1852 United States presidential election in South Carolina -wikipedia from books.google.com
... South Carolina where the Electors were chosen by the state legislature rather than by popular vote. (b) Daniel Webster died on October 25, 1852 ... 1852 popular vote by counties235 • 1852. United States presidential election, 1852 173.
1852 United States presidential election in South Carolina -wikipedia from books.google.com
... 1852 hit southern Whigs even before the presidential balloting . In state elections in both North Carolina and ... Election of 1852 : Death Knell of the Whig Party in North Carolina , " North Carolina Historical Review , XLIV ...
1852 United States presidential election in South Carolina -wikipedia from books.google.com
... United States Senate on the ground that he was no longer a proper representative of his state.19 But Rhett's cause ... 1852 left South Carolina emotion- ally exhausted . Factional bitterness quickly diminished and for a time the ...
1852 United States presidential election in South Carolina -wikipedia from books.google.com
... 1852 , in S & W , 318 , 321 , 323 ; Washington ( D.C. ) Union , in Raleigh North Carolina Standard , 27 October 1852 ... South , Scott actually received a higher percentage of the vote in that section than in the North ( ibid ...
1852 United States presidential election in South Carolina -wikipedia from books.google.com
... 1852 Congress appropriates $ 6,000 to return them to the United States ... Presidential Convention meets at Baltimore ........ June 16 , 1852 [ Candidates for the Presidency ... South Carolina , min- ister to UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
1852 United States presidential election in South Carolina -wikipedia from books.google.com
... American Party System : Party Formation in the Jacksonian Era . Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press , 1966 . McCormick , Richard P. “ Political Development and the Second Party System . " The American Party Systems : Stages of ...
1852 United States presidential election in South Carolina -wikipedia from books.google.com
... of the sectional conflict , and the party held its own during the congressional elections of 1851 , capturing six of the nine seats.53 On the other hand , the presence of Winfield Scott at the head of the ticket in 1852 undoubtedly did ...
1852 United States presidential election in South Carolina -wikipedia from books.google.com
... of the slavery question , under whatever shape or color the attempt may be made . " In the presidential election of 1852 the democratic candidates were successful by a small popular , and an overwhelm- ing electoral , majority . Only ...
1852 United States presidential election in South Carolina -wikipedia from books.google.com
... in the South- ern Slaveholders ' Worldview ( New York : Cambridge University Press , 2005 ) , 202 ; SVVR diary , July 30 , 1852 ( " poor , ignorant , " describing an African Ameri- can church service ) , Nov. 13 , 1852 ( Uncle Tom's ...
1852 United States presidential election in South Carolina -wikipedia from books.google.com
... 1852 , to May , 1853 . France and Belgium , 695 , 838. Decrees issued by the President , 837. Correspondence between Eu- UNITED STATES ... Presidential Election , 120. Messages of mands upon Switzerland , 698 , 838 ... Carolina , 120 ...