The Seasonal Reading Challenge discussion

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SPRING CHALLENGE 2010 > Spring Challenge 2010 Completed Tasks

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message 1: by Cynthia (last edited Feb 28, 2010 09:03PM) (new)

Cynthia (pandoraphoebesmom) | 1332 comments This is where you will need to post information about completed tasks - updates to the readerboard will be based on what is posted HERE AND ONLY HERE.
The things that must be included in your post are: A. The title/author of the book (or a link to that book).
B. What task it is for (either a description of the task or the number associated with the tasks (exe. 5 point task number 3).
C. Also if the task involves an activity (a required review or watching a related film) details of that activity MUST also be posted.
D. If it is written by a good reads author or you wish to use it as an entry in the big book contest you must also indicate this in your post. (See the rules for further information about this)

How you choose to post that information and and other details you want to include is up to you.

message 2: by Cynthia (new)

Cynthia (pandoraphoebesmom) | 1332 comments Let the challenge begin!

message 3: by Cassandra (last edited Mar 01, 2010 01:35PM) (new)

Cassandra 25.7- Ashley FL's Task- Dream Warrior by Sherrilyn Kenyon.

The main character in this book was Cratus, the God of strength and power. I really shouldn't have stayed up to read this since I have class tomorrow at eight. Oh well, that's what coffee's for.

Tasks: 1
Pages: 320
Points: 25

[image error]

Jayme(theghostreader) (jaymetheghostreader) | 2999 comments Wow you guys read fast?

message 5: by Jensownzoo (new)

Jensownzoo | 125 comments TOTAL POINTS = 5

5.9 Walking Dead by C.E. Murphy

Had started this a while back but put it down. Was looking for something shorter to read in bed last night and found that I had read less than half this book so went ahead and finished it. I love this series, but this is the weakest book in it. Particularly damning is that I was able to put it down at all in the first place, which just doesn't happen with me and novels very often!

message 6: by Nicole (last edited Mar 01, 2010 06:49AM) (new)

Nicole | 1295 comments 25.7 The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan

I LOVE THIS SERIES! I don't care about those people who call it a Harry Potter knock off. I love Harry Potter and I love Percy Jackson too!

And here come my first 25 points! I can't seem to access my ticker here at work. I use Ticker Factory and it is prompting me to make a new one and not allowing me to get to the one I made. Suggestions?

message 7: by Nicole (new)

Nicole | 1295 comments Amanda wrote: "Anyone who is good at math have the total points possible this time around?"

I think it is 980, if you include the 50 point midway task! Someone verify please. Math is not my number one ability.

message 8: by Kim D (new)

Kim D (kdimattia) | 195 comments I'm so jealous of those of you who have already finished a book. I have my book sitting on my desk, but I can't read more of it until my lunch break.

message 9: by Sara ♥ (new)

Sara ♥ (saranicole) | 1114 comments I got 980 as well... or my Excel spreadsheet did, anyway...

message 10: by Rebecca NJ (new)

Rebecca NJ (njreader) | 1263 comments I just added everything up and I get 980 (including the 50 points task) as well.

message 11: by Rhiannon (new)

Rhiannon | 241 comments 5 POINT TASKS
1. The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd
2. The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
3. The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
4. The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks (Jan 2010)
5. The Guardian by Nicholas Sparks
6. Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
7. Look Me in the Eye: My Life with Asperger's by John Elder Robison
8. Claudia And The Phantom Phone Calls (Baby-Sitters Club #2: Collector's Edition) by Ann M. Martin
9. Eclipse by Stephine Meyer
10. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass (Barnes & Noble Classics) by Lewis Carroll, John Tenniel

1. A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks
2. The Bachelor (Chandler Brothers #1) by Carly Phillips
3. Cut by Patricia McCormick
4. Plum Spooky by Janet Evanovich (Reuse)
5. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Millennium, #1) by Stieg Larsson
6. The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game (Movie Tie-in Edition) by Michael Lewis
7. The Man in the Iron Mask by Alexandre Dumas
8. 2001: A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke
9. The Horse and His Boy (Chronicles of Narnia, #3) by C.S. Lewis
10. The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, #1) by Ann Brashares

