Cozy Mysteries discussion

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Archived > Mystery ABC's, Round 3

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message 1: by Heather L , Cozy Mysteries Moderator (last edited Mar 21, 2016 12:41PM) (new)

Heather L  (wordtrix) | 27208 comments Mod
Hey everyone,

I've noticed that a couple older game threads have become a bit sluggish -- and no wonder with almost 250 pages of posts! -- so I am opening up a new thread.

The Rules:

** This is a little online game for those that are bored or want to have a little fun. What we're going to do is take turns running down the alphabet using book titles. Besides having fun, it exposes folks to new books or authors.

** All mysteries please, cozy if you can. Certain letters like Q, X, and Z can be hard to come up with -- in which case, try to find a title that contains the required letter. For example, of the letter "Z" you might post a title that contains the word "buzz."

** A, An and The do not count

** If you know how, please use the "add book/author " feature to link to the book you list in case anyone wants to look it up. Please refrain from linking to covers in this particular thread -- save those for the "Scavenger Hunt" game. ,-)

** After you take a turn, please wait for at least one other person to take a turn before having another go. Once we get to Z and the end of the alphabet, next person starts over with A. And if you've read the book you list, feel free to leave your thoughts about the book.

Here are the last four posts from Round 2 -- first poster picks up where we left off!:

message 12289: by Elizabeth
Sticks and Scones by Diane Mott Davidson

message 12290: by Lacey
Tucker Peak by Archer Mayor

message 12291: by Elizabeth
Unleashed by Laurien Berenson

message 12292: by Heather L
Heather L (WordTrix) | Mod
Vision Impossible by Victoria Laurie

message 3: by Heather L , Cozy Mysteries Moderator (new)

message 12: by Paula (new)

Paula Adams (goodreadscompadams57) | 44987 comments A Great Day For The Deadly by Jane Haddam

message 14: by Paula (new)

Paula Adams (goodreadscompadams57) | 44987 comments I Could Be Good To You by Charlotte Keppel

message 15: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth (elizabeth8921) | 5308 comments Just Take My Heart by Mary Higgins Clark

message 17: by Paula (new)

Paula Adams (goodreadscompadams57) | 44987 comments Least Wanted by Debbi Mack

message 18: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth (elizabeth8921) | 5308 comments Laughed 'til He Died by Carolyn Hart

message 20: by Paula (new)

Paula Adams (goodreadscompadams57) | 44987 comments Nowhere by Thomas Berger

message 22: by Paula (new)

Paula Adams (goodreadscompadams57) | 44987 comments Practical Sins For Cold Climates by Shelly Costa

message 24: by Paula (new)

Paula Adams (goodreadscompadams57) | 44987 comments Reckless Lady by Rae Foley

message 26: by Paula (new)

Paula Adams (goodreadscompadams57) | 44987 comments A Tough Nut To Kill by Elizabeth Lee

message 28: by Paula (new)

Paula Adams (goodreadscompadams57) | 44987 comments Valediction by Robert B. Parker

message 30: by Paula (new)

Paula Adams (goodreadscompadams57) | 44987 comments You Are Ne(X)t by Katia Lief

message 32: by Paula (new)

Paula Adams (goodreadscompadams57) | 44987 comments The Lin(Z) Testament by L. Perdue

message 34: by Paula (new)

Paula Adams (goodreadscompadams57) | 44987 comments Button, Button by Holly Roth

message 37: by Paula (new)

Paula Adams (goodreadscompadams57) | 44987 comments Etta Mae's Worst Bad-Luck Day by Ann B. Ross

message 39: by Paula (new)

Paula Adams (goodreadscompadams57) | 44987 comments A Game Called Murder by Jared Ingersol

message 42: by Paula (new)

Paula Adams (goodreadscompadams57) | 44987 comments The Jaguar (Charlie Hood) by T. Jefferson Parker

message 44: by Paula (new)

Paula Adams (goodreadscompadams57) | 44987 comments Last Breath by Michael Prescott

message 46: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth (elizabeth8921) | 5308 comments A Noble Radiance by Dona Leon

message 50: by Paula (new)

Paula Adams (goodreadscompadams57) | 44987 comments The Reporter by Kelly Lange

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