investigated how a team of robots in a stressful situation like search and rescue can support their human partners more holistically.