1.House of Dolls by Ka-tzetnik 135633 (Yehiel De-Nur/Dinur) and Aches & Painsby Maeve Binchy
2.Ten Things I Hate About Me by Randa Abdel-Fattah and Billy Bishop Goes to War by John Gray, Eric Peterson
3. My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult
4.The Emerald City of Oz by L. Frank Baum and PS, I Love You by Cecelia Ahern
5.Wicked Poems by Roger McGough
6. Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult and Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson by Mitch Albom
7.Lust (Seven Deadly Sins #1) by Robin Wasserman
8.Letters of Vincent Van Gogh by Vincent Van Gogh
9.Educating Caroline by Patricia Cabot
10. Fear and Trembling (Penguin Great Ideas) by Søren Kierkegaard

2.Green This!: Greening Your Cleaning (Green This, #1) by Deirdre Imus
3.Kim: Empty Inside: The Diary of an Anonymous Teenager by Beatrice Sparks (Editor )
7.Boyz and the Bandz: The Hottest Men in Music: From Elvis to Nsync by Donald F. Reuter
8.Shawshank Redemption by Stephen King
9.Say Cheese and Die! (Goosebumps, #4) by R.L. Stine
10. The Golden Compass (His Dark Materials, #1) by Philip Pullman

1.Cream Puff Murder by Joanne Fluke 3/1/2010
3.Wicked by Gregory Maguire
4. Hex (Hex, Book 1) by Rhiannon Lassiter and Dear John by Nicholas Sparks
5. Breaking Dawn (Twilight, #4) by Stephenie Meyer ( Large Print)
6.Donnybrook: The Battle of Bull Run, 1861 by David Detzer and First Blood (Civil War) by William C. Davis, Time-Life Books
7. The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #1) by Rick Riordan
8. Animal Farmby George Orwell and Marley & Me by John Grogan
9. Dead Until Dark (Sookie Stackhouse, #1) by Charlaine Harris
10. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Seth Grahame-Smith, Jane Austen

1.Spring Break (Sweet Valley High, Super Edition) by Francine Pascal and Toss the Bride by Jennifer Manske Fenske
2. Where I Live by Eileen Spinelli, Matt Phelan and Girlfriend Material by Melissa Kantor
3.Hard to Get by Emma Carlson Berne and Batman: The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller
4.Best Friends (Sweet Valley Twins #1) by Francine Pascal and Deep End of the Ocean (Oprah's Book Club) by Jacquelyn Mitchard
5.The Color of Money by Walter Tevis and Revolutionary Road (Movie Tie-in Edition) (Vintage Contemporaries) by Richard Yates (Tom Cruise was in The Color of Money, which was directed by Martin Scorsese. Scorsese has collaborated with Leonardo DiCaprio in a number of films. Leo has starred in the following film adaptation: Revolutionary Road - Richard Yates)
6.Inkheart (Inkheart, #1) by Cornelia Funke


320/20714 Pages Read
25/980 Total Points
1/70 Books Completed

message 12: by April (new)

April (booksandwine) | 65 comments I completed task 5.6.
I read Paper Daughter by Jeanette Ingold.

The main character is a Chinese-American teenage girl.

[image error]

message 13: by Deedee (new)

Deedee | 2302 comments Nicole wrote: "Amanda wrote: "Anyone who is good at math have the total points possible this time around?"

I think it is 980, if you include the 50 point midway task! Someone verify please. Math is not my numb..."

I get 980 points also; plus at least 66 books (+ 50 point book(s), which should be at least 2) so at least 68 books plus if any of the "Pending" becomes 2 books than that will be added on also. Probably at least 23 books per month to finish. Wow!

message 14: by Ellen (last edited Mar 01, 2010 11:02AM) (new)

Ellen (missellen82) | 216 comments 10.4 - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Forbidden Fruit by Erica Spindler book I was going to use for 5.10 of winter challenge --Big Book 512 Pages
Books Read: 1
Pages Read: 512
Tasks Completed: 1

message 15: by Megan (new)

Megan Anderson (ms_anderson) | 1464 comments Welcome to a new challenge, everyone!

