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Archives - '09 - '10 > Locations where books are set...

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message 1: by Darcy (new)

Darcy (sunnytat462) | 3123 comments I feel like every 3rd or 4th book I pick up is set in the same city. Has this happened to you? Or is this just a case of where you meet someone and then you notice them every where you go, target, the grocery store, gas station, health club, etc.

For me it is Atlanta and it isn't in just one genre it is them all, paranormal, UF, mysteries, thrillers, chick lit books. Right now all the roads for me lead to Atlanta. I feel like I could navigate Little Five Points, tell an ambulance drive to take me to Grady Medical because that is the best one. I did live in Atlanta for a few months in the 90's so more is familiar to me, but it is odd that this city in particular is popping up every where.

message 2: by new_user (new)

new_user Probably because it's more familiar/significant to you. I've only encountered one series where the heroine lives in ATL, but you may have read more UF than me. :)

DarkHeart "Vehngeance" (darkheart) | 437 comments I find that a lot take place in Atlanta and Seattle.

message 4: by Yz the Whyz (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 187 comments New Orleans is another popular UF/PNR setting.

message 5: by Jess (new)

Jess | 3721 comments I agree about Atlanta and Seattle, I've noticed that those are common places. Also, in general I've noticed a lot of vamp books take place in the South. I don't remember many books taking place in New York. Maybe because of Anne Rice and the legend she created people tend to follow suit.

message 6: by Joseph (last edited Jan 30, 2010 04:18PM) (new)

Joseph  (bluemanticore) | 208 comments Your thread got me curious so I went looking through my urban fantasy collection and came up with some interesting info. Among my collection, I have series that mostly take place in:

New York, NY
C.E. Murphy's The Negotiator Trilogy

New Orleans, Louisiana
Faith Hunter's Jane Yellowrock

Denver, Colorado
Carrie Vaughn's Kitty Norville

San Francisco, California
Seanan McGuire's October Daye

Cincinnati, Ohio
Kim Harrison's Rachel Morgan

Las Vegas, Nevada
Carole Nelson Douglas's Delilah Street, Paranormal Investigator
Vicki Pettersson's Sign of the Zodiac

Chicago, IL
Jim Butcher's Harry Dresden
Chloe Neill's Chicagoland Vampires


Seattle, Washington
C.E. Murphy's The Walker Papers
Yasmine Galenorn's The Sisters of the Moon/Otherworld

Debbie The Book Vixen (goodreadscomdebbiethebookvixen) Seattle seems to be popular

message 8: by new_user (new)

new_user That's true. There's a good number in Washington, like the Mercy series.

message 9: by Betelgeuze (new)

Betelgeuze | 158 comments Some more locations


Mark DelFranco's Connor Grey series
Thomas E. Sniegoski's Remy Chandler series

San Fransisco:
John Levitt's Dog Days series

Saint Louis:
Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake series

New York:
Rob Thurman's Cal Leandros series
Charlie Huston's Joe Pitt series

Jenna Black's Morgan Kingsley series


Tanya Huff's Vicky Nelson series


Mike Carey's Felix Castor series
Suzanne McLeod' Spellcrackers series


Karen Marie Moning's Fever series

I'd like to read more UF that takes place in European cities. But there either isn't much UF that takes place in Europe, or the books haven't been translated to English.

message 10: by Heather (new)

Heather T (horrorvacui000) I've been noticing a trend region wise in a few of my books. Ontario, Canada and the Pacific Northwest. (Although, I went to school in Washington so maybe that's why I tend to gravitate towards books about it.)

message 11: by new_user (new)

new_user I want to see more in Europe too. Or anywhere outside the States, LOL.

message 12: by Darcy (new)

Darcy (sunnytat462) | 3123 comments I have been finding more and more that are set in Australia, which is great fun.

message 13: by [deleted user] (new)

Darcy wrote: "I have been finding more and more that are set in Australia, which is great fun."

I know the Riley Jensen series is set in Australia. Any others Darcy?

message 14: by Darcy (new)

Darcy (sunnytat462) | 3123 comments The others that I have been reading haven't been PNR or UF, more medical thrillers.

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