Abstract. Dijkstra's single-source shortest path algorithm has been ap- plied in seismic tomography to determine paths of minimum travel time.
Jul 14, 2017 · The idea is to decompose the model domain into rectangular regions that can be worked on in parallel at each iteration step. The regions will be ...
An iterative data parallel algorithm is formulated for seismic tomography based on the Bellman-Ford-Moore (BFM) algorithm. Performance is demonstrated for ...
An iterative data parallel algorithm is formulated for seismic tomography based on the Bellman-Ford-Moore (BFM) algorithm. Performance is demonstrated for ...
Abstract. This article presents the parallelization of seismic ray trace algorithm. The chosen Urdaneta's algorithm is shortly described. It pro-.
May 5, 2023 · We present a parallel implementation of a 2D seismic ray tracer on a graphics processing unit of the compact Jetson Nano by Nvidia.
1 A Data Parallel Algorithm for Seismic Raytracing Allen D. Malony1 ... Data parallel algorithm for seismic raytracing based on BFM outperforms Moser's DSP method ...
A data parallel version of Stingray was developed based on the Bellman-Ford-Moore iterative SSSP algorithm. Single node experiments demonstrated performance ...
The LSQR algorithm developed by Paige and Saunders (1982) is considered one of the most efficient and stable methods for solving large, sparse, ...
In this thesis we present the design and implementation of a parallel wavefront construction algorithm (pWFC) for seismic ray tracing. The proposed parallel ...
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