I spent the schoolday/afternoon reading...because I'm a dork like that (though, in my defense, I had a few students ask what I was reading while they were working on their math) :P

So, to start:

5.6 Asian-American/Pacific Islander Heritage Month
When My Name Was Keoko (takes place in Korea; the author is an American of Korean descent)

15.6 Friends and Friends of Friends
The Bell Jar (friend) and D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths (friend of friend)

Total: 20pts

message 16: by Julie (new)

message 17: by Dlmrose, Moderator Emeritus (new)

Dlmrose | 18433 comments Mod
I finished 5.5, Whatever is popular, with:
Guilty Pleasures (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, #1) Popular in 1993.

total 5

message 18: by Jenna (new)

Jenna | 82 comments Finished 25.7 (Greek/Roman Gods). I read The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan. I love this series and flew through this book! Hoping I can fit in the last 3 books in this series. :)

Total Points: 25

message 19: by Diane (new)

Diane  | 741 comments 5.2 "A book is like a garden carried in the pocket." - The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett.

Total Points: 5/980

message 20: by Megan (new)

Megan Anderson (ms_anderson) | 1464 comments One more before I go conk out from this cold that's been sneaking up on me for three weeks so I can actually make it to work tomorrow:

25.8 Helen's Task ~ Talk to the Animals
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, the only "animal book" that has ever made me cry, and The Cricket in Times Square, which was kinda...meh

Total: 25 + 20 (from earlier) = 45pts

message 21: by Kate (last edited Mar 01, 2010 05:12PM) (new)

Kate (kathrynlouwca) | 1002 comments 5.8 - Catherine, Called Birdy. I gave this a 3.5/5.

Total Points: 5
Total Books Read: 1
Total Task Complete: 1
Total Pages Read: 212

message 22: by Wendy (new)

Wendy | 583 comments 5.1 - All About The Birds And The Bees
A. Read a book with a type of bird in the title...Ex. The Swan Thieves or Alex & Me: How a Scientist and a Parrot Discovered a Hidden World of Animal Intelligence--and Formed a Deep Bond in the Process
Eagle Strike by Horowitz
B. Read a book with a type of insect in the title...Ex. The Secret Life of Bees or The Butterfly Garden: Surviving Childhood on the Run with One of Americas Most Wanted

5.3 - S.P.R.I.N.G
For this task read a book written by an author whose initials are found in the word Spring. (Initials must be sequential i.e. SP, PR, RI, IN, NG, GS not PG)
Ex. Sara Paretsky, Phyllis Richman, Robert Inman, Irène Némirovsky, Neil Gaiman, or Gerald Seymour
The Edge Chronicles #1-Beyond the Deepwoods by Paul Stewart

5.9 - “I think even lying on my bed I can still do something.”
In honor of Dorothea Dix (April 4, 1802 – July 17, 1887), an American activist on behalf of the indigent insane whose quote inspired this task...Spend a day in bed reading the book of your choice.
Lethal Legacy by Fairstein
15 points total

message 23: by Nicole (new)

Nicole | 1295 comments Here is my ticker since I was "ticked off" (haha bad bad bad pun) it wasn't accessible at work:

[image error]

message 24: by Cindie (new)

Cindie | 1806 comments
[image error]

I am trying to add my ticker which is an ability that has so far, eluded me...

message 25: by Nicole (last edited Mar 01, 2010 05:09PM) (new)

Nicole | 1295 comments Cindie wrote: "

I am trying to add my ticker which is an ability that has so far, eluded me..."

I may be missing some magical shortcut (I am so not technologically savvy), but as far as I know you have to cut and paste the html into your post every time you update.

message 26: by Manday (new)

Manday | 307 comments I completed task 5.3 by reading Coraline by Neil Gaiman, a good reads author. I read it because I saw the movie and wanted to see if the book was the same. I don't think the movie lived up to the book, though neither is my favorite thing ever.

