... South Carolina where the Electors were chosen by the state legislature rather than by popular vote. (b) Daniel Webster died on October 25, 1852 ... 1852 popular vote by counties235 • 1852. United States presidential election, 1852 173.
... 1852 hit southern Whigs even before the presidential balloting . In state elections in both North Carolina and ... Election of 1852 : Death Knell of the Whig Party in North Carolina , " North Carolina Historical Review , XLIV ...
... United States Senate on the ground that he was no longer a proper representative of his state.19 But Rhett's cause ... 1852 left South Carolina emotion- ally exhausted . Factional bitterness quickly diminished and for a time the ...
... 1852 , in S & W , 318 , 321 , 323 ; Washington ( D.C. ) Union , in Raleigh North Carolina Standard , 27 October 1852 ... South , Scott actually received a higher percentage of the vote in that section than in the North ( ibid ...
... 1852 Congress appropriates $ 6,000 to return them to the United States ... Presidential Convention meets at Baltimore ........ June 16 , 1852 [ Candidates for the Presidency ... South Carolina , min- ister to UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
... American Party System : Party Formation in the Jacksonian Era . Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press , 1966 . McCormick , Richard P. “ Political Development and the Second Party System . " The American Party Systems : Stages of ...
... of the sectional conflict , and the party held its own during the congressional elections of 1851 , capturing six of the nine seats.53 On the other hand , the presence of Winfield Scott at the head of the ticket in 1852 undoubtedly did ...
... of the slavery question , under whatever shape or color the attempt may be made . " In the presidential election of 1852 the democratic candidates were successful by a small popular , and an overwhelm- ing electoral , majority . Only ...
... 1852 , to May , 1853 . France and Belgium , 695 , 838. Decrees issued by the President , 837. Correspondence between Eu- UNITED STATES ... Presidential Election , 120. Messages of mands upon Switzerland , 698 , 838 ... Carolina , 120 ...