This paper presents the concepts behind a newly established Grid-based platform that offers learning objects based on hands-on experiments for Earth observation ...
This paper presents the concepts behind a newly established Grid-based platform that offers learning objects based on hands-on experiments for Earth observation.
GiSHEO platform [1] providing on-demand services for training and high education in Earth Observation is developed, in the frame of an ESA funded project ...
We discuss in this paper the special requirements of a grid-based platform for training and high education in Earth observation and the technical solutions that ...
We discuss in this paper the special requirements of a grid-based platform for training and high education in Earth observation and the technical solutions that ...
This paper presents the Grid oriented GiSHEO eLearning Environment (eGLE) supporting the training and experimental practice in Earth Observation (EO). eGLE ...
Missing: Designing | Show results with:Designing
It intends to be a Grid-based platform of which potential for experimentation and extensibility are the key benefits compared with a desktop software solution.
The Grid oriented GiSHEO eLearning Environment (eGLE) supporting the training and experimental practice in Earth Observation (EO) is presented, based on the ...
It uses Grid computing technologies to analyze and store remote sensing data, and combines them with eLearning facilities. This paper provides an overview of ...
Missing: Designing | Show results with:Designing
This paper describes the features and the architectures of the ESIP and gProcess platforms, supporting the Grid based satellite imagery processing. The ...