Books Read: 1
Pages Read: 162
Points: 5

message 27: by Liz M (last edited Mar 01, 2010 06:27PM) (new)

Liz M 25.1 Future Aspirations: The Professor's House (Vintage Classics) by Willa Cather by Willa Cather. A beautifully written story of a middle-aged man reassessing his life and his place in it.

Even though I have a sweet deal as far as living arrangements go, I want to buy my own apartment in one of NYC's more peaceful neighborhoods. And what I've learned about living here is that the interior is far more important than exterior. So, something about this cover, with the dress form sharing a room with the office desk, looks like a NYC apartment to me.

Pages read: 258
Books read: 1
Tasks completed: 1
Total Points: 25
Liz (Bklyn)

message 28: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer | 38 comments 10.10 "Fashions fade - style is eternal."
Shoe Addicts Anonymous by Beth Harbison
Total Points = 10

message 29: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer Hodges Young | 306 comments 20.8 Happy Birthday to you Rachel Lee
I read The Accidental Sorcerer by K E Mills

A slow start but once it gets going really good!

Pages read: 535
Books read: 1
Tasks Complete: 1
Total Points: 20

message 30: by Erin (NY) (last edited Mar 01, 2010 08:34PM) (new)

Erin (NY) (erin_p) | 651 comments My first check-in!

20.8 Breaking Dawn (it was approved in the task thread)

Total Points: 20
Tasks Completed: 1
Books Read: 1
Pages Read: 754

Claiming the big book ticket for 750+ pages.

message 31: by scherzo♫ (last edited Mar 02, 2010 05:59AM) (new)

scherzo♫ (pjreads) 10.4B Reuse - I requested this book the first of December for the Winter Challenge moving it from task to task as I waited and waited. Could have used it for:
10.5 Popular
25.2 Friendship
25.8 One Word Title
30.1 Published in 00-09 Decade
30.3 Snowed In
30.7 Multi-Tasking

Wonderful book, beautifully written, well-worth waiting for ... 5 stars

The Lacuna

Big Book = 508 pp

10 points

message 32: by Sandra (new)

Sandra (sandra72) | 714 comments 5.1 All About the Birds and the Bees
Along Came a Spider by James Patterson

20.9 Rebecca's Task - A Really Cheesy Task
The Curse of the Cheese Pyramid by Geronimo Stilton

Total points: 25

message 33: by Rhiannon (new)

Rhiannon | 241 comments 25.1 I would like to eventually own my own restaurant some day.

message 34: by Rhiannon (new)

Rhiannon | 241 comments 5 POINT TASKS
1. The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd
2. The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
3. The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
4. The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks (Jan 2010)
5. The Guardian by Nicholas Sparks
6. Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
7. Look Me in the Eye: My Life with Asperger's by John Elder Robison
8. Claudia And The Phantom Phone Calls (Baby-Sitters Club #2: Collector's Edition) by Ann M. Martin 3/2/10
9. Eclipse by Stephine Meyer
10. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass (Barnes & Noble Classics) by Lewis Carroll, John Tenniel

1. A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks
2. The Bachelor (Chandler Brothers #1) by Carly Phillips
3. Cut by Patricia McCormick
4. The Host by Stephanie Meyer
5. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Millennium, #1) by Stieg Larsson
6. The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game (Movie Tie-in Edition) by Michael Lewis
7. The Man in the Iron Mask by Alexandre Dumas
8. 2001: A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke
9. The Horse and His Boy (Chronicles of Narnia, #3) by C.S. Lewis
10. The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, #1) by Ann Brashares

1.House of Dolls by Ka-tzetnik 135633 (Yehiel De-Nur/Dinur) and Aches & Painsby Maeve Binchy
2.Ten Things I Hate About Me by Randa Abdel-Fattah and Billy Bishop Goes to War by John Gray, Eric Peterson
3. My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult
4.The Emerald City of Oz by L. Frank Baum and PS, I Love You by Cecelia Ahern
5.Wicked Poems by Roger McGough
6. Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult and Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson by Mitch Albom
7.Lust (Seven Deadly Sins #1) by Robin Wasserman
8.Letters of Vincent Van Gogh by Vincent Van Gogh
9.Educating Caroline by Patricia Cabot
10. Fear and Trembling (Penguin Great Ideas) by Søren Kierkegaard

