HOST-HOST communication protocol in the ARPA network* by C. STEPHEN CARR. University of Utah. Salt Lake City, Utah and. STEPHEN D. CROCKER and VINTON G. CERF.
HOST-HOST communication protocol in the ARPA network. Authors: C. Stephen Carr, Stephen D. Crocker, and Vinton G. CerfAuthors Info & Claims. AFIPS '70 (Spring): ...
HOST-HOST communication protocol in the ARPA network. C. Stephen Carr. Stephen D. Crocker. Vinton G. Cerf. AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conference (1970), pp ...
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... protocol for use in communication between Host computers on the ARPA Network. In ... The link number for message transmission over the McKenzie & Crocker ...
Missing: Carr Cerf
TL;DR: The ARPA Network as mentioned in this paper was the first large-scale network for distributed communication in a large scale computer network, which was ...
Host-Host Communication Protocol in the ARPA Network: Carr, Crocker and Cerf ... Digital Communication Associates · Digital Communication Associates · DCA ...
... network commands or messages. We outline here an interface based on the Carr, Crocker, and Cerf proposal that is sufficient to fully utilize the network.
Abstract — A protocol that supports the sharing of resources that exist in different packet switching networks is presented. The protocol provides.
2. Carr, S. and S. Crocker, V. Cerf, "HOST-HOST Communication Protocol in the ARPA Network, AFIPS 1970, SJCC Proceedings, Vol. 36, Atlantic City, AFIPS ...
Jun 6, 2023 · (Carr, Crocker & Cerf, RFC 33, 12 Feb. 1970) Also published as: Host-Host communication protocol in the ARPA Network.(1970) Spring Joint ...