Abstract: The design space for VLSI circuits and systems is multidimensional since area, delay, power, design time, throughput, etc. are factors affecting ...
The design space for VLSI circuiis and systems is mulii- dimensional since area, delay, power, design iime, through- pui, etc. are factors affecting ihe ...
Mourad B. Takla, Donald W. Bouldin, Daniel B. Koch: Early Exploration of the Multi-Dimensional VLSI Design Space. VLSI Design 1994: 413-416.
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This paper gives an overview of methods used for design space exploration (DSE) of micro-architectures and systems.
Oct 13, 2019 · This work proposes a methodology for simulation of multi-task processing on FPGA. In doing so, it also supports static spatial partitioning of ...
Early exploration of the multi-dimensional VLSI design space pp. 413,414,415,416. Verification of circuits described in VHDL through extraction of design ...
Design Space Optimization (DSO) is a novel approach to searching large design spaces enabled by recent advancements in machine-learning.
Abstract In this chapter, we present an overview of techniques and methods for the design space exploration (DSE) of embedded systems.
Mar 8, 2022 · Sherlock is a DSE framework that can handle multiple conflicting optimization objectives and aggressively focuses on finding Pareto-optimal solutions.
Feb 1, 2018 · A new pattern-based approach, known as design space exploration (DSE), is a way of generating and testing layout geometries during the early stages of process ...