1.The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 1 by Douglas Adams
2.Green This!: Greening Your Cleaning (Green This, #1) by Deirdre Imus
3.Kim: Empty Inside: The Diary of an Anonymous Teenager by Beatrice Sparks (Editor )
6.Plum Spooky by Janet Evanovich
7.Boyz and the Bandz: The Hottest Men in Music: From Elvis to Nsync by Donald F. Reuter
8.Shawshank Redemption by Stephen King
9.Say Cheese and Die! (Goosebumps, #4) by R.L. Stine 3/2/10
10. The Golden Compass (His Dark Materials, #1) by Philip Pullman

1.Cream Puff Murder by Joanne Fluke 3/1/2010
3.Wicked by Gregory Maguire
4. Hex (Hex, Book 1) by Rhiannon Lassiter and Dear John by Nicholas Sparks
5. Breaking Dawn (Twilight, #4) by Stephenie Meyer ( Large Print)
6.Donnybrook: The Battle of Bull Run, 1861 by David Detzer and First Blood (Civil War) by William C. Davis, Time-Life Books
7. The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #1) by Rick Riordan
8. Animal Farmby George Orwell and Marley & Me by John Grogan
9. Dead Until Dark (Sookie Stackhouse, #1) by Charlaine Harris
10. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Seth Grahame-Smith, Jane Austen

1.Spring Break (Sweet Valley High, Super Edition) by Francine Pascal and Toss the Bride by Jennifer Manske Fenske
2. Where I Live by Eileen Spinelli, Matt Phelan and Girlfriend Material by Melissa Kantor
3.Hard to Get by Emma Carlson Berne and Batman: The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller
4.Best Friends (Sweet Valley Twins #1) by Francine Pascal and Deep End of the Ocean (Oprah's Book Club) by Jacquelyn Mitchard
5.The Color of Money by Walter Tevis and Revolutionary Road (Movie Tie-in Edition) (Vintage Contemporaries) by Richard Yates (Tom Cruise was in The Color of Money, which was directed by Martin Scorsese. Scorsese has collaborated with Leonardo DiCaprio in a number of films. Leo has starred in the following film adaptation: Revolutionary Road - Richard Yates)
6.Inkheart (Inkheart, #1) by Cornelia Funke


640/21178 Pages Read
50/980 Total Points
3/70 Books Completed

message 35: by Kate (new)

Kate (kathrynlouwca) | 1002 comments 10.9 The Horse and His Boy. 4/5 rating.

Total Points: 15
Total Task Complete: 2
Total Books Read: 2
Total Pages Read: 466

message 36: by Cait (last edited Mar 01, 2010 09:47PM) (new)

Cait (caitertot) | 648 comments 10.10 - Fashion: The Painted Veil - W. Somerset Maugham *4 Stars*

This was my first my Maugham and I thought it was very good (which is usually the case when a book makes me cry). I can't wait to read Of Human Bondage.

Total Points: 10/980
Books Read: 1/?
Tasks Completed: 1/57
Pages Read: 252
From Owned TBR:
From 1001 list:

message 37: by Vicki (new)

Vicki | 63 comments For task 30.2

From the Texas Bluebonnet Award List

Piper Reed: Navy Brat by Kimberly Willis Holt

From the Texas Lone Star Reading List

Written in Bone: Buried Lives of Jamestown and Colonial Maryland by Sally M. Walker

message 38: by Jensownzoo (new)

Jensownzoo | 125 comments Total Points: 5 + 5 = 10

5.9 The Giver by Lois Lowry

A very good book but I thought it was a bit rushed at the end and started telling instead of showing. I was very impressed at the somewhat subtle way the author revealed the "quirks" of the society that the protagonist participated in...unfortunately this method was abandoned towards the end. Can see very good discussions coming out of this book, though.

message 39: by Kim D (new)

Kim D (kdimattia) | 195 comments 10.5 The Help by Kathryn Stockett. Loved it! 5*

Kathryn Stockett is a Goodreads author

Total Points: 10/980
Books Read: 1
Tasks Completed: 1/57
Pages Read: 451
Tasks in Process: 30.6

message 40: by Beth F (new)

Beth F | 669 comments I finished my first task by reading The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible As Literally As Possible by A. J. Jacobs.

The author is a journalist for Esquire magazine (10.5). I think the title does a good job of summing up what the book was about, which was a humorous account of his attempt to bridge the gap between his agnostic belief in God and religious fundamentalism by "living biblically" for an entire year.

Four stars from me!

Total Points: 10
Books Read: 1
Tasks Completed: 1
Pages Read: 400

message 41: by Cassandra (new)

Cassandra Kim wrote: "10.5 The Help by Kathryn Stockett. Loved it! 5*

Kathryn Stockett is a Goodreads author

Total Points: 10/980
Books Read: 1
Tasks Completed: 1/57
Pages Rea..."

I don't have a book for 10.5. Is The Help anything like The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society? Kind of a really random comparison, but the vibe I'm getting from it is the same I got from Guernsey.

message 42: by Angela (new)

Angela | 854 comments I read both and would say they are nothing like one another.

message 43: by Cassandra (new)

Cassandra Angela wrote: "I read both and would say they are nothing like one another."


message 44: by Cindy AL (new)

Cindy AL (cangelmd) | 645 comments Whoa I got to post this one because the numbers have already changed!

10.2 3/4/5 Yesterday I finished With This Puzzle, I Thee Kill it was rated 3.44 when I started (honest to gosh). It is already down to 3.42. I'm still working on my plan and ticker, but I had to get this one in.

message 45: by Maggie (new)

Maggie (maggie4007) | 114 comments Just finished my first task!


5 Points
5.8 Moon Called, Patricia Briggs

Points: 5
Tasks: 1
Books: 1
Pages: 288

message 46: by Josalyn (new)

Josalyn | 80 comments 25.7 The Gods Must Be Crazy. I read Gods Behaving Badly: A Novel by Marie Phillips. It was a nice, light, fun read which I needed before I start The Handmaid's Tale which is next.

25 points
292 pages
1 book

message 47: by Julie (last edited Mar 04, 2010 04:22AM) (new)

Julie (scrapsofhistory) Julie wrote: "

5.9 Southern Fried9 by Cathy Pickens247716]

10.6 Push by Sapphire

15 points for me

message 48: by Diane (new)

Diane  | 741 comments 20.2 - Rookie Of The Season - Valorie - Clean Sweep - Read a fiction book with a character that cleans or organizes in some capacity: Houseboy by Ferdinand Oyono.

Total Points: 25/980
Books Read: 3
Tasks Completed: 2/57
Tasks in Progress: 2
From Owned TBR: 3

[image error]

message 49: by Megan (new)

Megan Anderson (ms_anderson) | 1464 comments 20.10 Group Reads
The Handmaid's Tale
SUCH AN AMAZING BOOK~! I love it, and people need to read it so I can post on the thread again and not worry about giving stuff away lol

Total: 20 + 45 (from earlier) = 65pts total

message 50: by Dlmrose, Moderator Emeritus (new)

Dlmrose | 18433 comments Mod
I finished 5.4, In the News, with:
The 13th Hour: A Thriller highlighted in the January 2010 newsletter:

Grief-stricken Nick Quinn is accused of murdering his wife. When offered the ability to go back in time in one-hour increments, he seizes the chance to save the woman he loves. As the story unfolds in reverse, Nick's attempts to alter the past have dangerous consequences. Bob says, "Even the smallest pebble will cause ripples when dropped in the pond. Doetsch takes us on a mind-bending breakneck adventure of loss and betrayal, love and redemption.

This book really delivered.

total 10

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